This year I've been to so many places: Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Florida, scenic Western Michigan, Chicago (Architectural Boat Tour and Wrigley Field), Alberta Canada and British Columbia Canada. It is the year of a milestone birthday for me and I wanted to spend it with people that I love and care about, as well as spoil myself just a tiny bit. I decided about mid-year to give myself one more "gift" - a solo trip to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. It is one of my favorite places, and I still haven't seen that grizzly bear that I have been chasing after the last 9 years.
Flying into Jackson Wyoming's airport is truly at treat in itself. I always tell people "sit on the right side of the plane by the window". When the plane starts to descend to the runway at the only airport in the US that is located inside a National Park, you are rewarded with a view of the Grand Tetons right outside your window! It's looks like you could just reach out and touch them. It's an experience I just never get tired of.
My first day I grabbed my rental car and spent a lazy day driving north first through Grand Teton National Park (GTNP) and then Yellowstone National Park to Gardiner, Montana. Gardiner is where the North Entrance to Yellowstone is located, and it was the first Yellowstone entrance. The historic Roosevelt Arch is located there, dedicated by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903. Gardiner is also close to the gateway to the Beartooth Highway, which I planned to drive the next day. I spent most of my day just enjoying the scenery and looking for wildlife. I headed first to Leeks Marina in Moran, WY to have pizza out on the deck of their restaurant, which overlooks Jackson Lake and the Tetons just behind it. It is an absolutely magnificent place for lunch; the pizza is good but the view is spectacular. My plan was to drive the eastern side of both the Lower and Upper loops of Yellowstone and then head west to Gardiner. During my drive that first day I saw elk, eagles, bison, deer, a moose, and prong antelope.
I got up before sunrise on Saturday and headed out to Lamar Valley to try to view wildlife on the way to the Beartooth Highway. It was an absolutely beautiful weather day! I saw many bison, prong antelope and deer on my journey to the "Top of the World". The Beartooth did not disappoint; while I didn't see much wildlife on my way to Red Lodge MT and back, the scenery was spectacular and the ride as exciting as ever (switchbacks, hairpin turns, narrow shoulderless roads). If you have never been on the Beartooth Highway, which runs through Wyoming and Montana, it is considered one of the most beautiful scenic drives in the US. At the end of my drive, since I was already somewhat close to Interstate 90, I decided to head west to Bozeman, MT to see the Museum of the Rockies, managed by Montana State University and the Smithsonian Institute. Located in Bozeman, the museum has an extensive collection of dinosaur fossils, and is an active research facility in addition to being a museum. I love fossils, so it was right upo my alley! It also houses the Taylor Planetarium, where I watched a show about inhabiting and mining hydrogen on the Moon. After spending two hours there, I traveled back to Gardiner for a quick meal. At dusk, I drove back out to Lamar Valley with my binoculars to search for wildlife.
Sunday was my day to travel south again to eventually reach Jackson WY where I would be flying home from on Tuesday. I decided to take the western side of the upper Loop of Yellowstone, head east where the two loops meet, then drive south again on the eastern portion of the Lower Loop which goes through the Hayden Valley. I try to avoid the western Lower Loop because it is where some of the most visited tourist spots are, such as Old Faithful. My drive did not disappoint; there was plenty wildlife to see, especially when I passed through the scenic Hayden Valley. The Yellowstone River runs through that area, and it is one of the places that herds of bison are found (and where idiot tourists misbehave). I also stopped at the Upper and Lower Falls of Yellowstone before I hit Hayden Valley; I think that is one place I could never get tired of visiting.
I spent Monday traveling all through the Grand Teton National Park ... just enjoying the serenity and the quiet of being there. Tuesday morning I got up early and did a float tour with Solitude Float Tours down the Snake River from Deadman's Bar to Moose Junction. We didn't see a lot of wild life (birds, a few American Bald Eagles, and a beaver) but it was heavenly to just float lazily down that river, with the Tetons in full view from our raft. It was the perfect way to end my stay in Montana and Wyoming. And again, if you haven't been here, I would highly encourage you to come. You will not regret it, it's a very special place. Until next time ...