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Efforts to preserve folk performing arts (Ketoprak) by the municipality Solo as well as the increasingly serious seminar...

Efforts to preserve folk performing arts (Ketoprak) by the municipality Solo as well as the increasingly serious seminars conducted. Given Ketoprakas entertainment people laden with messages history of the struggle in every play. To that end, an open stage housed the parking lot Ngarsopuro market. Publicly held Ketoprak Festival involving artists Ketoprak in Solo Raya (Sukoharjo, Sragen, Karanganyar, Solo, Boyolali, Klaten, danWonogiri.) [ 173 more words. ]


Efforts to preserve folk performing arts (Ketoprak) by the municipality Solo as well as the increasingly serious seminars conducted. Given Ketoprakas entertainment people laden with messages histor...

Vastenburg fort Solo, for the umpleenth time used as a means of entertainment arts centers and cultural attractions. Not...

Vastenburg fort Solo, for the umpleenth time used as a means of entertainment arts centers and cultural attractions. Not only traditional artistic creations but also modern. In order to make Solo downtown arts and cultural support local tourism. In a period of 3 years, always held as an annual event in the form of gamelan concert grand in 2015, which combines traditional gamelan music with modern music. [ 217 more words. ]


Vastenburg fort Solo, for the umpleenth time used as a means of entertainment arts centers and cultural attractions. Not only traditional artistic creations but also modern. In order to make Solo d...

Abang islands http://wp.me/p5o650-w9

Abang islands http://wp.me/p5o650-w9

Beautiful underwater gardens featuring fascinating coral reefs decorated with various shapes, sizes, and colors of many sea creatures, that is the view that awaits snorkelers and divers under the crystal clear waters of Abang Island, south of Batam in the province of the Riau Archipelago. Abang Island is surrounded by many other small islands, most of which are conservation areas for coral reefs, while the main island of Abang only measures around 10 square kilometers. [ 275 more words. ]

Penyengat Island http://wp.me/p5o650-w5

Penyengat Island http://wp.me/p5o650-w5

A small island situated across Tanjung Pinang, capital of the Riau Islands Province, the island of Penyengat in the 18th century was the twin-seat of the Sultan of the Johor-Riau Kingdom. Today, the Sultan’s palace is being restored. It is an interesting blend of Javanese and Dutch architecture, still imbued with an air of dignity, even though it has been abandoned for more than 80 years. [ 189 more words. ]

Sultan Riau Mosque http://wp.me/p5o650-vY

Sultan Riau Mosque http://wp.me/p5o650-vY

Sultan Riau Grand Mosque is a famous historical tourist site on Penyengat Island, Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau province. This mosque was built when the island was the residence of Engku Puteri Raja Hamidah, wife of the Riau ruler, Sultan Mahmudsyah (1761—1812). Initially, this mosque was a simple wooden building with brick floors and about 6 meter tall towers. Sultan Abdurrahman then invited participation from his people to help build a bigger mosque. [ 276 more words. ]

Bintan Island http://wp.me/p5o650-vS

Bintan Island http://wp.me/p5o650-vS

Bintan is the largest island in the Riau Archipelago, which comprises almost 3,000 large and small islands, immediately across Singapore and Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The islands stretch from the Straits of Malacca all the way to the South China Sea. The town of Tanjung Pinang is the capital of this province, located on the south western shore of Bintan. Bintan’s chief tourist attraction today is Bintan Resorts, a spectacular beach holiday destination in the north of the island, covering 23,000 hectares along the entire sandy white coast that faces the South China Sea. [ 380 more words. ]

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-vM

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-vM

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP) – or the South Bukit Barisan National Park - spans over three of Sumatra’s provinces. They are: Lampung, South Sumatra and Bengkulu. Along with Mount Leuser and Kerinci Seblat, the combined national parks make up the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra inscribed in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List, which runs along the entire western spine of the island. [ 434 more words. ]

Krakatau Islands http://wp.me/p5o650-vH

Krakatau Islands http://wp.me/p5o650-vH

In the afternoon of 26th August 1883 Mt. Krakatau suddenly erupted with such cataclysmic force that its boom could be heard in Burma to far away Australia. The next day, massive volcanic materials blasted so high causing a gaping gash in its crater and the mountain imploded and sank. The boiling sea brought about huge tsunami waves of more than 10 meters high, devastating the towns of Banten and Anyer on Java and Lampung on Sumatra, wiping out their entire population. [ 415 more words. ]

Way Kambas National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-vC

Way Kambas National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-vC

Located at the southern tip of Sumatra, 110 km from Bandarlampung, the Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) is one of the oldest reserves in Indonesia. It occupies 1,300 sq km of coastal lowland forest around the Way Kambas River on the east coast of the province of Lampung. WKNP is closely associated with elephants, since aside from being a sanctuary for these gentle giants, the national park is also known as their training ground. [ 448 more words. ]

Lake Ranau http://wp.me/p5o650-vy

Lake Ranau http://wp.me/p5o650-vy

Lake Ranau is the second largest lake on Sumatra. It was formed by a major earthquake and vulcanic eruption. A big river which previously flowed at the foot of the vulcanic mountain then filled the ravine. Various types of plants incuding bushes locally known as ranau, then grew by the lake and while the remains of the mountain became Mount Seminung, which currently stands tall beside the clean lake water. [ 196 more words. ]

Rat Island http://wp.me/p5o650-vu

Rat Island http://wp.me/p5o650-vu

Located just 10 Kilometers from the city of Bengkulu, in the western part of Sumatera, Pulau Tikus or Rat Island is one of the primary marine tourism destinations in the area. This small, coral island measures less than 2 hectares, yet is home to numerous coral formations, a flourishing marine life, abundant biological resources, exquisite natural beauty, and of course, an ocean of fun (literally). [ 170 more words. ]

Bengkulu Museum http://wp.me/p5o650-vp

Bengkulu Museum http://wp.me/p5o650-vp

The Museum of a city is most often an inextricable part of the city’s history and culture. As a province and city once colonized by the British, Bengkulu holds the heritage of various cultures and nations combined in one place. Here in The Bengkulu Museum, we find a vast collection of objects, images, audios and ancient texts. Each, a timeless piece of eras gone by; a preserved moment from a fascinating history; a story of a time long since passed. [ 214 more words. ]

Long Beach of Bengkulu http://wp.me/p5o650-vk

Long Beach of Bengkulu http://wp.me/p5o650-vk

Pantai Panjang, translated to mean Long Beach, boasts a coastline of fine, white sands that stretches 7 kilometers. As the beach has no reefs, its width expands to 500 meters when the tide is low.The beach area is a central tourism district and is lined with restaurants, hotels, cottages and shops. Pantai Panjang is located just 15 minutes from downtown Bengkulu, Southwest of the island of Sumatera. [ 206 more words. ]

Fort Marlborough http://wp.me/p5o650-vg

Fort Marlborough http://wp.me/p5o650-vg

The British East India Company built the fort between 1713–1719. In 1714 Governor Collett obtained permission to build a new fort in Bencoolen. He named the new fort, which he built two miles from the older fort (Fort York), Fort Marlborough. The fort was built on an artificial hill, and construction, using both convict and local labor, took several years to complete. [ 299 more words. ]

Rambak Beach http://wp.me/p5o650-va

Rambak Beach http://wp.me/p5o650-va

Of the many beaches that surround Bangka Island’s coast, the city of Sungailiat boasts the largest collection of beaches, and some of the most unique, not found anywhere else on the island. One such beach is the beautiful Pantai Rambak or Rambak Beach. Not too far from the center of Sungailiat, Rambak Beach perfectly combines wide stretches of soft wide sand which merge seamlessly into the sparkling turquoise water of Kalimata Strait. [ 246 more words. ]

Mount Menumbing http://wp.me/p5o650-v7

Mount Menumbing http://wp.me/p5o650-v7

Mount Menumbing (355 m) a rather high hill in the neighbourhood of Mentok (North West Bangka) stands as a memorial to the history of the Indonesian nation. A guest house which was built here by the Dutch in 1932 was used to house the former President Soe¬karno and Vice-President Hatta during their imprisonment from February to July 1949. Photo Source

Lake Kerinci http://wp.me/p5o650-v3

Lake Kerinci http://wp.me/p5o650-v3

Nearly 800 meters above sea level, surrounded by boundless stretches of bright, green rice paddies as far as the eye can see; against a backdrop of gently sloping mountains, seemingly a shade of blue; here lies a vast expanse of calm, clear waters, dotted sporadically by small fishing boats gliding along its surface. This is Lake Kerinci, the largest of 15 lakes in the Kerinci district and the second largest in Sumatra after Lake Toba. [ 367 more words. ]

Kayu Aro Tea Plantation http://wp.me/p5o650-uY

Kayu Aro Tea Plantation http://wp.me/p5o650-uY

Tea is the most widely consumed beverage across the globe, second only to water, and can be found almost anywhere in almost every country. Tea has long been associated with health benefits, with some forms of tea even being classified as medicinal. Tea has also become a fundamental item amongst a number of cultures with events such as tea parties, afternoon tea and tea ceremonies. [ 257 more words. ]

Bukit Duabelas National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-uT

Bukit Duabelas National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-uT

The Bukit Duabelas National Park in the province of Jambi is a relatively small park among Indonesia’s large national parks. Covering only 60,500 hectares, the Park was only recently established in the year 2000, mainly to allow the regrowth of secondary forests and to protect the home of the forest people known as the Kubu, sometimes called Suku Anak Dalam or orang Rimba. [ 383 more words. ]

Mount Kerinci http://wp.me/p5o650-uP

Mount Kerinci http://wp.me/p5o650-uP

Mount Kerinci is the highest mountain on the island of Sumatra and it is popular with mountain climbers. The nearest village and climber’s base is Kersik Tuo, near Kayu Aro, Kerinci. The route is marked by signs, posted at half kilometer intervals. Fly to Padang the capital of West Sumatra Province and then go to the town of Sungai Penuh, District of Kerinci in Jambi Province which is 7 - 8 hours drive from Padang or 278 km. [ 35 more words. ]

Mount Dempo http://wp.me/p5o650-uL

Mount Dempo http://wp.me/p5o650-uL

At 3,195 meters above sea level, Mount Dempo is the highest mountain in South Sumatra. Along with Mount Marapi on Sumatra, (not to be confused with Mt. Merapi in Central Java), Mt. Dempo is the highest peak in the Bukit Barisan mountain range that stretches along the entire island of Sumatra, forming tis backbone. After sipping a cup of hot sweet tea in the cool dawn, listening to birds chirp in the trees and watching the sun slowly rising on the horizon, this is the perfect morning to hike up to the top of Mount Dempo… [ 419 more words. ]

Kuto Besak Fortress http://wp.me/p5o650-uG

Kuto Besak Fortress http://wp.me/p5o650-uG

Standing atop the 10 meters high and 288.75 meters long thick walls of Kuto Besak Fortress, one looks down on the passing boats and ships on the Musi River below. Built during the 17th century, Kuto Besak Fort is a legacy of the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate, that ruled from 1550-1823. Acting as a defense post, the location of the Fortress is both politically and geographically strategic as it forms and island on its own, bordered by on its south by the Musi River, the Sekanak River on its west, the Kapuran River on its north, and the Tengkuruk River on its east. [ 382 more words. ]

Ampera Bridge http://wp.me/p5o650-uB

Ampera Bridge http://wp.me/p5o650-uB

Ampera Bridge was constructed in April 1962, after getting approval of President Soekarno. At first, this 1,177 meters long and 22 meters wide bridge was called B**g Karno Bridge. It was officially opened on 30 September 1965 by Let. Gen. Ahmad Yani. However, following a political turmoil in 1966 i.e., when anti-Soekarno movement was stronger, the bridge was renamed to Ampera Bridge. [ 177 more words. ]

Sembilang National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-ux

Sembilang National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-ux

Sembilang National Park is a natural coastal wet land area with various forest ecosystems of peat moss swamps, fresh water swamps, mangrove forests and mud flats. Administratively, it is part of Banyuasin district and has been a national park since March 19th 2003, when it was separated from the Berbak National Park in Jambi. This area is called Sembilang because it has many Sembilang fish (Plotosus canius). [ 209 more words. ]

Palembang Grand Mosque http://wp.me/p5o650-ut

Palembang Grand Mosque http://wp.me/p5o650-ut

Palembang Grand Mosque is one of the inheritances of the Palembang Sultanate. This mosque is known as the center of Palembang city. It was built from 1738 to 1748 by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I, also known as Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Jaya Wikramo. Some say it was the largest mosque in Indonesia at that time. When it was first built, it covered a land area of 1,080 square meters (about 0.26 acres) with a capacity of 1,200 persons. [ 174 more words. ]

Tesso Nilo National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-un

Tesso Nilo National Park http://wp.me/p5o650-un

Located in the Riau province, the Tesso Nilo National Park is arguably the largest lowland rainforest on the island of Sumatra. Today the Park covers an area of 83,068 hectares, having grown twice as large from the former 38,576 hectares in 2004 when it was designated as a National Park. Tesso Nilo stretches along 4 districts, namely the districts of Palalawan, Indragiri Hulu, Kuantan Sengingi and Kampar. [ 414 more words. ]

Muara Takus Temple http://wp.me/p5o650-ui

Muara Takus Temple http://wp.me/p5o650-ui

Located some 122 from Pekanbaru, capital of the province of Riau, the Muara Takus temple complex (or Candi Muara Takus) is built by the Kampar Kanan river. Muara Takus has the largest brick buildings on Sumatra found remotely in a jungle clearing. The main Candi Mahligai is a tall stupa flanked by ruins of several other brick sanctuaries. Its tall shape differs from the normally bell-shaped Buddhist stupas found on Java. [ 227 more words. ]

Banyak Islands http://wp.me/p5o650-ud

Banyak Islands http://wp.me/p5o650-ud

A day or two on the beautiful Banyak Islands in the province of Aceh will seem like a very short time, sinice the islands' enchanting natural beauty combined with the serene ambience will make anyone wanting to stay here for a lot longer. Those fortunate enough to set foot on this tropical paradise will most likely wish to return and bring along their loved ones. [ 436 more words. ]

Aceh Tsunami Museum http://wp.me/p5o650-u7

Aceh Tsunami Museum http://wp.me/p5o650-u7

On Sunday, 26th December 2004, one of the most devastating natural disasters in recorded history occurred: at 7.O am local time in Aceh, - the north-most province on the island of Sumatra, - when a huge 9.2 RS earthquake with epicenter near the island of Simeuleu, close to the shore of Aceh shook the area. This was followed by an enormous tsunami that made landfall in Aceh within only 15 minutes. [ 518 more words. ]

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque http://wp.me/p5o650-u2

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque http://wp.me/p5o650-u2

With its bright white walls and majestic black domes, the 130-year old grand mosque is a magnificent site. It was here that hundreds of people sought refuge during the 204 tsunami that flattened most of the landscape of the city. The tsunami was so damaging, it demolished any structures, old and new, along the way of the tearing swell. This is a fact that gives significance to the Grand Mosque of Baiturrahman in the city of Banda Aceh. [ 201 more words. ]



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