Haven’t been on here for awhile because I simply haven’t been traveling. However, we are never idle over here and I did end up taking a trip up north to Canada recently to sell my childhood home. 🥲 Was emotional and exciting and a lot of hard work. I have many great memories from my time at 1 Massey Street. I feel like moving and packing up a house is a huge part of your own personal history and should be recorded and shared for your posterity. I hope one day my children will return to the country and area I was born and raised in to discover the places I played as a young child , explored in my teenage years and enjoyed as a young mom before I moved to another country. Brampton, Ontario will always have a special place in my heart and will be a part of my personal history forever. Who else has had to move and sell their childhood home. Was it hard or easy? Emotional or no big deal? Interested to know what experiences others have had. #