OUR SACRED SITES JOURNEYS are now happening again Check our website for the latest updates.
💯👍👍🤩 From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys: This is so True! I've experienced this for 30 years now, as well as observed that this is also the case for those who travel with us on our techno-spiritual pilgrimages! For 2025 our SSJ to beloved EGYPT begins this Sunday, February 23rd. You can follow our daily explorations & expreiences here: http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/Egypt-FebMarch2025/Egypt-FebMarch2025.html
And Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author and I are holding the vision for our one-time-only spiritual pilgrimage to NEPAL/TIBET, September 8 - 24, 2025 to gift us with the inner secret destinations! www.SacredSitesJourneys.com
➡️ From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham Director of Sacred Sites Journeys: Hello Everyone! ❗️ Here's a VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT about our 2025 SSJ to NEPAL &TIBET! 🤩 A Sacred Journey to The Himalayas, Including a Special Pilgrimage Around Holy Mt Kailash, September 8 - 24, 2025 with myself and Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author is being finalized! We'll begin taking registrations after March 9th, when I'll return from leading our SSJ to Egypt!
💥 This is a ONE-TIME-ONLY OFFERING for this very auspicious opportunity! We invite you to join us for this awesome Himalayan experience!
🌟 Our group entry into TIBET will be through NEPAL. We'll have our homebase in Kathmandu and will travel through this awe-inspiring mountain kingdom, spending 4 nights, 3 days exploring various temples, shrines such as Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa and the ancient medieval city of Bhaktapur.
💥 After our Tibet Tourist visas are ready (This takes three days to have them processed once we arrive in Nepal), we fly to Lhasa in the "forbidden land" of Tibet at the very Roof of the World. We'll spend two days exploring the Potala Palace, Norbulinka Gardens, Jokhang Temple, Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery and Barkhor Market. Then we're off to the western part of Tibet, on our way to Mount Kailash!
❗️ You'll have the unique opportunity to circumambulate holy Mount Kailash with Mark Amaru! 💥 It's said that simply by being in the presence of this sacred mountain, and especially when walking around it, one can achieve extrication from all worldly desires, dissolution of karma and even possibly reach complete enlightenment! - NOTE: For those in the group who choose not to do the trek around Mt Kailash, you'll have the option to visit other sacred sites in the area with me during those two days.
❗️ Participation will be limited to only 20 participants, so we encourage you register as soon as possible once we start taking them! We expect the group to fill VERY quickly, as there is a lot of interest, especially from those of you who've been waiting for several years to make this grand spiritual adventure with us! We thank you for your continued interest & patience and promise it'll be worth the wait!
❗️ REGISTRATION INFORMATION! Be prepared to make a deposit of $2,500.00 to reserve your place in the group. This will be used to book the Kathmandu/Lhasa flight, as well as to submit deposits for the hotels and transportation.
❗️ In order for this auspicious once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to happen, we must have a minimum of 16 participants registered by June 1, 2025. Final payment will be due July 1, 2025. A full itinerary details, pricing and a registration form, will be posted soon at www.SacredSitesJourneys.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- If you're not already on our SSJ email list and would like to receive our free monthly e-newsletter, sign up at: http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/signup.htm
- Liking and sharing our posts will not result in our contacting you to travel with us. We'll only do this IF you contact us first.
- To receive our regular posts from Sacred Sites Journeys, please visit our Page and Like it. If you Like and/or comment on our posts, FB will then deliver more of them to your news feed.
💥 Sacred Sites Journeys February 2025 Newsletter! From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham Director 👉 Use this link to read it: https://conta.cc/3Er6CEB
*1 Registration for our 2025 SSJ to EGYPT Closed Friday, February 7th - Pilgrimage begins February 23rd!
*2 NEPAL/TIBET: Dates Announced! September 8 - 24, 2025
*3 SEDONA, AZ: City of the Star People Tours with Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author
*4 Expanded Astrology Readings for 2025 Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham
*5 Books, Online Classes & Videos by Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author
*6 The Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays & Its Various Branches
💥 Check out Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author of Sedona: City Of The Star People's short 1 minute interview with Tanya June Moore of SedonaCentric about his DVD: The Sedona Vortex Video. Also includes 1) a URL so that you can easily watch it online on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet or phone; you can take it with out to the vortexes and have the experience of Mark being with you there! For THE Definitive Sedona Experience, order and watch it! 2) A map of the vortex power spots for your self-guided explorations! https://www.facebook.com/SedonaCentric/videos/1800584800235948
➡️ To order this fascinating video that takes you to nine of the power spots, visit https://www.sevenrayorder.com/books-courses-tours
➡️ If you'd like to book an experience on the sacred land with Mark Amaru Pinkham, visit this link: https://www.sevenrayorder.com/sacred-tours
➡️ To order a signed copy of the book or the PDF directly from Mark Amaru at https://www.sevenrayorder.com/books-courses-tours 🙏 Thank you for supporting an independent author & publisher!
➡️ From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys: This Friday, February 21st I'll be flying to Cairo to join our 2025 pilgrimage group in Giza on the 23rd for the beginning of our Sacred Journey to Mystical EGYPT! I'm so over-the-moon excited to be going "home" once again & feel very honored to support those who will be with me to have their transformational experience during our final meditation in the King's Chamber (which I now call the Upper Chamber) of the Great Pyramid on the last day of our techno-spiritual journey!
👉 Here's my knocked-my-socks-off experience from my first visit there 26 years ago with Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author. 🌄 The Stargate in the King's Chamber ~ Since the first time I set foot in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid in 1999, I've had many spiritual and paranormal experiences that to my mind and heart prove to me that there is a Stargate, an interdimensional portal of epic proportions, in this enigmatic structure. And I'm not the only one! Many people who have traveled to Egypt with me over the last twenty-five years have also had positive transformational experiences during our Special Access PRIVATE ENTRANCES there during and after our private entrances, which are replete with meditation, chanting, toning and prayer.
My first time to spend private time in the King's Chamber was during a site inspection that my husband Mark Amaru Pinkham took in 1999, before leading our first tour to Egypt in 2000. We received the great blessing of a PRIVATE ENTRANCE into the Great Pyramid, compliments of our generous business associates in Cairo. We had almost two hours alone inside, just for the two of us. It was awesome, to say the least!
We took turns lying in the resonance box (photo here) to meditate. My peaceful meditation was filled with visions of a past life I'd had in Egypt. I was able to travel through the layers of no-time to experience what had occurred during an initiation in that very chamber. I gained great understanding and spiritual growth that has continued to inspire me during this lifetime. It was truly a very revealing and spiritually defining experience!
While Mark took his turn to meditate in the box, I sat in the middle of the room and chanted in Sanskrit for over an hour. (For those of you who may not be familiar with it, Sanskrit is an energy language, downloaded by the ancient enlightened masters from India, and taught in the Vedas and other spiritual texts. Chanting the various syllables enlivens specific areas in the body's chakras, releases energy and thus moves the transformative kundalini energy to ascend from the root to the crown, to create a dynamic shift in consciousness and spiritual growth.) Needless to say, my consciousness shifted immensely during the chanting, and I reached realms of bliss and joy I'd seldom experienced before.
Later, as we exited the pyramid, I found that I didn't have words to accurately share what had happened to me. I felt invisible, knowing that I'd been altered at a very deep cellular memory level. This transcendent feeling stayed with me for many days, as we continued our journey south to Luxor and Aswan, and assisted me in reaching higher states of consciousness as we meditated in the sacred temples in those locations.
❓ Want to find out about our next Sacred Sites Journey to beloved EGYPT in 2026 ❓ ✨✨✨If you're not already on our SSJ email list and would like to receive our free monthly e-newsletter, sign up at http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/signup.htm OR To receive our regular posts from Sacred Sites Journeys, please visit our Page and Like or Follow it.
➡️ From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys: The Travel Dilemma! When to Register for Your Sacred Sites Journey
👉 I regularly receive emails, texts and phone calls from people who are interested in traveling with us asking me when they need to register. In fact, it's become so often that I thought I'd share these travel tips with all of you. Here are the important things to consider about when to register for your Sacred Sites Journey. And the basics of it are....sooner than later. Find out why!
1) HOTELS: When we book with the hotels that we work with in the various countries where we offer our spiritual journeys they give us a block of rooms and a deadline by which they must be filled. And 9 times out of 10 they are hard and fast on this deadline. I have to give them the names of the people who will be occupying the rooms by that date, or lose the rooms. Many hotels ask for this list several months in advance of the date our SSJ begins.
2) AIRLINES: Another reason to book sooner than later is to get a reasonably-priced airfare, with good connections (if-needed, which is usually the case) AND and to be able to choose the seat you want for the flights.
3) PLANNING AND BUDGETING: One of the best reasons to book your Sacred Sites Journey early is to give yourself enough time to plan and budget for it. And to manifest the trip! By registering for your tour you're telling The Universe that you're going. The laws of manifesting kick in when you do, and the time, energy and money for your journey come to you.
❗️ If you're not already on our SSJ email list and would like to receive our free monthly e-newsletter, sign up at: http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/signup.htm
👉 Liking and sharing our posts will not result in my contacting you to travel with us. I'll only do this IF you contact me first.
👉 To receive my regular posts from Sacred Sites Journeys, please visit my Page and Like it.
➡ From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys
⭐️ EGYPT: The Flower of Life is the basis of the ancient sacred science of Sacred Geometry. The perfect form, proportion and harmony of the FOL has been known to philosophers, architects and artist around the world from the mists of time. The symbol can be found in manuscripts, temples and art throughout various cultures.
👉 There are ten Flower of Life (FOL) symbols located on one of the pillars of the Osirieon, or Temple of Osiris, located behind the Temple of Seti I at Abydos.
👉 Some researchers believe that these symbols at the Osirieon are the oldest known examples of the Flower of Life and that they could be at least over 6,000 years old AND may even be as old as 10,500 BCE or earlier. It appears that they have not been carved into the granite, but that instead may have been burned onto the stone, or somehow drawn on it with incredible precision.
👉 Who put these symbols on the pillar, when, why and how is still considered an unsolved mystery! ➡ We'll see these ancient symbols & discuss this enduring enigma during our special access PRIVATE ENTRANCE into the Osirieon during our 2025 Sacred Journey to Mystical Egypt, February 23rd - March 9th. 💥 Follow us daily at http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/Egypt-FebMarch2025/Egypt-FebMarch2025.html
➡️ From Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author, Featured Speaker on our Sacred Sites Journeys 2025 Sacred Journey to The Himalayas, Including a Special Pilgrimage Around Holy Mt Kailash, September 8th - 24th 🩵 THE SPINE AND CHAKRAS OF THE EARTH: Mt. Kailash, the 666 Mountain
👉 The Crown Chakra of Earth, Mount Kailash, is approximately 6666 meters in height and exists at a distance of 6666 kilometers from both Stonehenge and the North Pole.
👉 666 is the number of the universal male principle. It is the sum total of the numbers in the Sun's "magic square" and it is also one of the principle numbers derived from Saturn's square. The Sun is the regal orb of the king, and Saturn is the planet of the law maker and enforcer. Together, they are the two orbs governing the office of the King of the World.
👉 666 is also associated with the six pointed square, especially in its 3-D form as a star tetrahedron. Traditionally the office of the King of the World is occupied by the Son of God/Goddess - i.e., the union of the universal polarity, the symbol of which is the six-pointed star. In the Hindu pantheon the King of the World is Sanat Kumara, who feeds and oversees Earth and humanity for his parents, Shiva and Shakti. In the attached image King of the World Sanat Kumara wears the 6 pointed star over his regal chest.
👉 Having a height of 6666 meters establishes Mt. Kailash as both a symbol and an embodiment of the King of the World. And indeed it is. Mt. Kailash is a gigantic Shiva Lingam that, like the six-pointed star, represents the union of the universal male/female polarity. From Kailash, the King of the World nurtures humanity and the world through the mountain's emanation of life force that travels around the planetary grid, as well as by the four major rivers that descend from it.
👉 It's said that Sanat Kumara governs from the summit of Mt. Kailash where he lives with his parents and brother, Ganesh. Legend has it that at the beginning of time Shiva, the transcendental Spirit, emitted his fiery s***m (Skanda) that cooled to become his own Son, thereby making Sanat Kumara the first tangible form of his Father.
👉 One of Sanat Kumara's names is Karttikeya, meaning "Son of the Pleiades," which is his celestial seat in the universe. The Pleiades also takes the form of a Shiva Lingam.
💥 This is a ONE-TIME-ONLY OFFERING for this very auspicious opportunity! We invite you to join us for this awesome Himalayan experience!
❗️ You'll have the unique opportunity to circumambulate holy Mount Kailash with Mark Amaru! 💥 It's said that simply by being in the presence of this sacred mountain, and especially when walking around it, one can achieve extrication from all worldly desires, dissolution of karma and even possibly reach complete enlightenment! - NOTE: For those in the group who choose not to do the trek around Mt Kailash, you'll have the option to visit other sacred sites in the area with me during those two days.
❗️ Participation will be limited to only 20 participants, so we encourage you register as soon as possible once we start taking them AFTER MARCH 9th! We expect the group to fill VERY quickly, as there is a lot of interest, especially from those of you who've been waiting for several years to make this grand spiritual adventure with us! We thank you for your continued interest & patience and promise it'll be worth the wait!
❗️ REGISTRATION INFORMATION! Be prepared to make a deposit of $2,500.00 to reserve your place in the group. This will be used to book the Kathmandu/Lhasa flight, as well as to submit deposits for the hotels and transportation.
❗️ In order for this auspicious once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to happen, we must have a minimum of 16 participants registered by June 1, 2025. Final payment will be due July 1, 2025.
❗️ A full itinerary details, pricing and a registration form, will be posted soon at www.SacredSitesJourneys.com
➡️ From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys
🩵💚🩵 PERU: Hi Everyone! Here's a short article by Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author of the popular classic The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, Shamanic Practitioner & Mesa Carrier in the Inca Spiritual Tradition.
🌟💜 🌟 The Andes Opened My Heart 🌟💜 🌟
It was a sunny afternoon during an October day in 1998 when I arrived at the plateau of Marca Wasi, 11,000 ft high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. I was the first of my group of six persons who had accompanied me on this spiritual journey to enter the sacred precincts of this mysterious place which has served as a sanctuary for shamanic ritual and vision quests for thousands of years. As I walked onto the unique plateau, I found myself surrounded by huge finger-like stone monoliths, the kind of enigmatic rock formations for which Marca Wasi is famous. These towering rocks were bound together into a circle, thus creating the shape of a colossal, megalithic temple.
As a condor soared silently overhead, I was gradually joined by the others. I informed them that this Temple was to be the location of the special shamanic ceremony for which we had all come to Marca Wasi. When the facilitator of our ceremony entered the gates of our Temple, I learned that during a personal vision quest here he had been brutally slain by a huge condor and was then “reborn” as a shaman. Having assimilated power and wisdom from the condor, A.C. has since been referred to as Kuntur, “the Condor.” Our ceremony at Marca Wasi was to involve the consumption of San Pedro, a cactus that grows wild near the coast of Peru and is renowned for its ability to open the heart and expand consciousness. The Andean people have used it since the time of the Chavin culture, which flourished between 900 BCE and 200 BCE. I knew that A.C. had been facilitating San Pedro ceremonies for over 25 years, and I therefore felt confident in his guidance and excited about the unique experience in store for myself and my group of serious spiritual seekers that I’d brought to Peru on this sacred pilgrimage.
At four o’clock in the afternoon, as the midday shadows began to drape Marca Wasi in darkness, the five of us stood in the center of our Temple and faced A.C. After a brief discussion about the San Pedro cactus and the possible reactions we could have to it, A.C passed a small mug full of green liquid to each person. 👉 Full article here:http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/TheAndesOpenedMyHeart-ByMarkAmaruPinkham.pdf
💥 Sacred Sites Journeys February 2025 Newsletter! From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director 👉 Use this link to read it: https://conta.cc/3Er6CEB
*1 Registration for our 2025 SSJ to EGYPT Closed Friday, February 7th - Pilgrimage begins February 23rd!
*2 NEPAL/TIBET: Dates Announced! September 8 - 24, 2025
*3 SEDONA, AZ: Sedona: City Of The Star People Tours with Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author
*4 Expanded Astrology Readings for 2025 - Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham
*5 Books, Online Classes & Videos by Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author
*6 The Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays
💥 Sacred Sites Journeys February 2025 Newsletter! From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director 👉 Use this link to read it: https://conta.cc/3Er6CEB
*1 Registration for our 2025 SSJ to EGYPT Closed Friday, February 7th - Pilgrimage begins February 23rd!
*2 NEPAL/TIBET: Dates Announced! September 8 - 24, 2025
*3 SEDONA, AZ: City of the Star People Tours with Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author
*4 Expanded Astrology Readings for 2025 - Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham
*5 Books, Online Classes & Videos by Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author
*6 The Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays
➡️ From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys: Hello Everyone! ❗️ Here's a VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT about our 2025 SSJ to NEPAL &TIBET!
🤩 A Sacred Journey to The Himalayas, Including a Special Pilgrimage Around Holy Mt Kailash, September 8 - 24, 2025 with myself and Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author is being finalized! We'll begin taking registrations after March 9th, when I'll return from leading our SSJ to Egypt!
💥 This is a ONE-TIME-ONLY OFFERING for this very auspicious opportunity! We invite you to join us for this awesome Himalayan experience!
🌟 Our group entry into TIBET will be through NEPAL. We'll have our homebase in Kathmandu and will travel through this awe-inspiring mountain kingdom, spending 4 nights, 3 days exploring various temples, shrines such as Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa and the ancient medieval city of Bhaktapur.
💥 After our Tibet Tourist visas are ready (This takes three days to have them processed once we arrive in Nepal), we fly to Lhasa in the "forbidden land" of Tibet at the very Roof of the World. We'll spend two days exploring the Potala Palace, Norbulinka Gardens, Jokhang Temple, Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery and Barkhor Market. Then we're off to the western part of Tibet, on our way to Mount Kailash!
❗️ You'll have the unique opportunity to circumambulate holy Mount Kailash with Mark Amaru! 💥 It's said that simply by being in the presence of this sacred mountain, and especially when walking around it, one can achieve extrication from all worldly desires, dissolution of karma and even possibly reach complete enlightenment! - NOTE: For those in the group who choose not to do the trek around Mt Kailash, you'll have the option to visit other sacred sites in the area with me during those two days.
❗️ Participation will be limited to only 20 participants, so we encourage you register as soon as possible once we start taking them! We expect the group to fill VERY quickly, as there is a lot of interest, especially from those of you who've been waiting for several years to make this grand spiritual adventure with us! We thank you for your continued interest & patience and promise it'll be worth the wait!
❗️ REGISTRATION INFORMATION! Be prepared to make a deposit of $2,500.00 to reserve your place in the group. This will be used to book the Kathmandu/Lhasa flight, as well as to submit deposits for the hotels and transportation.
❗️ In order for this auspicious once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to happen, we must have a minimum of 16 participants registered by June 1, 2025. Final payment will be due July 1, 2025. A full itinerary details, pricing and a registration form, will be posted soon at www.SacredSitesJourneys.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- If you're not already on our SSJ email list and would like to receive our free monthly e-newsletter, sign up at: http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/signup.htm
- Liking and sharing our posts will not result in our contacting you to travel with us. We'll only do this IF you contact us first.
- To receive our regular posts from Sacred Sites Journeys, please visit our Page and Like it. If you Like and/or comment on our posts, FB will then deliver more of them to your news feed.
➡️ From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys: ✨🌟✨ PERU: Here's one of the 1st photos taken of Machu Picchu after its re-discovery by Hiram Bingham in 1911. It was taken from opposite Huayna Picchu (Young Peak). Some of the megalithic buildings are visible, like the main plaza in the lower left-hand area. As well as the stairs leading up to the Hitching Post of the Sun.
💥👉 I'll be taking another group to beloved Pachamama Land next year, 2026! I haven't set the dates yet. ➡️ I invite you to sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter about our upcoming Sacred Sites Journeys; I'll be sharing that info and more about the trip there. www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/signup.htm
➡️ From Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys: It's OFFICIAL! I'll be leaving on February 21st for EGYPT! On the 23rd I'll meet folks from the USA, Australia & Ireland to begin our explorations and experiences, especially our 🌟 Chakra Activations along the Nile!
💥Here's an excerpt from Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author's book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom about this ancient ALCHEMICAL PROCESS:
🌟 The ancient Egyptians considered their country to be the body of Osiris, the Green Man. The Nile River was his spine and his chakras were the sequential vortexes that lay along its length, from south to north. The sacred architects of Khem marked these power spots with temples and installed within them the neter (deity) associated with the corresponding chakra. Egyptian initiates would then travel to each of Osiris’s chakra temples and undergo an initiation to alchemically activate the same chakra within their own bodies.
The temple marking Osiris’ 🌟 First and Earth Chakra- and the residence of the Green Man’s alchemical Kundalini - was built in the southern city of Aswan and its adjoining sacred Nile island of Elephanta. Here giant rocks took the form of immense elephants, the animals associated with earth element and the Earth Chakra. The neter of the temple was Khnum, the fiery ram god that embodied the Kundalini power that had created the cosmos and alchemically transforms a human initiate.
The temple marking Osiris’s 🌟 2nd and Water Chakra was built north of Aswan over the vortex of Kom-Ombo, and its neter was Sobek, the crocodile god. Legend has it that before a seeker could undergo a 2nd chakra initiation at Kom-Ombo he or she was required to survive a terrifying swim through a dark underground vault of water filled with live crocodiles.
The temple marking Osiris’ 🌟 3rd Chakra and Solar Plexus was at Edfu and dedicated to Horus, a neter of the Sun. The 🌟 4th Heart Chakra of Osiris was at Dendera and dedicated to Hathor, the Goddess of Love. The temple marking Osiris’ 🌟 5th Chakra of communication was at Memphis, the capital of ancient Khem that was in constant communication with the rest of the country. And Osiris’s 🌟6th and 🌟7th Chakras were united as the Giza Plateau and its Great Pyramid. This is where the final initiation was given to a Djedhi to complete the ascension of the Kundalini to the head and fully activate the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.
➡️ To see more of our posts in your newsfeed, please Like/Follow our Page. https://www.facebook.com/SacredSitesJourneys We appreciate your support! ➡️ Liking and sharing our posts will not result in our contacting you to travel with us. We'll only do this IF you contact us first.
💥 TOUR REGISTRATION closed yesterday, Friday, February 7th for our Sacred Journey to Mystical EGYPT, February 23 - March 9, 2025! 👉 Follow our group of like-minded sacred travelers from the USA, Australia and Ireland as we gather in Giza on the 23rd! Here's the detailed itinerary! http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/Egypt-FebMarch2025/Egypt-FebMarch2025.html
PHOTO: Andrea Mikana-Pinkham, Director of Sacred Sites Journeys, Taking In The Light at the Temple of Seti I in Abydos! ✨✨✨
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❤🧡💛 Sacred Journey to Mystical Egypt! Only a few places left in our smaller select group of techno spiritual travelers. Registration closes February 10th. www.SacredSitesJourneys.com
Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Nessie Brown, Alan Tribbe, Pascal Nivinou, Chris Robinson, Leonor Murciano-Luna, Steve Phillips, Aaron Marsselo Salinas Huarhua, Rick Bennett, István Csaba Dankó, Joseph Zawacki
🙏 Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to our weekly engagement list for our Sacred Sites Journeys Page! 🎉 Jeferson Varoli, Reinhardt Holtfoth, Stefan Hoffmann, Steve Phillips, Robert Newton, Keith Robertson, Aaron Marsselo Salinas Huarhua, Rick Bennett, Salvatore Bonaccorsi, Steven Mack 🤩 There were actually many, many more of you than just the 10 that FB chose to list! Please add you name in a comment if you engaged and aren't listed here. Thanks!!!! 😊
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Sacred Sites Journeys
- NEPAL & TIBET - Sacred Journey to The Himalayas, Including a Special Pilgrimage Around Holy Mt Kailash
September 7 - 23, 2020
With Featured Speaker author Mark Amaru Pinkham & SSJ's Meditation Facilitator Andrea Mikana-Pinkham
- IRELAND: Spiritual Pilgrimage to Sacred Sites of The Emerald Isle October 11 - 20, 2020 with Featured Speaker author Mark Amaru Pinkham & SSJ's Meditation Facilitator Andrea Mikana-Pinkham http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/Ireland-Oct2020/Ireland-Oct2020.htm
- EGYPT: Sacred Journey to Mystical Egypt, Including a 6-Day Spiritual Retreat on the Nile in a chartered wooden sailboat!
November 1 - 14, 2020
with Featured Speaker author Mark Amaru Pinkham, SSJ's Meditation Facilitator Andrea Mikana-Pinkham
- ENGLAND: Spiritual Journey to Sacred Sites
April 4 - 11, 2021
Andrea Mikana-Pinkham: Independent Researcher of Megalithic Sites and Practitioner & Teacher of the Goddess Tradition - Andrea has led our spiritual pilgrimages to England since 2004.
Spiritual Tour Guides & Ceremonialists in Bath, Avebury and Glastonbury: Michael and Lynne Orchard Teachers of Ancient Megalithic History & the Goddess Tradition
Information to be posted at http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com as soon as international travel resumes.
- WALES: Earth Mysteries and Ancient Sites
April 11 - 18, 2021
SPEAKER/MEDITATION FACILITATOR/TOUR DIRECTOR: Andrea Mikana-Pinkham - Independent Researcher of Megalithic Sites and Practitioner &Teacher of the Goddess Tradition - Andrea Mikana-Pinkham is the Founder/Director of Sacred Sites Journeys.
She is an independent researcher of ancient megalithic sites and an avid practitioner of the Goddess Tradition. Andrea has been leading our spiritual pilgrimages to many different
sacred sites around the world for the last 25 years.
Information to be posted at http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com as soon as international travel resumes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- If you're not already on our SSJ email list and would like to receive our free monthly
e-newsletter and a valuable coupon that you can use to save money when you travel with us in the future on this or another of our Sacred Sites Journeys, sign up at: http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/signup.htm
- To receive our regular posts from Sacred Sites Journeys, please visit our Page and Like it. If you Like and/or comment on our posts, FB will then deliver more of them to your news feed.