The IC Star Wars Bootlegs and Customs Highlighted Customizer of the week #2 is Marsha Parkins. I have been doing customs ever since 1978 really when the toys first came out, I would swap capes and weapons with other figures and add parts from lego etc and then film them in the back garden with a 8mmm cine camera, some ending in a fiery death or exploded with fireworks, I was 7 years old and a bit
of a tomboy to say the least, my Father was a model builder and taught me many things and inspired me into the world of miniatures from railroads, doll houses and model kits to the world of Star Wars where I am still "playing" with custom figures only now at a high level of quality and craftsmanship . To pick one I am most proud of is inherently difficult for me as I can't make my mind up on many things not least of which is choosing favorites, I think Hammerhead bounty hunter even though he is not finished because he is straight from the imagination whereas other customs I have done have been from movie scenes and I try to make them as screen accurate as possible, Hammerhead bounty hunter allows me a lot of creative freedom so I'm proud of him the most even though he is not yet finished. I got into customs as an adult because I had a lot of be**er spares and saw a good Boba Fett sold on line and thought " hey I should do this, I would be so much better then when I was a child messing about, I have 30 years model building experience now and I bet myself I could make customs at a level most people may not have seen before and I strive for that to this day, to make customs that blow people away .