Cigar Tours to Cuba
For more than 50 years, American cigar enthusiasts have coveted the unattainable treasures that were available on the island nation of Cuba. These treasures do not sparkle or shine, but are meticulously created by hand, using the finest to***cos from the fertile soil of the famed Pinar del Rio region. With the recent easing of regulations regarding travel to Cuba, it is now possible to experience Cuba's to***co-laden treasures, along with its resilient people, culture and history. You'll get a glimpse of Cuba that few will experience, at a price much more palatable than you'd find at traditional agencies catering to large tour groups. This is a highly personalized experience, catering to cigar enthusiasts who share their passion and appreciation for the cigar lifestyle and have a desire to learn about to***co growing and ci**rs. We welcome you to experience Cuba with us!