
Enlightize Hello! Coming to Japan? Follow this page and my videos on YouTube for Life in Japan content. Hi! Welcome to the BEST day of my life! Failure is not an option.

Enlightize is made of the word “Enlighten (to give spiritual or intellectual knowledge)” and the affix “-ize (to cause to conform or resemble)”. Together they form the original meaning describing the action of someone breaking out of the status norm to wholeheartedly pursue enlightenment in an area that their heart yearns. While they are not enlightened yet, they are actively in pursuit.

I’m only here to serve. 😛Thanks 📸       #2022

I’m only here to serve. 😛

Thanks 📸


Reading manga is still reading…right…? Photographer:

Reading manga is still reading…right…?


They said I made the brag board….SO THIS IS ME BRAGGING🤣🤣🤣Thanks OTF :D

They said I made the brag board….SO THIS IS ME BRAGGING🤣🤣🤣

Thanks OTF :D

Let’s take a trip down memory lane.Thanks  Photographer:  the junk hunter😂

Let’s take a trip down memory lane.


Photographer: the junk hunter😂


To say "I had NO IDEA what was going on" is an understatement!

And I love every piece

And I love every piece

Raw. Just me. Nothing more. Nothing less. I am what I am.

Raw. Just me. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I am what I am.


I have a confession. A few days ago we surpassed my goal of 10k subscribers by August. We're now already at 10.4k subscribers. THANK YOU!

After reaching this goal...I kind of got scared. Do I deserve this attention? What if I let you guys down. How can I make content that you all like? I now have many new subscribers that I don't know. I know my long-term Enlightizers by name and even on different platforms. We have inside jokes. You guys know my friends and me on their platforms as well.

But now there are so many new people watching my new and old cringey content. What do I do?

Well, first, I failed to acknowledge the milestone -- put it to the back of my mind.

But in reality...I know I want more. I love and live for getting people past the challenges that I got through myself as a Multilingual Black American Female Solo Expat Crypto Investor and Traveler (yup, that's my box label). You all ask me questions and I try to deliver and get SO much pleasure helping YOU help yourself. This is what I love, so I know this is just a taste of what's to come. I can't be afraid of my success.

I'll do my best to stay strong and continue to deliver, if you promise to communicate with me what you like, want, and share me with your friends.

Thank you all SO SO SO much for your love and support. :) I am so grateful for this community.

Make sure to vote on how we should celebrate this milestone in the YouTube poll.
duuk , you’re next!



Thanks mommy 🥲

I’m still so exhausted.

😭You can still see the style on my eye. 😣 I can’t wait for it to go away.

People always talk about how if they could tell their child self what they’ve accomplished how shocked their child self ...

People always talk about how if they could tell their child self what they’ve accomplished how shocked their child self would be. I’m positive if I could tell little Jasmine all the things I’ve done, people I’ve met, and places I’ve been she’d say, “That’s it? I knew that was going to happen.”

I have to keep going because she’s expecting more—spoiled little brat. 😑

BTW, WE’VE REACHED 9,000+ SUBSCRIBERS ON YOUTUBE! Congratulations to us!!

I took on too much work recently and am paying for it, but at least I found a fellow goofball and partner in crime. 😅 I ...

I took on too much work recently and am paying for it, but at least I found a fellow goofball and partner in crime. 😅 I have another Japanese brother.

, don’t worry. I remember you too. 😊

Today I saw my Japanese grandma (also known as Bread lady for old time subscribers). This woman is amazing! For 6 years ...

Today I saw my Japanese grandma (also known as Bread lady for old time subscribers).

This woman is amazing! For 6 years she has always made sure that I’m taken care of, over feeds me, and checks in with me to make sure I’m ok here in Japan.

Today’s wisdom she told me:

1. “Jasmine, when I’m gone always remember that there’s always time for a 2-hour nap. I know because I’m a doctor. “ 🤣🤣😂😂😂

2. “Have babies!”😅😅

3. “Remember ‘June Bride’. Get married. 😂

She clarified in Japanese and English just to make sure I understood. 😂😂😂

I always want to give her a big hug, but Japanese people don’t hug so much…and also she’s half my height. 🥲

I’m so grateful to know this beautiful human.

# #ありがとう


My Grandmother died today

They say your personality changes in each language that you speak. For me, it’s Spanish. I don’t know when it started but my brain automatically switches to Spanish when I experience sadness, tragedy, or heartbreak.

My Spanish isn’t good and in Japan, I don’t speak it everyday but….

Hoy mi abuela murió

Mi familia me llamó tan pronto como sucedió. No estaba triste. No me sorprendió. Mi abuela tenía alzhéimer desde hacía años. Lamenté su muerte la primera vez que ella olvidó quién era yo.

Hablé con mi padre, mi madre y mis hermanos. No hubo lágrimas sobre lo que pasó. Hablé con mi primo. Aún nada.

Ella era vieja. Esto es lo que hacen a los viejos. Ya me había despedido de ella antes. Estaba contenta de saber que ahora estaba libre. Es lo que hay.

Después de hablar con mi familia ya estaba tranquilo…y el español empezó…

Mi abuela. Mi inspiración. Mi razón para viajar. La razón por la que amo los idiomas. La razón por la que soy quien soy.

Recuerdo que odiaba ir a tu casa cuando era más joven. Siempre nos hacías tantas preguntas:

"¿Conoces la historia de esta festividad?"
"¿Qué significa 'solsticio de verano'?"

Y cuando no sabíamos las respuestas, nos hiciste buscarlas en la enciclopedia.

Nunca nos compraste juguetes, solo libros de tus viajes.

Pero esto es lo que más agradezco. Me inspiraste a aprender y crecer. Me mostraste, como mujer, que está bien viajar sola.

Dondequiera que íbamos contigo, hablabas con todos y te hacías amigos de todos en todas partes.

¿Es por eso que siento que puedo hacer lo mismo donde quiera que vaya?

En español, las lágrimas no paran. En inglés, tenía que suceder tarde o temprano.

Abuela, hablaste alemán, ruso, francés e inglés... sé que podrías entender esta situación.

No sé cómo terminar esto, pero digo que no hay suficientes palabras de agradecimiento para transmitir la cantidad de gratitud y orgullo que tengo de ser tu nieta.


If you could only measure your progress or productivity in terms of measurable results…what did you accomplish today? Di...

If you could only measure your progress or productivity in terms of measurable results…what did you accomplish today? Did the emails or social media updates really matter? What did you learn today?

The more I’m an adult, the more I realize how collectively crazy we are in modern society. Working for large companies (a made up word that just means a group of people giving service to others…and that also convince you that you need them), to get money (a made up concept and belief for a certain piece of paper), in order to buy food at the supermarket (a place that sells food from companies that don’t know us, but we trust with our health and well-being). We send emails and updates about the past or what’s to come in the future to other people.

We barely exist in the present, and our society depends on this interaction. When do we focus or think about ourselves, our own needs, what we’re putting in our bodies, and how we’re intellectually stimulating ourselves?

I’m not saying this is good or bad. Just a shower thought…


Thank you for making me feel beautiful.


Wow! A full day with  in Yokohama’s Chinatown and I still don’t think I saw everything! One of the many highlights was b...

Wow! A full day with in Yokohama’s Chinatown and I still don’t think I saw everything!

One of the many highlights was buying my Black Leprechaun Buddha Santa Claus. 😀 I’m about to be lucky af!!

Waiting and observing are two different things. I’ve put all my time and energy into people and work with no return. I’m...

Waiting and observing are two different things.

I’ve put all my time and energy into people and work with no return. I’m not bitter though. I’m grateful.

They took and took from me. I gave and gave to them.

And from all this I learned one of my most important lessons, reciprocity. I think I’m a master at it now, too.

Thank you.

📸My beautiful sister .bmore

I know you want to be distracted. I know you want to laugh and not think about how scary the world is or can be. I know ...

I know you want to be distracted. I know you want to laugh and not think about how scary the world is or can be. I know you want to feel in control of your life.

But the truth is, there are things we simply can not control.

Please, do not turn a blind eye. It’s so small but even just a social media post shows your support and gives courage to our democratic brothers and sisters in Ukraine who have been forced to fight against Russia who is taking their home. They are outnumbered and out resourced, armed with courage and a fire to defend their homeland no matter the odds. My heart is with Ukraine.

Pleased to see Japan protesting too!

Be still. Listen to the wind. Feel your heartbeat. Smell the air. See the life around you. The universe is talking to yo...

Be still. Listen to the wind. Feel your heartbeat. Smell the air. See the life around you. The universe is talking to you.

Before the world told you you were a woman, man, trans, he, she, Black, White, Asian, poor, rich, beautiful, ugly, fit, unfit, depressed, normal…who were you? Yes, we need these labels for communication purposes…but can you differentiate between the two? At your core who/what are you?

Too profound? I’m always trying to deconstruct what was told to me versus what I know to be true for myself. It’s a constant journey.



There is someone impersonating me! Please DO NOT ADD OR GIVE YOUR INFORMATION TO ANY IG ACCOUNT. Please report or any other account you see that is not this one and has my photos.

Thank you everyone for alerting me! I love you😊

Live stream on YouTube on Feb 13th at 8:30pm (Japan), and Feb 13th at 6:30am on the east coast.

Does anyone remember the book “The Little Engine That Could?” Somehow it came to mind recently. I was sitting at my desk...

Does anyone remember the book “The Little Engine That Could?” Somehow it came to mind recently. I was sitting at my desk getting stressed trying to figure out how I was going to help these people, edit content, finish this online course, study more Japanese, and so much more. What methods? Who do I know that could help? What tools?

I remember reading that book at my grandmother’s house. I had it memorized. The best part, of course, was him saying, “ I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.” The book was near my grandmother’s computer while my older sister and I played computer games. I was getting frustrated because I couldn’t beat a very difficult level of…I think it was Zombini Isle or Frogger. Looking at the book, I started to recite the mantra — “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.” And then miraculously, after having spent days on that level, I beat it!”

After that day those words became a spell for me—allowing me to knock down various challenges with ease.

So, how did I forget it…?

Anyway, back at my desk, randomly, the words came back to mind.

I can get it all done. I can learn more. I can meet my friends. I can work harder. Yes, I can create that. I can relax too. How?

Because I think I can.

I’m feeling juiced. 😎

Just a few more hours and it’ll be my little brother’s birthday! 😱When I left to Japan he was barely up to my stomach, a...

Just a few more hours and it’ll be my little brother’s birthday! 😱When I left to Japan he was barely up to my stomach, and this time I saw him he’s nearly a foot taller than me. 😅 Justin, although you’re annoying, (insert sentimental something here).

I’m still angry you stole my sausage from the breakfast I was dreaming about from Japan for 7 years! 😤

Happy Birthday little bro, .

We all seem to agree that how one treats you is a reflection of themselves…so then why is toxicity any different? “Toxic...

We all seem to agree that how one treats you is a reflection of themselves…so then why is toxicity any different?

“Toxicity” and someone being “toxic” are the trending terms recently (almost annoyingly so), but I dare to say that a person is only toxic because I’m not strong enough to remain true to myself when I’m around that person. Who they are has nothing to do with me. How I feel and behave is my personal problem, not there’s.

I’m no longer giving my power away to others and demonizing them as ”toxic” for what I am not yet strong enough to handle. I can only control my response.

Silently stepping away may very well be the only way to do that until I am…

And that is how I became strong.

‘Tis the season to be freezin’.It’s been 7 years since I’ve seen a snowfall like this. It’s the small things you forget,...

‘Tis the season to be freezin’.
It’s been 7 years since I’ve seen a snowfall like this. It’s the small things you forget, and when you see them again…it’s like discovering it the very first time. This was so magical.

If you’re in Maryland, I hope you’re enjoying the snow too.

My older sister, Jade Griner, is FINALLY releasing her music! Let her know what you think!

My older sister, Jade Griner, is FINALLY releasing her music! Let her know what you think!

Stream and Save How You Gonna - Distributed by DistroKid

As 2021 comes to a close, I want to thank you all who continue to check up on me and watch my content. Here is a quick r...

As 2021 comes to a close, I want to thank you all who continue to check up on me and watch my content. Here is a quick rundown of my 2021...in 3 minutes! :D

I hope you all continue to be blessed and safe, and that I will see you in the new year.

Thank you again and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 😊


Thank you everyone for making 2021 so great! Happy New Year!I've recently been posting more to Instagram. Follow me there! Links below.🌟🌟🌟 *MY PATREON*🌟?...

Can’t believe I went 3 years without a crab cake. 🦀 I’m here for you, my love. 🤤 Finally united with family….and some ho...

Can’t believe I went 3 years without a crab cake. 🦀
I’m here for you, my love. 🤤

Finally united with family….and some homeless guy we found on the street and offered to come with us. 😂

I keep telling myself this is all just a dream.

I keep telling myself this is all just a dream.




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