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Aisha's Resort / Guest House
Brusubi ( Tranquil )
BolonbataThis is the musical instrument that has a range of over three octaves, the enchanting music of the Kora is multi-layered and melodic. It accompanies the Jalis (Griots pronounced gree-oh) who are praise singers of the Mandinka Tribe (Mande / Malinke) have a tradition going back hundreds of years. A master griot often has no need for verbal accompaniment and uses a technique known as birimintingo to "talk to the Kora."
#Gambianice #VisitTheGambia #lovehistory #lovenature #loveculture #comevisit #experiencethegambia #thesmilingcoast
Join Lbados Eco tour Guide The Gambia
This is an entertainment group That does different Mandinka dances , drumming and fire breathing
The gambia fula traditional dance
The Jola Kumpo / Samayo Traditional Dance
Mandinka Culture ( The Kankurang )
Jinack Island (also spelt Jinak or Ginak) is in the North Bank Region of the Lower Niumi District of The Gambia, in West Africa. It is located on the north western edge of the River Gambia estuary, and is separated from the mainland delta of the Niumi National Park by the Niji Bolon creek. The isle, often referred to by tour operators as 'Paradise Island' or 'Treasure Island', is a slightly curved and tapering strip of low-lying land about 10km long; with an interior of dry woodland and grassland, with vegetation such as Tamarisk scrub, baobab trees and acacia.
The Sights of Senegal: Fathala Wildlife Reserve
Janjanbureh camp
Great please to spend your Holiday
Still on Kartong Reptile Farm