Your'e being lied to. These trainers make me sick. If you give up your Starbuck coffee, movies, potatoes chip, beer and all the other bad for you stuff, you can save $500 a month to join their program and their Facebook marketing system and you will get rich! And they are top leaders and speakers blessed by the Gods and with a BIG check! And you better join now because they can teach you the ropes and may not be available later. Then when you look behind them they don't have two dimes to rub together or anything to show for.
Teach you what? How to give up the things you like to raise money and then go slave in their MLM and attack friends and family or spam the facebook inbox? That model is dead and gone a long time ago. It works for 2 people every 10,000 and they usually have money, skills and connections.
I made 7 figure in networking models, with key products in hot market conditions, but I had to find money and time. I aways told people, you have a 97% chance to fail if you don't have money skills and connections.
You have to be full time, ready to do a lot of work, handle rejection well, be persistent and be ready to see leaders jump out of your team to chase the next shiny object. Be ready to always build new relationships and always provide value. Always clean up you environment and associations.
I'm in a different space.
In My bitcoin business
We tied into income producing A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) stocks and crypto traders that produce 20% to 40% a month, plus mining on the side which u can take 100% out every day or back invest and make it bigger for one year and start cashing out the rest of the year. with a long term proven track record. Not marketing companies, but real software producing companies with the best programmers in the world. This is a model of the future.
Poor people work for money.
Rich people put money to work for them.
Remember who said that?
Think about this:
Even if you make $250k a year at your job (only 1% do)
You pay $92,000 in taxes
You are left with $158,000
If you live on $108,000 (not a very good living)
IF...IF you save $50,000 it will take you 60 years to accumulate $3 million. And maybe you can make $70,000 a year in a safe mutual fund considering inflation and taxes.
You have to put money to work!
Stick around and you can breakthrough in 2019. Get on my list if you want updates.
To the bank,
Andreh Davoudi