Linden trees.
But, butt?
Yes, a tiny bud of butt.
This photo arrived last night but I was too tired.
This morning I keep talking via the speaker until my kids arrived at schools and my husband said today is very jammed.
It is all for the sake of tiny butts.
My son loves bumble bee cars.
This bumble-bee butt reminds me of my ba-bees little butts in diapers.
I miss them.
I can't imagine life without my family.
Now, every little butts in buds of Pampers abandon their diapers.
They are running children with beaming faces of innocence and naivety.
They are screaming and playing unaware of dangers and crimes lurking around.
They are too free to even think that predators are looking for victims.
All they know is they have family!
Please help me to be more aggressive in promoting and campaigning and championing caring societies for securities.
We must be more caring towards children as we are not caring enough.
We only care to glorify our anger and desire!
Yes, we live in an ultra sexual and a hot-tempered world with rising temperatures.
Kids in Malaysia must survive and thrive cold mornings since age 61 days at nurseries before going to kindergartens at 4 to 6 to start primary school years until standard 6 that begins their days at 6am and ends at 6 pm daily to later finish highschools at form 6
because mommies return to work after 60 days, not 6 months until we retire at 60!
We are proud to serve.
But children and mothers don't get that 3 or 6 months.
We brave rainy and stormy mornings all year round.
Pray for our kids and workers worldwide who earn decent livings and serve the lives.
Now we know how a bee-hind can be-e that adorable! We are bee-mused bee-cause it's very bee-coming.
Plant plants that insects and birds need to feed on.
Pity them.
That's donation we can do daily.
Dragonflies have the hardest way to get supplies compared to mantis, moth, bees, ants, hummingbirds, grasshoppers, and butterflies.
The conflict of breeding dragonflies collide with mosquitos.
When we put fish to kill mosquito larvae in the pond to breed dragonflies, the fish eat the dragonfly eggs as well.
And I hate frogs.
Dragonflies are too fragile.
And Mayflies once live for a day and die.
They take long hibernating months only to live for hours!
Dragonflies suffer like fireflies as their source of food and breeding are both as risky and contradicting as killing mosquitos while breeding dragonfly babies.
We have to choose between keeping a dragonfly or mosquito larvae.
Sadly, flies are the strongest but they are pests like white ants.
Luckily flies only live for one fast week cycle.
I pity dragonflies who visit my flowers but leave with empty tummies.
I wish I could give them butt buckets like bees the powerful tiny " h***y stingy" honey collectors for beds of th***y flowers.
H***y isn't the suitable word at all.
I just put it there to refer to the habit of collecting honey which exits from their hairy rear-ends or buttocks.
Stingy is totally wrong.
Stingy has a different meaning but I just want to refer to their venomous stings at the end of that cute butts.
It should be stinging.
Do not use these two words in wrong contexts.