To the overwhelming communication I’ve received regarding BCBD, we thank you so much. But to provide privacy to the potential partners, specific campaign trade secrets, potential employees who have inquired about becoming part of the team. There are some “red tape” issues I’m waiting on (ie IRS Tax ID), and some other decisions to be made and an entire company policy, needed to be agreed upon to provide a unified front, by the principals. So I anticipate 2 weeks before a company “soft opening”. In terms of investment opportunities, I will be entertaining them over the next 2 weeks. In good faith, all I can say about it now is that this is my 3rd startup with, the past two staying open until issues out of my control, (the mortgage bubble crisis) and the (Individual Health Markets total collapse) leading to a book of business of 150+ individual agents and 100+
corporate accounts wiped out. Forced me to close up shop. Like anything else, I’m of the same attitude of Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, and most recently Elon Musk, that in terms of entrepreneurship, failures are necessary part of business, as you learn more from mistakes then from success. I will tell you, that the potential 2 owners and myself bring over 80 years of experience to the table in the fields of sales, marketing, entrepreneurship, operations, business development, finance, and industry specific success. I’m putting a “dream team” of principles and employees, to ensure the long term success of Blue Chip Business Development, of which there are no individuals in the US I would rather start a company with, and I would put my team of businessmen, up against anyone in the country. I’m very excited to announce the corporate structure, the condensed business plan, corporate culture, and the sharks that will assist me in killing it for my potential clients, but patience is a virtue that I’ve finally developed in over 20 years of business management, so trust that my decision to keep the business very hush-hush in the meantime, will be of serious importance to the success of my team, and clients. Regardless, I feel like a kid at the beginning of December, knowing that Christmas is on its way, but I’m not searching the house for presents, because I know it’s so much more gratifying, opening them on Christmas Day! TBC.......