To ensure every product is thoughtfully designed to incorporate the following end user needs: beauty, safety, convenience, functionality, mobility, accessibility, luxury, innovation, easy installation and affordability. THE GRABCESSORIES “SYSTEM”:
At LiveWell, we believe bathing should be a safe, beautiful, and tranquil experience. Grabcessories 2-in-1 Fall Prevention SYSTEM d
isguises grab bars as bath accessories, discretely providing the safety of grab bars while exploiting the beauty and convenience of Bath Accessories. Now, what used to be a challenging and/or dangerous bathing experience for many has become a stress free one. By strategically locating Grabcessories products throughout the bathroom, end users can move from one location to another safely and independently. Also, what used to be an institutional looking bathroom can now look gorgeous. LiveWell has conducted a LOT of research to understand the mobility and accessibility needs of end users throughout the bathroom. Grabcessories products were designed from the research we did with hundreds of end users: young, old, healthy, special need and disabled both in residential and senior living environments. We know the high risk fall zones in the bathroom, what causes people to fall and how people need to safely transition from one zone to another throughout the bathroom. We also know beautiful design and have proven that safety, beauty, easy installation and affordability do not have to be mutually exclusive. The LiveSafe Mounting System™ comes with every product FREE. Two LiveSafe Hollow Wall Anchors and two Stud Mount Flanges are included in every box (4 of each in the Towel Shelf). The system supports up to 500lbs in hollow wall substrates that support the weight load as well as in studs. LiveSafe Anchors allow for locating Grabcessories fixtures anywhere you like on the wall. Other grab bar companies sell their hollow wall anchors separately charging $11.00 to $50.00 extra for 1-4 anchors. We put them in the box for FREE to add value for both the purchaser and the installer!