Easy Company, 506th PIR - Reenacted

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  • Easy Company, 506th PIR - Reenacted

Easy Company, 506th PIR - Reenacted Company "E", 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division - is a living history unit.

More commonly referred to as "Easy Company", our unit stretches from New England down into the Mid-Atlantic region. Currently our roster has 55 members, of which more than half are "active" participating in 90% of our events. We have a goal of being a typical WWII company size, of over 110 men. As we move forward toward our goal is expanding into the Mid-Atlantic with committed and responsible ind

ividuals allowing us to increase attendance to more events in the Mid-Atlantic. Former company commander, Frank Sollitto, founded our reenactment organization on 6 June 1985. Frank maintained an uninterrupted and active presence in the WWII reenacting community until his retirement on 24 July 2008. Upon his retirement, Frank tapped current platoon leaders Pete Coombs and Joe Muccia to command E Company. Joe Muccia has been proudly commanding Easy Company since Pete’s retirement from the unit in 2012. As of September 2014, the unit has participated in almost 525 commemorative, educational, living history, or tactical events at venues located from Maine to North Carolina. Our goal is to accurately portray the Airborne troopers of "Easy-506". We participate in WWII tactical battle events (both private and public), living history, and display programs. Part of that goal is a continuing effort to focus attention on the service and sacrifice of the veterans of "Easy Company" and, by extension, all veterans of the United States Military. We strive to constantly improve our individual impressions, and have the best unit display of period arms, uniforms, equipment, and memorabilia. The unit has had the honor of establishing many lasting friendships with veterans of Easy Company, and their brother units, and we cherish our shared time with these veterans as some of the best moments in our reenacting experience. In addition we have been recognized by, and have received awards for our efforts from veterans groups and civic/federal authorities on numerous occasions throughout our twenty-nine year history. Currahee!!
-The Men of Company E
506th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division (reenacted)


In remembrance of the 5 September 2004 passing of Easy Company veteran Sergeant Richard M. “Red” Wright.
Take a moment and raise your glass up to Red, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 3 September 1995 passing of Staff Sergeant Joseph J. “Joe” Toye.
Let’s all give thanks and a loud Currahee to this outstanding Easy Company NCO!


In remembrance of the 4 September 1925 birthday of Easy Company veteran Private First Class Bradford C. ”Brad” Freeman.
Freeman was from Lowndes County, MS and also a Toccoa Man assigned to 2nd Platoon’s mortar squad. Wild Bill Guarnere was initially his mortar squad leader and later Don Malarkey. Freeman jumped with Easy Company into Normandy as part of Buck Compton’s Stick #70 and later into Holland as part of Operation Market-Garden. Freeman was one of the 24 Easy Company members who participated in the 22 October 1944 Operation Pegasus “Rescue” of over 130 British paratroopers and American flyers from behind enemy lines on the Lower Rhine River near Arnhem.
Freeman also participated in the Easy Company defense of Bastogne in the Bois Jacques woods and the 13 January assault and capture of Foy during which LT D**e was relieved and LT Speirs took command of Easy Company. Two days later Freeman was Wounded in Action (WIA) during the attack on Noville. He would survive his wound but not return to Easy Company.
After the war, Freeman returned to farm near Caledonia. MS.

Raise a tall, cold one for Brad Freeman, CURRAHEE!!!!


In remembrance of the 31 August 1924 birthday of Easy Company veteran Private First Class Arthur J. “Art” Mauzerall.
Art was a Toccoa Man assigned to 1st Platoon HQ. Art made the D-Day jump into Normandy where he was Wounded in Action (WIA). Upon return to Easy Company he was moved to 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon. He made the 17 September 1944 jump into Holland and survived the time on the “Island.” Art would also make the Truck-borne “jump” into Bastogne when the 101st was called forward to defend the key road junction of Bastogne when the Germans made their surprised attack in the Ardennes. Art survived the bitter cold and harsh fighting during the Bastogne campaign. Art participated in the Rhineland and Austria campaigns and served with Easy until the end of the war. He later lost a leg in an auto accident in Germany in 1945.
Give a loud CURRAHEE for this paratrooper!


In remembrance of the 27 August 1922 birthday's of Private Ora M. Childers and Private First Class Carl F. Eckstrom. Little is known about these two paratroopers except Childers was a Toccoa man and Eckstrom was in 2nd Platoon and was Wounded in Action (WIA) in Normandy.
Raise your glass up to toast these two Easy company Vets on their birthday. CURRAHEE!!!


In belated remembrance of the 26 August 1923 birthday of Easy Company veteran Floyd ‘Tab/Bunny Duck’ Talbert.
So raise a glass and salute Floyd Talbert, one of Easy’s best, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 25 August 2000 passing of Private First Class Clarence S. “Ted” Howell. Raise a glass to Pfc Ted Howell, Currahee!


In belated remembrance of the 24 August 2011 passing of Easy Company veteran Sergeant Amos J. “Buck” Taylor.
Take a moment to remember this outstanding paratrooper, CURRAHEE!!!


In belated remembrance of the 24 August 1980 passing of Easy Company veteran Private Verlin V. “Sadie” Hawkins.
Take a moment to remember Sadie, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 23 August 2001 passing of Easy Company veteran Private Max M. M**h.
Max joined 1st Platoon, 2nd Squad, Bull Randleman’s squad as a replacement after the Normandy campaign. Prior to being assigned to Easy, Max had been a cook in 2nd Battalion HQ. He made the Holland jump and lost his left hand during the Germans 20 September counterattack at Nuenen. In shock from the wound, Max refused to move from his position and remained in the outskirts of the town until Wild Bill led a rescue patrol to get him back to US lines.
Take a moment to remember Max, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 14 August 1988 passing of Easy Company veteran Private John L. Geraghty.
John was a post Normandy replacement assigned to 1st Platoon. He made the Holland jump on 17 September 1944 and later participated in the “Crossroads” fight on 5 October against two SS companies. He made the truck-borne “jump” into Bastogne to defend the key road network. He survived the cold, miserable weather and horrific fighting during the campaign.
Take a moment to remember this paratrooper, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 13 August 2000 passing of E/506th veteran Harold Wendall Jones. Harold joined Easy late in the war, at Mourmelon, after they returned from Hagenau. He was assigned as a rifleman in 1st Platoon’s 2nd Squad under Bull Randleman. Harold was a quiet trooper who listened to the veterans and learned to do his job during the Rhineland campaign. As a low point man, Harold was present for the last days of Easy Company and can be seen in many of the pictures of Easy Company in Austria. So raise a glass folks and toast a fine paratrooper. Currahee!


In remembrance of the 11 August 2003 passing of E/506th veteran Staff Sergeant Don “Pappy” King.
Take a moment to remember this fine paratrooper. CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 11 August 1920 birthday of Easy Company veteran Captain Salve “Mat” Matheson.
Raise a glass and toast the original platoon leader of Easy, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 9 August 2009 passing of our good friend, Easy Company veteran, Forrest "Gutty" Guth.


In remembrance of the 9 August 2000 passing of Easy Company veteran Lieutenant James K. Davis, Jr.
Davis was the second executive officer for Easy Company after Clarence Hester moved up to 2nd Battalion HQ a few months before D-Day. Davis made the Toccoa to Benning march and he too eventually left the company just before the Normandy jump. His story is a little cloudy too, but it appears that he may have been taken prisoner in Holland.
Take a moment to remember this paratrooper, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 8 August 1919 birthday of Easy Company veteran Private Verlin V. “Sadie” Hawkins.
Sadie enlisted in the Army on 30 August 1942, volunteered for the paratroops and served in Easy during the Camp Toccoa, GA training. He was in 1st Platoon. Sometime after Toccoa he became a Warrant Officer. Little else is known about his military service.
Take a moment to remember Sadie, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 4 August 1922 birthday of Easy Company veteran Eugene Tremble.
Eugene joined Easy in early August 1944, They had recently returned from Normandy and received replacements for losses since D-Day. Eugene would serve with Easy through the end of the war. So raise a glass for this Easy Company Paratrooper on his birthday, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 4 August 1922 birthday of Easy Company veteran Vincent Collette.
Vincent joined Easy in early August 1944, They had recently returned from Normandy and received replacements for losses since D-Day. Vincent would serve with Easy through the end of the war. So raise a glass for this Easy Company Paratrooper on his birthday, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 3 August 1921 birthday of Easy Company veteran Sergeant Ed Tipper.

Take a moment to remember this fine paratrooper, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 1 August 1997 passing of Easy Company veteran Private First Class Vincent S. Collette.
Vincent was a post Bastogne replacement assigned to 1st Platoon, 1st Squad as an assistant machine gunner after Robert Marsh took over the squad from Pat Christenson. Vincent would serve in Easy through until the end of the war. He would return home after the war and marry Jennie. He’s buried in Rose Hills Memorial Park, LA County, CA.
Take a moment today to remember Vincent, CURRAHEE!!!


Happy 96th birthday (31 July 1921) of Easy Company veteran Technical Sergeant Donald G. “Malark” Malarkey.
Don joined the Army and was was sent to Camp Toccoa, GA as part of 2nd Platoon Mortar Squad, Easy Company, 506th PIR.
Malarkey would participate in every training and mission Easy had during the war. He jumped into Normandy as part of Buck Compton’s Stick. Malarkey would link up with Easy in time to be part of the assault group, led by LT Winters to take the artillery guns at Brecourt that were firing on the Utah beach landings. This is vividly portrayed in the Band of Brothers HBO miniseries. Malarkey would earn a Bronze Star for valor due to his actions.
Malarkey jumped into Holland as part of Field Marshall Montgomery’s Market-Garden Operation to try to get across the Rhine River in hopes of ending the war sooner. The plan ultimately failed but to the men of Easy Company they would spend over 70 days fighting in Holland. Malarkey participate in the 22 October 1944 Operation Pegasus where Easy Company was assigned the mission to take boats across the Rhine River to rescue 130 British paratroopers and American flyers from the north side of the river near Arnhem. Eventually, Easy would be taken off the line and sent to Mourmelon, France.
When the German surprise attack occurred in the Ardennes on 16 December 1944, the whole 101st was sent to hold the key town of Bastogne. Malarkey was there at the pivotal attack on Foy where the survival of Easy hung in the balance until LT Speirs was ordered to relieve D**e and finish the assault. Malarkey would continue with Easy afterwards to Hagenau and the Rhineland, to Austria and to the end of the war.
Malarkey was one of those key enlisted and later NCOs in Easy that were forged in the harsh training under Sobel, blossomed under the leadership of Winters and would provide the key leadership through the severe weather conditions and horrific battles of Bastogne and LT D**e. Malarkey loved the men of Easy and would do anything for them. His leadership during the war enabled many men of Easy Company to make it home.

Raise your glass up to Malarkey on his birthday today, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 31 July 1958 passing of Easy Company veteran Private Alton More (seen here with Don 'Moon Beam' Moone).
More was the son of a Wyoming saloonkeeper. That tough up bringing served him well in the paratroopers. He had no trouble adjusting to the hard life and the discipline, even the extreme discipline of Captain Sobel. More started out in 2nd Platoon, but moved over to 1st with Skip Muck right before D-Day. He jumped into Normandy and fought well. He was also Don’s partner-in-crime when they ‘borrowed’ the motorcycle and side car. He continued to serve with distinction throughout the war, a soldier of great poise and reliability, albeit with a hair-trigger temper. More returned home, the proud owner of two of Hitler’s photo albums, which he acquired in Berchtesgaden. Unfortunately he was killed in a car accident in 1958.
So please take a moment to remember another of Easy’s unsung heroes. CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 31 July 1925 birthday of Easy Company veteran Private Franklin W. Hale.
Franklin was a post Normandy replacement assigned to 1st Platoon, 3rd Squad under Johnny Martin. Franklin would jump into Holland as part of Lipton’s Chalk #75. He would survive the fighting in Holland and participate in the Bastogne campaign.
Raise up your glass to Franklin, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 30 July 1924 birthday of Easy Company veteran Sergeant Gordon “Gordy” Carson.
Gordy was an original Easy Company man, joining them in Toccoa. Carson, a natural athlete and all-around popular guy, started out in 1st Platoon where he was a favorite of Dick Winters. Later assigned to the platoon HQ because of his communications skills, Gordy into Normandy on D-Day. He rejoined the company at Le Grand Chemin, just after the artillery battery had been taken. He luckily made it through the remainder of the campaign without a scratch.
Gordy jumped into combat with Easy again in Holland. After Holland, Gordy again answered the call when Easy was sent to Bastogne to check the German advance in that sector. The law of averages soon caught up with him though and he was wounded in the leg by an artillery shell that burst in the trees above him. He was evacuated and eventually rejoined Easy during the Rhineland Campaign.

So raise a glass folks and salute this fine, fighting paratrooper, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 30 July 2005 passing of Easy Company veteran Sergeant Robert K. Marsh.
Robert joined Easy Company at Ft. Bragg in 1943 and was assigned to 1st Platoon. From that point on, he made all the training missions and became an integral part of 1st Platoon.
Marsh spent his 20th birthday getting ready to make the jump into Normandy. He eventually took part in each of Easy’s major campaigns during the war to include Normandy, Holland, Bastogne and Germany/Austria. During the Holland campaign, he was cited, along with much of 1st Platoon, for their outstanding performance during the 4-5 October 1944 “Crossroads” battle. He was Wounded in Action (WIA) in Holland and later returned to Easy in time to participate in the Bastogne and later campaigns.

Take a moment to remember Marsh, one of the Easy NCOs who made every major event, CURRAHEE!!!


In remembrance of the 28 July 1921 birthday of Easy Company veteran Private Jerry G. Young.
Jerry served in Easy Company during the company’s and 506th PIR’s time at Camp Toccoa. There’s no other information on his service. We don’t know if he didn't make the grade, was injured or transferred to another unit.
Raise your glass up and give a loud CURRAHEE!!!



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