Our wide range of expert advice helps people radically transform their love lives right now, whether single or already in a relationship. We work closely with a carefully-chosen network of relationship experts--PhDs, best-selling authors, marriage counselors, and coaches. These people have devoted their lives to understanding how relationships work and what makes love last. They’ve learned how to
zero in on the fears and bad habits that block intimacy, and they know how to keep attraction and intimacy going strong for a lifetime of love. Thanks to their diverse interests and significant experience, they teach a wide breadth of insights, tools, and techniques that can be put to use right away:
Attracting: Our singles learn how to dismantle the patterns that have kept them loveless, and our women specifically learn how to tap into their feminine energy to truly connect with a man’s heart. Dating: From choosing the right partner to being an unforgettable date to coping with challenges that arise from a budding relationship, our experts know how to avoid the mistakes singles make on the road to lasting love. Relating: Why do men sometimes come on strong only to pull away? How do we keep getting involved with partners who aren’t good for us? We know how to explain the underpinnings of relationship psychology in a way our followers can understand and, more importantly, apply in their own lives. Connecting and Reconnecting: Conflict is an inevitable part of an intimate relationship. It can either destroy love, or it can be a springboard for an even deeper connection. Our advice goes beyond communication techniques to help couples truly understand each other’s worlds and learn how to put an end to age-old arguments that keep love from flourishing
With our marketing expertise and operational resources, we take care of the business side of things so that our experts can focus on doing what they love most--using their wisdom and talent to teach their transformational advice to others. Together, we create high-quality free and paid content that over two million women and men engage with every month. It’s a win-win-win relationship--for the experts, for us, and especially for our audience.