Rahel Musleah

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  • Rahel Musleah

Rahel Musleah I am a journalist, author, singer, educator and speaker. I was born in Calcutta, India, and love sha

Passover is on my mind! I have so many wonderful customs from Jewish communities around the world that I'd like to share...

Passover is on my mind! I have so many wonderful customs from Jewish communities around the world that I'd like to share with you! Join me tomorrow, April 17 at 1 pm, for "A Taste of Passover from Baghdad to the Balkans," a free virtual program sponsored by Melton International. Through music, food customs, rituals, and stories, we’ll travel across the planet to glimpse the traditions of different Jewish communities, from matza-making to the Ten Plagues. We’ll learn how to personalize and re-enact the experience of leaving Egypt, share global interpretations of the classic dish of haroset; share contemporary ideas for children and families, and more. I hope you’ll be inspired to bring new ideas to your own seder table! Register here: https://events.org/events/calendarcourse?tid=375797b8-889c-4886-a692-f1cf9f100164

It’s not Purim anymore but this post is lively and appropriately joyful so I’m sharing it now anyway.

It’s not Purim anymore but this post is lively and appropriately joyful so I’m sharing it now anyway.

Happy Purim from Kalaniot Books! The art shown here is by Louise August from WHY ON THIS NIGHT? A PASSOVER HAGGADAH FOR FAMILY CELEBRATION by Rahel Musleah. Yah, yah, we know this isn’t a Purim book, but buy it anyway on line and in stores!

With Rahel Musleah

Calcutta’s magnificent synagogues: Maghen David, Beth El, and Neve Shalome. Just last week at this time we were singing ...

Calcutta’s magnificent synagogues: Maghen David, Beth El, and Neve Shalome. Just last week at this time we were singing Lecha Dodi in the sacred expanse of Maghen David. As always my father, especially, is with me spirit and soul at Maghen David. In Beth El, the posters of the hostages once again broke our hearts…but we took pride that an interfaith group created the poster display. Don’t put off your visit to India. Our next group is in Nov. 2024. Www.explorejewishindia.com. Shabbat shalom!

Jaipur, the “pink city,” named for its pink sandstone walls. Our group at Amer Fort, where we enjoyed an elephant ride a...

Jaipur, the “pink city,” named for its pink sandstone walls. Our group at Amer Fort, where we enjoyed an elephant ride and marveled at the stunning architecture, color and decoration. India’s beautiful women, vivid in their finery, are a marvel in their own right. Join us on our next trip, November 2024. Please contact me for details and learn more at www.Explorejewishindia.com.

So excited to share!

So excited to share!

A very happy book birthday to these amazing Passover-themed premium paperbacks coming out today from Kalaniot Books. Get your copy of AN INVITATION TO PASSOVER Rabbi Kerry Olitzky and Rabbi Deborah Bodin Cohen with illustrations by Mariia Kolker and WHY ON THIS NIGHT? A PASSOVER HAGGADAH FOR FAMILY CELEBRATION by Rahel Musleah with illustrations by Louise August on line and in stores everywhere. Follow this link for on line purchase: https://kalaniotbooks.com/our-books/ also available on Bookshop.org, Amazon, etc.

With Rahel Musleah, Kerry Olitzky, Deborah Bodin Cohen, Mariia Kolker

It’s wonderful to be back in India.  This is my 13th group! Each and every tour is different because of the people who j...

It’s wonderful to be back in India. This is my 13th group! Each and every tour is different because of the people who join us. Here we are at the Magen Avot synagogue in Alibag, one of the villages near Mumbai.

Happy Tu B'Shvat! In India we called Tu B’shvat Tob Shebat. Because there is no "v" sound in Judeo-Arabic, the letter ve...

Happy Tu B'Shvat! In India we called Tu B’shvat Tob Shebat. Because there is no "v" sound in Judeo-Arabic, the letter vet, or bet, is connected to the tet and yod, and becomes TOV, pronounced TOB. It's an auspicious twist, because tov means good. Tu B'shvat was also once an occasion to distribute charity to the poor in amounts of 91, The numerical value of the Hebrew word אִילָן, from the Aramaic word for tree.

Today's Tu B'Shvat seder is a simplified version of the intricate tradition described in Pri Etz Hadar (Fruit of the Beautiful or Magnificent Tree), an anthology of readings for Tu B'shvat from the 16th century. In our home in Calcutta, we invited guests to enjoy a bountiful spread of about 50 kinds of fruits and nuts, including the Seven Species of the land of Israel, and some fruit you've probably never heard of, like rose apple, moosambi (a type of lemon) and sapota (chickoo), with appropriate blessings recited for each. Readings from the Bible as well rabbinic and mystical texts that relate to fruit and trees are interspersed.

Tu B'Shvat is also celebrated festively in other communities. Ladino-speaking Jews have a ceremony called Frutikas. The Bene Israel Jews of Bombay hold a malida, honoring the prophet Elijah, who the Bene Israel say rescued their ancestors from a shipwreck on Tu B'Shvat in....India! After prayers are offered, members of the community eat from the malida offering, which features sweetened dried rice mixed with fruits, nuts, and aromatics, piled high in the center of a round plate. The malida is now a national ceremony on Tu B'Shvat.

I also like to picture Tu B'Shvat as a journey of roots, something that marks so much of my work. If you'd like to read more, please read my blog and visit my website, www.explorejewishindia.com

I’m so grateful to Kalaniot Books for bringing my haggadah back into print!

I’m so grateful to Kalaniot Books for bringing my haggadah back into print!

Booklist’s Ellen Mandel’s review of the 2000 first edition of WHY ON THIS NIGHT? A HAGGADAH FOR FAMILY CELEBRATION by Rahel Musleah with illustrations by Louise August is glowing. Kalaniot Books’ updated edition of this Sydney Taylor Notable winner will be the perfect Haggadah for your family’s Passover celebration. Preorder your copy of this beautiful and family friendly book on line and books will ship February 13th. Follow this link to read Booklist’s full review: https://www.amazon.com/Why-This-Night-Passover-Celebration/dp/B0C77L4CYL/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1XXSOWZ2KZFNF&keywords=Why+on+this+night&qid=1704135028&s=books&sprefix=why+on+this+night%2Cstripbooks%2C103&sr=1-6

With National Book Network, Booklist, Rahel Musleah, Publisher Spotlight


India and Israel have had a deep connection since ancient times, when traders as far back as the reign of King Solomon m...

India and Israel have had a deep connection since ancient times, when traders as far back as the reign of King Solomon may have made their way to the south of India. The Bene Israel Jews say they escaped the Hellenist persecution that caused the Maccabees to rebel. They were shipwrecked off the coast of Bombay and found refuge in the local villages.

The Israeli stamp above, issued in 2012, recognized the ties between the two countries. Today, in these troubled times, India's government and its people support Israel.

Join us on our next tour, February 8-21, to experience India’s light and warmth yourself. Www.explorejewishindia.com
Contact me for more information.

Our November Explore Jewish India tour enjoyed a safe and successful trip! We loved the light and warmth of India during...

Our November Explore Jewish India tour enjoyed a safe and successful trip! We loved the light and warmth of India during very dark times for the Jewish people and our beloved State of Israel.

In Agra, we marveled at the Taj's graceful beauty, "a teardrop on the face of humanity," in the words of India's poet laureate Rabindranath Tagore.

In Calcutta, we were awed by the dazzling Diwali celebrations and the riot of people at the Flower Market. Like Hanukkah, Diwali celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, of good over evil.

In Jaipur, following a scrumptious meal at the home of a chef, we climbed into auto rickshaws to safely negotiate the throngs of people preparing for Diwali. It was worthy of an amusement park ride.

In Mumbai, we participated in Shabbat services at the Knesseth Eliyahoo Synagogue and were warmly welcomed by the community.

In Cochin, we watched the sun set over the spectacular Chinese fishing nets and were astonished at the 700 students who visited the Paradesi Synagogue on their school holiday.

In Delhi, we marveled at the Sikh Temple's community kitchen that probably fed 50,000 on the day we visited, rich and poor alike, without distinction.

In each and every synagogue and sacred space we visited, we prayed for the release of the hostages seized by Hamas and the safety of the soldiers and people of Israel. We said kaddish for those who were murdered. Descendants of India's Jewish communities—today numbering almost 100,000 strong in Israel—now serve in the IDF and were among those who were brutalized and lost their lives. We sang wherever we went: Hatikvah, Am Yisrael Hai, Kol Ha-olam Kulo (in Hebrew and Hindi), the Prayer for the State of Israel, and more. Above is a display of hostage posters poignantly displayed in Calcutta's Beth El Synagogue.

We still have seats available for our February 2024 tour. Learn more here: https://www.explorejewishindia.com/explore-india-tour.html Contact me for exact dates and more information.

I’m looking forward to this wonderful event!

I’m looking forward to this wonderful event!

The Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and The Sally & Ralph Duchin Memorial Lecture Series welcome you to a virtual tour of India!

𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙢: 𝘼 𝙑𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝙏𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙅𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙖

Join our presenter, Rahel Musleah as we explore each of India's Jewish communities by virtually visiting significant Jewish sites in Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chochin.

When: Monday, October 16, 2023
Time: 12 - 1 pm
Where: Zoom
Free event
RSVP: https://bit.ly/3qUncGp

Email Jackie Schmidt, Outreach Coordinator at [email protected]

UArizona College of Social and Behavioral SciencesTucson JCCJewish Philanthropies of Southern ArizonaRahel MusleahHillel University of ArizonaCollege of Humanities at The University of ArizonaUniversity of Arizona Department of HistoryThe University of Arizona OnlineWeintraub Israel Center

I wasn't alive when India gained its independence in 1947. But my grandfather was. I always think of a photo of him (jus...

I wasn't alive when India gained its independence in 1947. But my grandfather was. I always think of a photo of him (just to the left of the flag, in a dark suit, bright white shirt and tie) making a speech at a company event raising the Indian flag. You can't see the flag very well in this old black-and-white photo. But it's striking, with its bands of saffron, white, and green that symbolize strength and courage; peace and truth; fertility, growth, and auspiciousness. Independence augured a new day for the country that had been my family's home since 1820. But there was a lot of uncertainty for the future.

On August 15, India celebrates its 76th birthday. Since independence, the country has progressed in so many ways. It's the largest democracy in the world and the fifth largest economy globally. It's even just sent a mission to the moon! We want you to celebrate India’s progress with us: we are offering $100 off per person for our tours if you register and reserve your seat by August 15. Register here: https://www.explorejewishindia.com/uploads/7/5/3/4/75349621/explore_jewish_india_registration_form.pdf. Learn more on my blog: https://www.explorejewishindia.com/blog/celebrate-indian-independence-76-year-young

I am deeply gratified to have received four Simon Rockower awards for excellence in Jewish journalism, awarded this past...

I am deeply gratified to have received four Simon Rockower awards for excellence in Jewish journalism, awarded this past week by the American Jewish Press Association. All four stories were written for Hadassah magazine, and happily, two were first-place awards, along with a second-place and an honorable mention. It's my honor to work together with a caring team of editors who are meticulous about every nuance of reporting. I learn so much from every person I profile and every situation I research. That's why I love journalism. Read the full story here: https://www.hadassahmagazine.org/2023/07/12/kvelling-hadassah-magazine-collects-nine-jewish-journalism-awards/

It was wonderful to get to know the Adath Yeshurun community. Thanks to Rabbi Moshe and Meira Saks, Hazzan Esa Jaffe,

It was wonderful to get to know the Adath Yeshurun community. Thanks to Rabbi Moshe and Meira Saks, Hazzan Esa Jaffe,

It was wonderful to get to know the Adath Yeshurun community. Thanks to Rabbi Moshe and Meira Saks, Hazzan Esa Jaffe, Al...

It was wonderful to get to know the Adath Yeshurun community. Thanks to Rabbi Moshe and Meira Saks, Hazzan Esa Jaffe, Alicia and Sonali.

I’m thrilled to be spending this coming Shabbat in Syracuse! This is the FIFTH time Rabbi Moshe Saks has invited me to b...

I’m thrilled to be spending this coming Shabbat in Syracuse! This is the FIFTH time Rabbi Moshe Saks has invited me to be Scholar-in-Residence at his congregations in Bensalem, Calgary, Toledo, Scranton and now, Syracuse. I’m looking forward to sharing the heritage I cherish so dearly with the Adath Yeshurun community. Shabbat shalom!

Scholar In Residence Rahel Musleah   In my career of service to a number of congregations, the program that I find most enjoyable, and has become the highlight of the year in synagogue programming, is

Who’s ready to join me on our next tour? November 2023, and after that, February 2024. Happy to send you more informatio...

Who’s ready to join me on our next tour? November 2023, and after that, February 2024. Happy to send you more information!

It’s always poignant to return to the Maghen David Synagogue in Calcutta, where my father grew up, where he became bar m...

It’s always poignant to return to the Maghen David Synagogue in Calcutta, where my father grew up, where he became bar mitzvah, and where he served as rabbi for 12 years before we emigrated to the United States. I know he was happy to see me here. What an uplifting Shabbat service we had with our February tour group!

Hanukkah is behind us but the miracle of Israel is with us every day. Join me tomorrow for “Facing West: One Family's Jo...

Hanukkah is behind us but the miracle of Israel is with us every day. Join me tomorrow for “Facing West: One Family's Journey from India to Israel,” as I share the story of my aunt and uncle, who made aliyah from India in 1945. It's a vivid and intimate portrait of life in Palestine (Israel) on the brink of statehood, told through original letters and accompanied by archival photos, pioneer songs, and Baghdadi-Indian Jewish songs that express the yearning for Zion. I hope it will be a perennial reminder of what Israel means to us. Sponsored by the Baltimore Zionist District. Tuesday, Dec. 27, at 11 am EST.
Register here:

If you love food, and if you love puns and wordplays, the Rosh Hashanah seder is for you. Seders are not just for Passov...

If you love food, and if you love puns and wordplays, the Rosh Hashanah seder is for you. Seders are not just for Passover and Tu B'shvat. They are also part of the Rosh Hashanah home ritual in Sephardic/Mizrahi communities. Make your wishes for the new year count! Join me tomorrow, Thursday, September 8th at 11:00 a.m. and learn how to run your own seder. This free event is sponsored by My Jewish Learning. Click here to register. In the year ahead, may we be as full of mitzvot as the pomegranate is full of seeds. Let’s “date” 5783 with happiness, blessing, and peace for all.

The best thing that has happened to me this year, and one of the highlights of my life, is the birth of my granddaughter...

The best thing that has happened to me this year, and one of the highlights of my life, is the birth of my granddaughter Maya. She is about to turn ONE! It is a thrill beyond compare to be a grandparent. As Maya grows, I look forward to sharing many of the customs and traditions from my Baghdad-Indian heritage with her.

One wonderful organization that is promoting the transmission of Torah in all forms is the Jewish Grandparents Network, which explores new ways for grandparents to play joyful and meaningful roles in their families and to share their Jewish stories, heritage and traditions. I'm excited to share the JGN blog I've written on Sephardic and Mizrahi holiday customs, including a special Shavuot ritual and a contemporary adaptation. You can read it here:

My father, z"l, was known for his masterful Torah reading and scholarship. Here he is many years ago studying with his granddaughter Shira before her bat mitzvah, and sharing his playful side with his granddaughter Shoshana, showing her just how to win at towlee (backgammon). I can see him roll the dice in the air and hear him say, gan eden (paradise), hoping for a double six.
Shabbat Shalom!

Join me tomorrow to explore the rich Passover traditions, distinctive foods and lively melodies from the Baghdadi, Bene ...

Join me tomorrow to explore the rich Passover traditions, distinctive foods and lively melodies from the Baghdadi, Bene Israel and Cochini communities of India. "A Taste of Passover, Indian-Style," April 10 at 7 pm ET. 4 pm PT, part of the Orange County Community Scholar Program. My sisters Flora and Aliza will be joining me in song! Below, my father's haggadah, originally used by my grandfather. Register here: https://mailchi.mp/.../csp-zoom-programs-week-of-april-5...

I love reading the first chapter of the Megillah in the Baghdadi trope my father taught me. In the very first verse, I f...

I love reading the first chapter of the Megillah in the Baghdadi trope my father taught me. In the very first verse, I feel the antiquity of my heritage come alive in all its authenticity. King Ahaseurus ruled "Me-Hodu ve'ad Kush. His kingdom stretched from India to Ethiopia. I especially love the double meaning of the word Hodu: It's not only the Hebrew word for India but also the one-word imperative rousing us to praise God.

This megillah is a family heirloom. It was written in Baghdad before 1885, and belonged to my great-great-grandfather. I'm so grateful that my father passed it down to me as part of my heritage.

Standing up to evil, hatred and imminent destruction, which resulted in the survival of the Jews of Persia, is being reenacted today in the Ukraine. May their immeasurable courage lead them to survive and rebuild their country. Purim sameah!

A little over two years ago I was lucky enough to travel to the UK for the Limmud festival of learning. Limmud is an awe...

A little over two years ago I was lucky enough to travel to the UK for the Limmud festival of learning. Limmud is an awesome global community. Join Limmud North America's E-Festival, Feb. 27-March 3. I'll be presenting a virtual tour of Jewish India on Monday Feb. 28 at 2 pm ET. https://limmudna.org/efestival/
Shabbat shalom!



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