Toast to Turtles! Join us this Sunday, June 16th, from 4:00pm-6:00pm, at Mongoose Junction for World Sea Turtle Day! We will have a table set up by the North Shore Deli, so come learn about our sea turtles and then head to the Tap Room upstairs to Toast for the Turtles. A portion of St. John Brewers draft beer sales will be donated in support of our toast to turtles. Sounds like a fun option to include in your Father's Day activities! 🐢🐢🐢
Thank you Tap Room/St. John Brewers for supporting our turtles this World Sea Turtle Day.
Adopt a sea turtle and donate to support our turtle protection program, youth programs, cultural programs, marine conservation, trail work, beach cleanups, tree replanting and other projects here: https://donate.friendsvinp.org/giving 🐢🐢🐢