Hello, everyone! Before you will come here, We would like to share with you very interesting information about Samara, famous places, our traditions in Russia, some interesting facts and russian food. You will read about new places, buldings and discover something new for yourselfs before the trip and when you will arrive, you will have an able to see all this beauty and have already known about it.
I study at the architecture faculty and I know a lot about architecture history. In Samara we have some amazing buldings and places. You can start to think that Samara is not Moscow, which interesting
architecture can be here? Yes, we haven't got Red Square. But Samara has her own history. In Samara you can find totally different styles of architecture, for example: gothic style,
modern, classic, constructivism, even eclecticism and russian style.
I will write you some theory how to recognize the style, some characteristics of it. Hope it will help you in the future. And of course I will show for you examples in Samara- city of contrasts.