
Wonderneer Creating emotional experiences that inspire knowledge.

Through interactive narrative, Wonderneer hopes to prompt dialogue, bring about change and inspire knowledge


Happy ALMOST new year! Experience the new update of Somewhere in the South here: wonderneer.com/sits. :)

Sound and some features removed for better performance. You’ll experience bugs, its intended to run native on smartphones (download file), not online streaming.

As anticipated, getting store approval is taking longer then expected. You can't miss any requirements, otherwise it gets rejected! Was hoping for the December 24 as a nice surprise for you incredible people but the decision isn't ours. If all else fails, we'll try a different service or create our own ;)

Have a safe and happy new year! Good riddance 2020.

Pending approval from Google, the re-release of Somewhere should be on Google Play this month.  If problems arise from G...

Pending approval from Google, the re-release of Somewhere should be on Google Play this month. If problems arise from Google (and eventually Apple with the iOS version) concerning content, Wonderneer.com will host a special streaming version. 🙂


It's been a mental exhausting time with everything going on in the world. The pandemic, joblessness, racial injustice, it makes a person feel hopeless. Please, hang in there. Cut off the internet for a few weeks, check-in with an old friend, find your happy space, whatever it is, just hang in there. Things will get better. We'll become stronger because of this. If you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to contact me. 🙂


Compression woes, compression woes.
The version of Somewhere in the South is done. Before it can be accepted on Google Play, a few things need to be addressed. First, the file size. It's humongous. Gargantuan. Planet sized. Smartphones have tons of space, but you don't want a planet-sized app bloating your phone.To do this, the task of redrawing and compressing hundreds of hand drawn art and animation is a must. It's time consuming, but welcome to software development, where shortcuts end up being the long way 😕.
The other problem that needs to be addressed is based on content, mainly the racial slurs. I'll discuss this in the next update as it's an extremely sensitive issue.


Sample of a traumatic flashback in Somewhere in the South.

New image of Somewhere in the South and release information!-In private beta testing.🙂-Hoping for an   release this year...

New image of Somewhere in the South and release information!

-In private beta testing.🙂

-Hoping for an release this year, but likely the first few months of 2020. Pixel 4?

- (iPhone) release definitely 2020.

-Strong consideration for release, difficult because Somewhere is intended for mobile.

-As you've seen from the screenshot, this is intense. 😲Nothing, especially the bigotry and racism, will be glossed over. This is survival .

Thank you for the patience!🙏

Oh, today is the de-facto release of the streaming public version of Somewhere in the South, 5-6 years ago. Wow, time flies!




Thanks to everyone that attend our humble area at ! We received so much valuable input for Our Good Leader. Honored to be showcasing next to the best creatives on the planet!

As for Our Good Leader (OGL), it got high grades for the drab Somewhere-in-the-South style art direction. “It’s cartoonish, in a serious way” (paraphrasing) stated a visitor. Cool, we'll take it!😀 However, got called out on repeating some textures a lot. Need more variety! Also, visitors wanted us to match the menu icons with the “drabbyness” (if not a word, it’s ours now!) as they looked to modern. Admittedly, it does resemble a rejected home-screen gui for a knockoff Android device you’d find at grocery checkout lane.

The game is built for mobile, but it was operating with a mouse, point and click style. Notable problems with collision detection. Contemplating to make it work with a controller, but some design elements will need to change for it to happen.

Repeated the “star” icon from Somewhere in the South to identify an interact area. Visitors had some problems with this, as they believed it was something they needed to collect. Definitely will refine this, but what could replace the star? Hmmm. 🤔.

Anyway, it was fun meeting everyone and receiving good feedback. Our Good Leader is an extremely ambitious game that’s attempting elements that haven’t been done in an open world game. More news soon!

Our Good Leader shown at   GameTesting/PlayTasting.

Our Good Leader shown at GameTesting/PlayTasting.


A few years ago today, the streaming version of Somewhere in the South was published. This is sort of the defacto anniversary, as it was finally released to the public after a decade (and still counting) of development. 🙂

I remember being extremely nervous before pressing the "post" button on the website. The response throughout the years was mixed. No one wanted to take a chance on the project, some thought it was too controversial. Didn't know what to expect!

Wish I could update you with some well deserved new information, but there isn’t anything new to say right now. It’s being worked on extremely hard. The silence isn’t because of an NDA or hyping up some revolutionary feature, like PlayStation 8 graphics. We want to make it right this time, especially for a project that’s been restarted so many times.

Not enough thanks can be given to you! You’ve stayed with us all these years! This final version of Somewhere must meet the expectations you demand, it’s being pushed beyond the limit, can’t wait to finally get it out there for you!


On October 11 and 13, an extremely rough prototype of Our Good Leader will be shown at IndieCade GameTasting!

The event takes place at the Center for Media and Design at Santa Monica College, 1660 Stewart Street, Santa Monica California. Look for Building D, then go to the second floor. Look for Our Good Leader, scheduled 4pm to 6pm on October 11, then 1pm-6pm on October 13 (Thursday and Saturday)

As stated, this version is far from finished, or even alpha status, but it should give you an idea of what the 2d open world is hoping to achieve.

While you're there, check out all the other amazing games. So many gamedevs in one place!

Hope to see you there! 😀


Is it possible for an open world game to have 100% explorable interiors?

We see a lot of "closed" in some open world games. Markets, gas stations, a building complex, all seem to be locked or boarded off. Have you often wanted to detour from a mission and wander a random building? How are people living? How are your actions impacting the open world? One of the reasoning for the lack of interior is the amount of work designing detailed interior of hundreds of buildings would be enormous (not to mention hardware concerns). They simply could be repeated, as an apartment building would have identical room layouts, but we all don't "live" the same.

What about a Hub World?

In a Hub World, the player has a central start point, let's say a subway station. At this starting "hub", the player may traverse to different levels or worlds. When the player is finished with that level, they return to the subway station. The player may go back to that world at their will.

The locations in hub worlds are usually smaller, sort of like a yummy slice of an open world. You can sometimes have more variety (snow world, jungle world, desert world, etc) and more details, since everything isn't connected together into one giant, seamless location like an open world. Larger amount of explorable interiors in a hub world game is a possibility.

What are you getting to?

One of the many goals of Our Good Leader(wonderneer.com/our-good-leader/) is to have a large amount of explorable interiors with a hybrid hub world design. Admittedly, some will repeat, for example when entering a hotel or business building, you'll see repeats of floors and rooms design wise, but not as much repeating in the personality (the inhabitants, who WAS there, etc). Will it be a 100%? No. Not naive to think that won't take a Gargantuan effort for a small team, but a "large amount" with interesting things seems to be reachable.


It’s the midpoint of the year, how is it going? I hope all is well and your goals are being achieved.🙂

Let’s talk about what’s happening with some of the projects!
Starting off with Somewhere in the South, It's been awhile, so lets remind you of the plot. It's a survival horror experience on the Underground Railroad. An elder female slave must guide a small group to a safe house.

It's gone through significant changes while still maintaining the look and atmosphere that was praised at last years .

-The group character models have been revamped. You’ll notice a big difference in Apricot, the girl wearing the blue Union soldier jacket and hat.

-Character portraits have improved.

-New health/confidence system.

-When confronted with an important decisions, sometimes a clock will appear to keep pressure. Failing will result in the group losing confidence in you.

-The experience doesn’t end when an attack dog confronts you on the map. An opportunity to fight will proceed. While not realistic, it’s more “metaphorical” in meaning.

-Encounters with Klansmen and other enemies will be more frequent in Somewhere in the South. These are not your typical turn-based battles. These will be disturbing at times and are more "metaphorical" rather then realistic.

-A few prototypes and betas from the development will be playable, but only portions. Commentary as well!

Other things that I can’t talk about right now are being considered, but they are very controversial and might not make it in the final version. Somewhere in the South wants to be an unforgiving, unexpurgated look at a horrible time of human history, but I don’t want it to be “controversial for the sake of being controversial”.

Hope to have screenshots and videos real soon.
Goal for release is 2018 for Android and IOS, but as always, release dates can and likely will be pushed back.

Almost forgot, the streaming version was taken down from Wonderneer.com because of server problems. When the newer version is ready to go, I'll post it up.
..Moving to Our Good Leader. Where do I begin? Well, how about reminding you what it is❕ 🤣

Our Good Leader is an open world mystery taking place in a fictional city on the Korean Peninsula. A woman is investigating the strange circumstances of her sister's disappearance, but is it worth putting her entire family bloodline in jeopardy?

There was some pressure to speed up development because, like with Somewhere in the South at a time, dealt with a subject that was headline news for a short time. However, it's a very ambitious project and Wonderneer "just doesn't roll like that." We prefer your input and want to make an experience that's worth your time, rather then throw something out there to get hits. (Years ago, in a strange coincident, Our Good Leader was announced months prior to a certain film company that was hacked because of film...)

You may check out the official site at ourgoodleader.com. It's one page and contains a beta test signup and news stream. Please, feel free to signup! Or DM us on Facebook/Twitter if interested! The Twitter and page semi-regularly post images from early builds. You'll also notice posts in both English and Korean!

Thinking about live broadcasting the development on the official Wonderneer YouTube and Twitch channels that haven't been updated since forever.🙄
Tell me what you think? Would this be of interest?

Lets talk about a few of the game mechanics!
One big goal for Our Good Leader is having a large amount of interiors. One thing about games is that there is too many locked doors! I want to explore the gas station or the 70 floor building!😎 Definitely expect a large amount of places to roam, but not a 70 floor gas station. Hmm, then again...

Our Good Leader will feature a prison system that is "different" to say the least. Any action the upsets the regime will send you there, and you'll have to make a decision to either wait out the term or restart, losing all of your previous progress.

I'll get into more of the mechanics in a later post.

No release date for Our Good Leader yet, but the platforms are IOS and Android devices.

Thanks for reading this rather long update. As always, you may talk to us here, on twitter.com/wonderneer or wonderneer.com/contact.
Attending E3? DM Wonderneer. We'll be there too!


What are you waiting for? Start achieving your goals! 🙂


Wow! This year went fast didn’t it!?

Hope everyone had a great holiday break. What have you been up to? 🙂

Really wanted to release Somewhere in the South this year, but it still needs more time. ⏱️Having some difficulties getting it to run on IOS, mainly because of the large size of the application.

This is a list of what’s planned for the final version.🚨 Please note that things could (and probably will) be removed due to the technical problems I mentioned earlier.

-Somewhere in the South Directors Cut
All of the great feedback and cut content implemented.
A more grim experience then the original. Try the sample version: wonderneer.com/sitsdc

-Somewhere in the South Original
The version that’s been on the site for a few years. You'll notice a lot differences from the Director's Cut. Try the sample version: wonderneer.com/sits

-The Making Of
I mentioned on social media (follow ) I found some old prototypes and alphas of Somewhere. Would like to provide portions of these with commentary, as the over a decade long development of Somewhere is very interesting. A video perhaps?

-Our Good Leader Demo
Can’t say too much about this. 🤐

As you can see, it’s a challenge to fit all of this in one application, but it’s going OK so far. Things will most likely be removed, but really trying to stay with the planned list.

Thanks again for your patience, any questions or suggestions use the handy comment section or email directly at wonderneer.com/contact.

The new year is upon us, cannot wait to share the amazing projects planned for you!😎

Finally found some prototypes of Somewhere in the South!🙂They range from 2009ish to 2013. I'll talk more about these wit...

Finally found some prototypes of Somewhere in the South!🙂

They range from 2009ish to 2013. I'll talk more about these with detailed description later, as I'm still digging for the original 2003 prototypes. They'll pop up soon!


IndieCade Recap Part 2 of 2

Hi everyone!
At 2017, Wonderneer was very fortunate to be in the same building with the most imaginative minds on the planet. When we had time, we ventured off from our booth to play some of the outstanding games present. 🙂

🚨DISCLAIMER: 🚨Please don't take it as snub if your game wasn't mentioned. We could only play a few (and we mean a few, IndieCade was busy!).

Ghosts of Miami
by Pillowfight Games (pillowfight.io)

Taking place in the mid 80s, Ghosts of Miami tackles topics on race and immigration. I really don't want to spoil too much of the story line, but this game is a masterpiece! The art-style and presentation is "so 80s" (which can never go wrong!😎), yet the mood and sometimes dark subject matter compliment each other very well.

by Jerome Games (jeromegames.com)

Strong narrative adventure about bullying. You play a student that most cope with bullying, peer pressure and other angst. One of the more creative aspects is not only do you experience a typical school day, but also the life they live at home. It gives you an eye-opening perspective on how home and family life effects the students at school.

The Iota Project
by Dreamsail games (dreamsailgames.com)

Very neat VR action game! 😎Very reminiscent of Pacific Rim! You take control of giant robots, battling other robot enemies in cities. Imagine King Kong battling moth dude in Chicago, only better! The destruction and carnage is just breathtaking to witness. From what we gathered, the Mech suits have a deep, poetic-like meaning.

Wish we could have played more! Every game presented at the event was (and still is) amazing! Please check out IndieCade.com for the full list of games shown this year. Play and support these indie devs!

A few photos from our showcase at   2017.

A few photos from our showcase at 2017.

Hello friends!😀 Finished up IndieCade 2017 and settling in. Awesome visitors, awesome staff and awesome developers all i...

Hello friends!😀 Finished up IndieCade 2017 and settling in. Awesome visitors, awesome staff and awesome developers all in one place! What a great time! Really enjoyed talking with everyone, a lot of valuable feedback given!

*Somewhere in the South Feedback*

Everyone was mesmerized by the black English to the point it got me teary eyed. 😥However, since you can’t skip through the text, it sounded like a clicking symphony from everyone jamming the click button on the mouse trying to jump to the next sentence.🙃 A fellow developer put it to me this way: “I would need to fast forward the text, as this seems like a game I would have to retry a lot because of the difficulty.” We’ll definitely add a way to pass over through the text with the next build, so you can proceed at your own pace.

Lots of kudos for the art-style, but the new menu interface was a mixed bag. We noticed people had a hard time finding the “close button” on the bottom right side of the screen. Thought about putting it on the top right, but it seemed awkward. Perhaps bigger?🤔

The improved outdoors received a lot of “that’s beautiful” comments, though it might have to be changed again because everyone keeps “going up” to reach the north, which isn’t the case all the time. The idea is that the direction of "North" changes at random and you need to find a clue that indicates the right direction. Back to the drawing board on this one!🤔

All in all, the general consensus was “I’ve never seen anything like this!” and “keep going”, but things still need changes. I’m so flattered that everyone is intrigued by this experience!

*So, when can you try it?*

I need to make the new build "streaming" friendly, as it's more advanced then the original. However, you may try an internal test build here: http://wonderneer.com/sitsdc😎

❕❕Hold on a sec! It's not optimized for streaming, it's very buggy and doesn't reflect the build shown at IndieCade. The more completed, streaming optimized version will be upload soon!❕❕

*"What are you waiting for?" IndieCade discussion*

A big thank you to everyone that attended the "What are you waiting for?" presentation! 😀 I clearly needed more time, as the 25 minutes I requested wasn’t enough. More people showed up then expected and the people that stayed after told me they we’re generally “intrigued” by some of the things I mentioned in the speech.

If you missed it, I basically talked about how to simplify your game idea into something achievable. I hope to do the presentation again with more time and more examples.

**Next Up**

In part two of this update, we’ll talk about the other amazing games at IndieCade that we got to try.

Check out a better formatted version of this post here:

Thanks for reading friend!🙂


Thanks to the amazing visitors, staff and developers of ! The 10th anniversary was the grandest yet! Here's to ten more years!👏👏

Also, a big thanks to those who attended my "what are you waiting for?" discussion. As always, the offer to help is always open and you may contact me via Facebook or on wonderneer.com/contact .

Still settling in after a great event, I'll be posting a recap very soon! Also a lot of news on Somewhere in the South! A surprise that will shed a lot of light on the 10+ year history of the experience!😀

  is this week!😎 I mentioned earlier that we'll be doing a presentation on how to simplify your game idea. Now that the ...

is this week!😎 I mentioned earlier that we'll be doing a presentation on how to simplify your game idea. Now that the embargo was lifted, I can announce that an updated Somewhere in the South will be featured as a selection.

This version includes some of the great feedback received (by YOU😀) and numerous elements removed during it's ten year development cycle. If interested, I'll post some of the long, LONG history of Somewhere in the South.

If your in Los Angeles this week, I encourage you to visit! Would be inspiring to meet everyone👏.

IndieCade information: bit.ly/indieTix

Hope to see you there!🙂

At    I'll be doing a quick presentation on how to simplify your game idea so it can "get done". Lots of tips and secret...

At I'll be doing a quick presentation on how to simplify your game idea so it can "get done". Lots of tips and secrets about creating art, making music, voice work tools and tons more!

Tickets are available: bit.ly/indieTix .
More information: http://www.indiecade.com/2017/schedule

Hope to see you there! 🙂


Hey, how's it going?🙂

Mentioned earlier that another version of Somewhere in the South was shown at the IndieCade Showcase. Now you can see it! Was reluctant to post this because it was only intended to get feedback on certain ideas. The general consensus from visitors was some new elements were interesting but preferred the art-style/grittiness of the original Somewhere in the South.

Before you try it, a few notes:📜

-It's extremely buggy.

-It might be very loud. Sound boosted because E3 is loud.

-It takes a lot of resources.

-Never intended for streaming. Might cause the browser window to reset.

-Some music and art had to be removed for the stream because it was humongous.

-It's very short.

Check it out at wonderneer.com/sitse3

Also, a bigger version of the original: wonderneer.com/sits
(Double tap to skip the disclaimer and the opening intro.)

Hi everyone. A few personal situations in real life substantially slowed down progress in the last few weeks. Things mig...

Hi everyone. A few personal situations in real life substantially slowed down progress in the last few weeks. Things might get even slower for the first week of August, but development will quickly pick up steam again after August 7th.🚀

Working extremely hard on a Somewhere in the South build based on the feedback. Having some difficulties developing ideas on “things to do”. Somewhere in the South is about guiding a female slave to the Canadian border, “activities” or “missions” along the way is proving to be a challenge creative wise.🤔🤔

She needs to keep moving, slave hunters and bloodhounds are chasing her. Perhaps you could switch between a different character during lulls in travel? Maybe an abolitionist who is waiting for the slave to arrive at one of the stations?❔

Also (FINALLY!) planning on putting this version on both and .📲 Not sure if I mentioned this, but these versions may look completely different due to performance interests. May have a “retro” feel to it,🕹️ but contain all of the elements of the original Somewhere in the South, including the Black English.

A multitude of other projects are quietly being tested. I’ll have a more detailed breakdown on what’s going on and hopefully new builds for you to try in the coming weeks.

Thanks again,😀 as always you can reach Wonderneer right here on Facebook directly or with comments.

You may read a better formatted version on the website:

Hope everyone had an amazing fourth of July!🎆 Here’s part 3 of 3 of the large update. Basically I discuss "where were go...

Hope everyone had an amazing fourth of July!🎆 Here’s part 3 of 3 of the large update. Basically I discuss "where were going" since an eventful E3.

For starters, we've been contemplating ways to include you more in the development process. The following are a few ideas to help accomplish that...🤔

-Audio progress logs-
Though we try to do “timely” written blog postings, audio updates would be more frequent. These would delve into the status of each project, completion percentage and any problems encountered. Sent questions could be answered too. Might try a “test” version to see how it goes.

-Monthly Alpha builds-
Quite a few projects are in production, but some aren't ready enough to be announced or seen. Alpha builds lets you experience the current in-progress version, sort of like a "play-while-it's-made". However, sometimes an alpha build could look near completed (graphics, animations, etc), other times you might see a bunch of numbers and squares! 50/50 on this idea, but it always depends on what you prefer.

Would allow faster feedback and more interaction, not sure on the demand for one.

-Twitch Streams-
Wonderneer does have a twitch channel, but it's empty right now. Thinking about live streaming dev sessions on Twitch, meaning you'll be able to look over my shoulders while working.

-Indie Spotlight-
We always want to help others! So many extraordinaire indie games aren't getting the spotlight they deserve. Perhaps every two weeks we'd showcase a game from a different creator.

If you have any suggestions please let us know. As mentioned, feedback is crucial and we want to make it easy for you to share your thoughts.

Now, let's talk about the projects in the works...

Channel 97 (or ch97) is the home for alternative, edutainment focused programs, both animated and live. These shows will air on public access channels in the future. We put Ch97 on hiatus to accumulate more resources to Somewhere in the South, but will be resuming with a new direction soon. Some ch97 shows will be getting their own website, along with separate social media feeds.

-Video Game Humor Show-
About a year and a half ago, we created a show about a video game store. This debuted with ch97. This was animated and had fresh take on a certain niche of comedy programming. The show was pulled because "live action" was the original plan, so a test episode was green-lighted. We hope to have some footage completed soon.

-Somewhere in the South-
As mentioned in the first part of the update, the feedback you gave us is being implemented! The new control schemes are in beta form right now, but are more efficient. When a stable version is ready, it will be introduced as “Somewhere in the South version 2”.

-Our Good Leader-
This EXTREMELY ambitious open world project, about the search for a missing relative, was put on hiatus (for good reasons that cannot be shared yet.) However, due to the interest sparked at E3, development may continue. Some of the open world elements may be “toned down” due to system performance, but the story will stay intact.

-Dignity (working title)-
Going back to the drawing board with this experience. The all female martial arts project isn't working in terms of the stories being told. The fighting elements also need retooling. It may look COMPLETELY different then the early concept video shown last year.

-Timeless Basketball (working title)-
The original idea for this sports inspired project will be toned down.

-Untitled casual experience-
No name for it yet, but it's actually been near completion for years. It's a simple experience aimed for casual type, but addresses serious issues confronted in the workplace (pressure, stress, etc).

-Untitled semi open world experience-
Based on a real world town, you're "allowed" numerous methods to explore the inhabitants and it's past. A decision cannot be made on going 2d or 3d! This would be Wonderneer's first completely 3d experience if decided to go that route.

You may read a better formatted version of this post on the website:


As always, thanks for the continued support, feedback and patience. Would not have been able to showcase our project at E3 without you! At anytime, you may contact Wonderneer here at Facebook or at the following email address: contact (remove) @ (remove) wonderneer.com

It’s a rarity to be in the same vicinity for three days with some of the best creative visionaries on the planet. At the...

It’s a rarity to be in the same vicinity for three days with some of the best creative visionaries on the planet. At the E3 IndieCade showcase, it was that type of moment. We tried to sneak away from the Somewhere in the South booth and play the other games present. Here are a few gems we got to try🎮:

🚨DISCLAIMER: Due to the feverish nature of E3, we couldn’t get around to play everyone’s games (we didn’t want to miss any of our visitors). Most the games listed were neighboring our booth. If a fellow developer doesn’t see their game listed, please forgive us, it’s not a snub by any means!

Tracking Ida
By Lishan AZ and Lynn

Tracking Ida is a series of activities based on the life of Ida B. Wells. The activities are physical in nature, such as rearranging news articles related to the newspaper she worked on (The Free Speech) and searching through Ida B. Wells historical chest. This really stood out not only because it’s based on a hero, but also because it wasn’t a “video game”, the experience is all activity station based. It’s brilliantly done, deeply researched and leaves a lasting impression. You will learn something you’ve probably didn’t know after TrackingIda.

“O” for Oppression
By Skylar and Daniel

I was lucky to be right next to this great duo and their game, “O” for Oppression. You must decipher code using sound. At certain moments you’d press one of the key directions corresponding with the sound-wave to make a match. Very limited visual elements, heavy reliance on our ears. I’ve honestly never seen or heard anything like it!

Disco Bear
By Brian Handy

Help a polar bear get it’s groove back. Nuff said really. “Polar bear” and “groove” in the same sentence! Joking aside, great music, simple game-play (only directional buttons! Really creative!) and plenty of laugh out loud moments. You’ll probably see this on the big screen one day because it was masterfully written and has a lot of appeal. Believe it or not, I’m a casual breaker/footwork dancer and this great piece inspired me to try breaking again!

Everything is going to be OK
By Tanja and Nathalie Lawhead

A series of narratives and mini games based on depression and traumatic stress, all represented by hand-drawn animals. In one sequence, you must choose the “right thing” to say to another character in an emotionally difficult situation. Say something wrong, a meter ticks up. We’ve all been in situations like this where we don’t want to say something insensitive, yet have a hundred things swirling in our brain. Tackling this very sensitive subject matter deserves praise alone, but the sister design duo managed to take it to the next level in terms of creativity and substance.

By 赤燭遊戲 - Red Candle Games

I couldn’t get past the first sequence, I was that frightened! The setting is Taiwan in the 1960s. A gripping martial law is in effect, any dissidents to Kuomintang’s rule (a government party) would be imprisoned and/or killed. This was also known as the 228 massacre. The art style is appropriately dark, yet has original authenticity to it. The game-play reminded me of the survival horror games of the 90s, which is always appreciated! The historical details (won’t spoil it, but the main character and overall setting have a big significance to that time period) are exceptional. RedCandleGames manages to capture a disturbing time in human history with much purpose.

Big Burly Men At Sea
By BrainandBrain

Intriguing narrative, immersive soundtrack and beautiful art style! The game is based on 20th Century Scandinavian folklore of three big men at sea. The art directions makes it feel like a storybook that’s come to life! It’s very soothing and calming, with great cut scenes and adventure style game-play. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this as an animated series one day!

Once again, we couldn’t get to all of the games at the E3 IndieCade showcase, but what an incredible lineup to be surrounded by! Please support these amazing artists anyway you can.💵

The third and final part of the E3 update is coming up next. We’ll talk more on Somewhere in the South and other projects in the works!

Read a better formatted version of this post on the site:

Don’t be afraid to contact Wonderneer here on Facebook or email us at the following: contact(remove)@(remove)wonderneer.com

Surreal 3D-spatialized audio game about exploration and walking in the dark for



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