Coucou! We’ve got the most GLORIOUS weather here so we’re pruning the vines. Time lapse highlighting Monsieur engineer’s anal-ytical precision versus Madame’s get-sh*t-done efficiency 👊🏼
Mornings at The French House ✨
😍absolutely stunning @laurabeemason
⛲️Hypnotic ripples and lillypads
(Sound on) I deliberately left the window shutters open so the dawn light would wake me. What a treat! Gratitude overflowing ☺️
« Bon appétit to me! »
I hope your Friday night was as gourmand as Sophie’s 😂
Sound on and drink in this serenity for your morning tonic 🙏🏻
W E A R E B A C K !
From 1 June we can welcome guests back to The French House. C’est genial!!! She’s been lonely these past months and is in tip top shape to host your groups up to 8.
Bookings are open now via:
This is the cosiest place in colder weather, with its triple insulated walls, heaters, electric blankets and wood fire. Just this weekend we were playing tennis during a break in the weather. If you’ve been going stir crazy cooped up in Melbourne during isolation, why not reset and rejuvenate in the beautiful hamlet of Trentham?
We can’t wait to welcome you back! 🙏🏻
Want to feed your soul and s-l-o-w things down?
We have a rare opening at The French House this upcoming labour day weekend and you’re invited to discover the house mantra: Relax.Rejuvenate.Reconnect
Message me to book 🙏🏻
M O T H E R S’ D A Y @ T F H
If you think waking up at The French House sounds like your idea of an excellent Mothers’ Day then message me for a special rate 💕
#spoilyourmum #mothersday #thefrenchhousetrentham #luxuryaccommodation
🇫🇷Merci Country Style for featuring The French House on your recent story. Very flattered ☺️
Happy NYE to you all from The French House. My biggest wish is to take more time to slow things down so we can savour the moments life offers up 🙏🏻
The beginnings of today’s tarte tatin 👌🏼
There are no words ✨
Hits me in the feels every year. Trentham's parade and service was really beautiful. Love this town. Love my country.