Urban Goddess Lifestyle

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Urban Goddess Lifestyle A modern doula agency and family education hub: Birth, Baby, Mommy & Me, Prenatal Yoga, Postpartum, Breastfeeding, Kids Mindfulness, Womb Magic. Celebrate.

Babies. Bodies. Beauty. A unique and vibrant approach to a women's cycle of fertility, sensuality, spirituality, health and healing. The sacred aspects of a women's sensual and empowered life are supported and cultivated with Urban Goddess Lifestyle's programs, classes, trainings and experiences. Join any Urban Goddess program or work with Khefri directly to create a happy, healthy and whole pregn

ancy, postpartum and motherhood experience. Urban Goddess Birth and Postpartum Doula Agency will place a wonderful birth or postpartum doula with your family to help with all of your concerns.

- Birth and Postpartum Doula Agency
- Womb Yoga, Women's Yoga
- Meditation and Mantra
- Newborn Care Classes
- Birth Doula + Hypno Doula
- Breastfeeding Consults
- Postpartum Home Visits
- Childbirth Education
- Birth + Nursery + Pregnancy + Postpartum Food Planning



We have a beautiful new offering! Please share with your local doula and spread the word about this new opportunity!

We have a beautiful new offering! Please share with your local doula and spread the word about this new opportunity!

Hey doulas! Here is a new project I have been working hard to create FrontLine Doulas! Check it out and share 💖

Hey doulas! Here is a new project I have been working hard to create FrontLine Doulas! Check it out and share 💖

Urban Goddess bows in reverence to ZORA!!!

Urban Goddess bows in reverence to ZORA!!!

While Zora Neale Hurston was born on this day in 1891, the pioneering author, anthropologist, and folklorist often claimed 1901 to be her birth year due to the gift of books she received at the age of ten that she said opened her mind to literature and represented her literary “birth.” Hurston grew up in Eatonville, Florida, an all-African American town formed following the U.S. Civil War. This gave her a unique viewpoint on the African American experience that clearly comes through in her writing. Hurston was a flamboyant figure in the Harlem Renaissance in the late 1920s. Later, she used her training in anthropology to collect and retell traditional folk stories from the many regions and countries, including the American South, Honduras, Jamaica, and Haiti.

Although she wrote published more than fifty short stories, plays, and essays as well as four novels, including her best-known novel, "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Hurston’s dialectical style fell out of favor with the literary world. Hurston might have fallen into complete obscurity following her death in 1960 were it not for the work of another African American writer, Alice Walker, whose 1975 Ms. Magazine article "In Search of Zora Neale Hurston," revived interest in Hurston’s incredible body of writing. The reemergence of Hurston's work coincided with the emergence of other female authors such as Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, and Walker herself, whose writing focused on the African American experience.

Fortunately, Hurston's true genius is now well-recognized and "Their Eyes Were Watching God" is considered an American literary classic. Through her life and legacy, she demonstrated the truth of her famous assertion: "A thing is mighty big when time and distance cannot shrink it."

For the first box set featuring ten of her classic works, we recommend the "Zora Neale Hurston Boxed Set" at https://amzn.to/34h59Pi -- or you can find all of her finest work in one volume at https://amzn.to/2LTjfsv

There is also a recent collection of Hurston's essays spanning 35 years: "You Don’t Know Us Negroes and Other Essays," at https://amzn.to/3G7KP0G

To learn more about Zora Neale Hurston's famous novel, "Their Eyes Were Watching God," visit http://amzn.to/1DiY76H

For a beautiful picture book biography of Hurston, we highly recommend "Jump at the Sun: The True Life Tale of Unstoppable Storycatcher Zora Neale Hurston" for ages 5 to 9 at https://www.amightygirl.com/jump-at-the-sun

For an excellent biography on Hurston for young readers, we recommend "Zora!: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston" for ages 9 to 14 at https://www.amightygirl.com/zora

For adult readers, we also recommend Hurston's fascinating autobiography, "Dust Tracks on a Road: An Autobiography," at http://amzn.to/1OdkFat -- and the memoir "Wrapped in Rainbows" at http://amzn.to/2CztVr4

Gather and bless one another 🌹

Gather and bless one another 🌹

Women in sacred circle blessing one another.

Women in sacred circle sharing the medicine.

Women in sacred circle creating sustainable wealth.

Women in sacred circle assuring that the Elders are well cared for, washing feet, feeding and welcoming their wisdom, power and grace.

Women in sacred circle ascending and co-creating.

Women in sacred circle planting seeds for the ”future” singing songs of how marvelous life is.

Women in sacred circle being sacred inhaling and exhaling sacred breath.

Not…. Tearing another sister down by spreading lies, rumors and gossip.

Not judging before you hear ”her side of the story” and walk in her shoes.

I pray that my words, thoughts, actions and presence always bring a blessing to your life. If you don’t feel the blessing and believe the opposite of me… please check your heart.

The Presence of Light and Love, moving through me, to me and as me…may negatively trigger you dramatically or melt your heart into a sacred puddle of love.

As we advance through the portals in time into the 2nd Earth…

As we advance through this Full Moon, Solstice, and New Year 2023…

As we advance far away from the dissolution of society, and the foul stench of decaying believes and systems….

I pray that those who choose to pass through… I pray you have the courage to shed the old cloak and catch up to…

Let Her Love pe*****te so you can remember exactly who you are.

Radiant. Whole. Divine.

Please share and follow me on my Public Figure page ===>>>

Art by Sue Ellen Parkinson, “The Magdalene Being Honored”

Sending you my love,

Ayanna Mojica

Ayanna Mojica, PhD
Doctorate in Spirituality and Expressive Arts
Wisdom Medicine Woman
Private Travel by Design

A Mature Spiritual Guide to the Medicines, Plants, Art, Stories and Traditions to Guide You to Your Roots.

Path of the Magdalen: The Magdalen Egyptian Isis Lineage of Sacred Sexual Alchemy




Während der Schwangerschaft wandern die Zellen des Babys in den Blutkreislauf der Mutter und kehren dann in das Baby zurück, was als "fetal-mütterlicher Mikrochimärismus" bezeichnet wird.

41 Wochen lang zirkulieren und verschmelzen die Zellen und nach der Geburt des Babys bleiben viele dieser Zellen im Körper der Mutter und hinterlassen einen bleibenden Abdruck im Gewebe, in den Knochen, im Gehirn und in der Haut der Mutter, wo sie oft jahrzehntelang bleiben.
Jedes Kind wird einen ähnlichen Abdruck hinterlassen. Studien haben auch Zellen eines Fötus im Gehirn einer Mutter 18 Jahre nach der Entbindung nachgewiesen.

Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass, wenn das Herz einer Mutter verletzt wird, fetale Zellen zur Verletzungsstelle eilen und sich in verschiedene Arten von Zellen verwandeln, die auf die Reparatur des Herzens spezialisiert sind. Das Baby hilft, die Mutter zu reparieren, während die Mutter das Baby aufbaut. Das ist oft der Grund, warum bestimmte Krankheiten während der Schwangerschaft verschwinden.

Es ist unglaublich zu sehen, wie der Körper der Mutter das Baby um jeden Preis schützt und das Baby seine Mutter schützt und wieder aufbaut - damit es sich sicher entwickeln und überleben kann. Wenn Sie eine Mutter sind, wissen Sie, dass Sie Ihr Kind intuitiv spüren können, auch wenn es nicht da ist ...

Nun, jetzt gibt es einen wissenschaftlichen Beweis dafür, dass Mütter ihre Kinder über Jahre und Jahrzehnte hinweg tragen, sogar nachdem sie sie geboren haben.

Text: Netzfund
Bild: Amanda Orleander

Goddess bless the traditional midwives 🌎💖🌻

Goddess bless the traditional midwives 🌎💖🌻


"There is a phase in labor, appropriately called transition, where a wahine will reach her breaking point. She'll feel as though she can't go on. She's right. The kōhine (maiden) in her is not strong enough for the task at hand. It's during this time the kōhine dies so that the wahine can be reborn as a māmā, with her pēpi. A new, more capable version of herself with far more strength than she has ever known. From Kōhine to Māmā."

👸🏾 Jonea .pregnancy_free.birth


"It's not motherhood that's exhausting. What's exhausting is to nurture in a world that doesn't care for and support its mothers."

~ Mamá Kaur
IG: .kaur

Art by Tamara Adams
Tamara Adams Art


Milk Sharing class coming back May 31st! Live translation into Spanish will be available. Please join us! Registration is required and FREE https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsduGgrTIuH9GC_Es97b4REXt2HDf1Dbv-

This sweet picture is Elizabeth's baby Langston Fox 🦊 📸 cred . He shared his milk with 3 babies in community. His big sister received milk from four amazing community donors!

Let's normalize talking about sharing your milk! Reclaim this way of carrying for each other and our babies 💓💓


When they want to play “midwife”

Benefits of the family bed.

Benefits of the family bed.

‘I've been rocking and cuddling my baby to sleep since that day he was born. I mentioned this to a nurse at my clinic recently. She said that she did the same thing with her son, and everyone warned her that she would still have a teenager sleeping in her bed. And then she told me that, a few weeks ago, her teenage son came home from school very upset. He didn't want to talk, and just went to his room and listened to his music, typed on his phone and cried. The mother gave her son space, and night time came and she went to bed. Just as she was about to turn off her side light, the door opened, and her 15 year old padded into the room. He climbed into the bed with her, laid his head on her shoulder and cried. He told her all about the girl that broke his heart, all about the friends who laughed, all about the stresses of being him. She told him about her first broken heart, about friends who'd been cruel, and told him she understands. They talked in the dark for hours, until he feel asleep in her bed. Still sad but relieved after their talk.
'So you see' she said to me, when she finished the story. 'I was so scared that I wound wind up with a teenager who would 'need me' at night, that I never stopped to consider how beautiful that would really be.' 🌟
One of my favourite stories ever. Had to .
Words by the beautiful


Moms are better moms when their kids have family members that come and pick them up for the day.

Moms are better moms when someone else cooks and cleans every now and then.

Moms are better moms when they get the sleep that they need.

Moms are better moms when their partner helps with the kids and chores without being asked.

Moms are better moms when they don’t have to feel guilty about wanting a break, being tired, feeling overwhelmed, or not wanting to play with their kids. I really wish people would just stop normalizing the idea that moms are supposed to be this never ending driving force of productivity and start realizing that being a mom is the hardest job and gets the least amount of credit. Most of us are doing the best we can. I think all of us would be doing better if wanting a break from momming wasn’t something to feel ashamed about. “You’re a mom, you signed up for this. You get to hang out with your kids all day.” but really you’re saying “I don’t care about your mental health or emotional needs” and how the HELL do you expect a mother to be her very best at all times when she is pouring from an empty cup she keeps asking for a small pause so she can get a refill, but nobody can hear her?

- Hillary Megan

Repost: Joey Spadaro



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