老板娘大推的紫菜肉片板面来咯! 🌟
浓郁的奶香和汤头完美结合,加上淡淡的麻油香和姜片,让你一口接一口地喝,一点都不会腻! 配上口感极佳的面条、诱人的溏心蛋、紫菜和炸肉,好吃的一餐就这么简单❤️ 想要一点变化的朋友可以在吃了原味后,加入虾米辣椒让香气更上一个层次,又或者加入辣椒油让味道更加刺激味蕾🥵
喜欢吃干板面的朋友可以试试辣椒板面🍜 与大多数的辣椒板面不同,这里的板面用自制的炸鱼饼取代了传统的江鱼仔。小编不得不说鱼饼真的真的很好吃!😋 与自制特色辣椒、芫菜、猪肉碎和辣椒板面不可或缺的水煮蛋拌在一起,噢,完美。🤤
别说小编没有告诉你,看起来平平无奇的炸肉最令我们惊艳!淋了自家特制的炸肉酱汁后还能保留酥脆的口感,是一碗板面的绝佳搭配 。下次来一定要点啦!
Seaweed Meat Slide Pan Mee🌟
Sesame oil and ginger slices complement the rich milky soup very well, which you can keep on drinking the soup without feeling “jelak”. Accompanied with springy noodles, oh-so-wonderful soft-boiled egg, seaweed and fried pork, that’s how a hearty meal looks like. If you are feeling for some changes, after tasting the original taste of the soup, you can add their dried shrimp sambal to bring the fragrant to another level; or the chili oil, to add the spicy kick in your meal. Both can pair with the soup very well.😋
Patrons who like dried version of panmee should totally try their Spicy Pan Mee.🍜 Different from the usual Chili Pan Mee, they substitute the anchovies with homemade fried fish cake, and it’s the bomb! Along side are their homemade chili, Chinese spinach, minced pork and the soul of chilli panmee - soft boiled egg, mix them well with the noodles and there you go, a satisfying good bowl of chilli panmee.
Lastly, what surprised us the most is their crispy pork. Drenched in their flavourful homemade sauce, the crispiness of the pork is retained very well, made it the perfect sidekick for a good bowl of panmee you wouldn’t want to miss!