Let’s talk self care. How do you self care?
Self care has always been a struggle for me especially as s mother and partner.
Honey & Sage truly cares about helping woman become better woman through the love and care they put in all their products.
I love ALL my products from them. They have helped my self care routine daily. In small doses through the day. From Morning body oil to mid day and evening tea. They support the whole woman.
Do you care intensively for people? Do you parent small children? Do you breastfeed a baby? Do you nurture challenging relationships? Do you strive for a healthy marriage? Are you more than ONE kind of caregiver, like me? (nurse, mother, doctor, doula, midwife?) If the answers are yes, then I would love to hold space for you right now. You may or may not have chronic fatigue syndrome. But either way it probably feels like it. It’s just not possible to give and give and give, physically spiritually and emotionally without replenishing ourselves. In my journey of healing myself - so that I could enjoy being a wife, have a healthy s*x drive, and truly relish the moments raising a young child - I’ve realized some things. Because I am giving so much to others, self care must become a full time job. Every third thought I have must be how I will take care of myself better today. When will I rest? When will I move my body? When will I be able to sit in sunlight? What green leafy thing will I eat? How will I get warm when I’m chilled, or cool off when I get fired up? What am I reading? What am I drinking? I know this sounds like so much work. But I plan on serving my humans, loving my humans, and being a fully alive, vital woman for many years to come. So I can and I will. Shout out as always to my beautiful who so intimately walks this journey with women and all of us constantly depleted caregivers, teaches us about herbs and yummy healing things, thank you to my friends who listen so we can work these things out. Art 1) ~ via 2) myself, the morning after two babies in one night.”-
Wisdom via