Female pride of 22 lions . All mature lions here are female . Between the ages of 2-3 all make cubs are ejected from the pride generally as a group and for the next +- 2 years will become nomadic . Few young males survive this anxious period leading to a mature lion ratio of approx 1 male lion for every 4 females . #safari #tanzania #serengeti #safariphotography #safaritv #lions #travel #wildlife #wildlifephotography
Having successfully crossed the puddle this stuffed ( must at least be one wilderbeest inside that bulging tummy ) and very beautiful male lion wondered right passed us . You travel 10000 miles especially for these moments to be with a lion that has only known freedom . #safari #serengeti #redsunsafaris #travel #safaritv #londolozigamereserve #tswalukalahari #inyati #wildlifephotography
Lions are called lazy. This disparaging remark is completely untrue . Lions are essentially nocturnal and so daytime is their night time and sleep time . Tonight these 3 may cover a marathon in distance defending their territory and expending huge amounts of energy but we seldom get to see them so hard at work because we will be fast asleep .
I love nature as it shows that animals are actually just like us in so many ways . Here a 550lbs lion is afraid of getting his feet wet just like we would be in crossing this puddle ! Hysterically human like - all too human like ! ( or maybe he was just admiring his gorgeous reflection ?! )
Elephant / Rhino stand off .
Strangely enough during the winter months most of South Africa gets no rain . Both elephants and rhino need large amounts of water per day to survive and so stand offs at the water hole between them are not uncommon . Just very uncommon to actually see . Notice the warthogs which also wallow to cool off running away ..
Rhino bosses bull elephant at water hole . Extremely unique .
When on safari with me you will see amazing things . It is thought that elephants [ weighing 3x more ] dominate rhino . Here is unique footage proving other wise . On safari you may see animal behaviour never recorded before !