And that folks, is all she wrote!
It has been a wonderful 8 years full of hopes, dreams and a lot of hard work. Rachel and I have poured our heart and soul into The Rogues for the last 8 years, but nowhere in our planning did we account for a global pandemic and an abrupt and long-lasting halt to tourism. As the months have stretched on our budget has thinned and we can no longer afford or justify the monthly operational costs and as such we have decided to close ‘The Rogue Historians’. We will keep the website as a personal blog, so be sure to keep following but we will no longer be offering guided tours of Rome or Lisbon.
We want to thank all the wonderful people who helped us along the way. My Grandad Dave for helping us get going in the first place, Rachel's father, Declan, who invested in us early on and often, the rest of our families who liked, shared and commented on every post we put up to help spread the word. To the wonderful clients who took all our tours, 99% of you were awesome (though a few were real pricks).
But mostly I want to thank all the wonderful guides who made The Rogues what they were, Jeannette Peña, who held down the fort in Rome for years, underpaid and overcommitted, a true gem and one of the best friends you could wish to have, and who deserves so much more than the luck she has had this past year.
Hugo Kennedy, our first-ever guide and even across the continent a faithful friend, who still listens to my crap on an almost daily basis
And to the rest of the Rogue family, those wonderful guides who helped us along the way, Ricky Nolan Duggan Pete Mulroy Luca Coniglio, Andrea, Fred Chaves, Sara Seabra Rita Jardim, Jonathan Balog, Thomas Robinson, Benjamin Messenger, Monica Berlin, and the army of other guides I’m surely forgetting, whether you did one tour or a thousand thank you to each and everyone for making us what we are.
But most importantly to Rachel, my wife, best friend and business partner, who worked 3 jobs in the early years to fund this project, who continued to push the company even with babe on hip, and who believed in me when I’d lost faith.