Campership Challenge: March 1st Directors Lyn & Chris took an Icy Plunge into Park Pond for 2 Camperships! Thanks to photographers, friends & neighbors Helen & Dick for their Generous Donation of $900!! Want to help & add to the fund? Please contact the Camp Directors @ 860-238-7949 &/or email [email protected] #CampBerger
Egg Skit Toast to the American Egg Board Thanks for the Yolks! 80 Dozen Eggs & Counting...Yum, Yum in our Tums! #CampBerger
Budding Robin Hood @ Camp Berger Session 6! #CampBerger
Rainy days are fun days at Camp Berger too! #CampBerger
Great time swimming today!
Cabin 7 made up their own skit!
A little over a week to the start of a Great Summer!