Ferestroika is back and ready to receive new visitors. And we are looking better than ever. Come and visit us. Book ahead!
#wearebackinbusiness #ferestroika #InteractiveMuseum
34 years ago, on 26th of April, at the nuclear plant Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, from Pripyat, reactor no. 4 exploded at 1.23 AM. The doses of radiation exposure of the Romanian population after the nuclear accident vary between 0.2 mSV and 2.1 mSv in the first year. Where 2.4 mSv represented the value of natural radiation per year for the entire planet.
Video-material by Ievhen Solonina, from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Urkaine.
A joke from 1986 sounded like this:
A citizen says at a queue:
- Christ has risen!
No one answers but a Secret Service Police (Securitate) agent:
- I was informed!
The pun was hilarious for that time, but very few Romanians knew that all the food on the market had a potential health risk, even the outside exposure for long periods at cues might have affected them. The Orthodox Easter of 1986 was on 4th of May, just after 8 days from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
TVR1 #adevaruridespretrecut
Realizator: Marian Voicu
Regizor: Raluca Rogojină
In memoriam Paul Goma
An excerpt from the documentary created by Marilena Rotaru
7th of January, Birthday of Elena Ceaușescu
Elena Ceaușescu, or after her real name Lenuța, an over the night "world renowned scientist", the wife of Nicolae Ceaușescu was better known for her serious lack of moral fortitude. Her incompetence preceded her; she wanted to become a sort of Evita of the Socialist Republic of Romania. What is left for us today about her real background is very unclear, because we do not know the real year of birth, just the date: 7th of January. It is told that she changed the year from 1916 to 1919, a year after her husband was born.