🗣️I sit here on Father’s Day not only thinking of myself, my son but pondering on all of the astonishing Father’s surrounding me. I am here to say and to let you know you are seen, you are heard, you are needed and vauled brothers! Ushering in a new generation, a new definition of what men are but only refining what was already set generations before us. During a time where our masculine potentiality is in question and constant attack I say steadfast brothers and steer clear of the noise. Lean into faith, lean into family and most of all we must lean into one another. Never be scared to say how you feel. It takes a real man to admit he is in peril and wants to do better to become better. For success and growth is the ultimate goal and one can never be shamed for the pursuit of his happiness. I come to say this life we live isn’t an easy one. We are often forgotten, unheard and exhausted but the battle goes on. We are not here for the praise or the prize but here because it is our duty and our honor. To be the heads of families, the leaders in the world and voices of truth and reason. Be cautious of the stigmas of the social media toxicity and pour your love into the real world. To many podcast and pages trying to make money rather than spread truth, love and knowledge. When you walk in life being true to yourself and others real love and real purpose will show itself. There is no road map for Fatherhood, and we aren’t only Father’s to our kids but to all the kids surrounding us. Set the example for the generations to come and let a true man radiate in their presence. Allow them the opportunity to enjoy what a real man is, what a real father is so they can take that memory that beautiful evocation into the world. To guide them, to light their way in a future that at times seems so dark and grim. It begins with us brothers and may we pave the way for tomorrow! Blessings to all Fathers, Grand Fathers, Step Father’s and Father Figures! Have a blessed day and enjoy it with those that help shape and create the men we are today! For without the soft, caring, loving women by our side we wouldn’t have the opportunity to shine the way that we do. Happy Father’s Day 🙏🏽