HE LIVES!... always learned a lot from this guy. Good to hear he's working on some new content!
It has been 99 days since I last wrote a Facebook status so I just wanted to share some personal updates (and a cool offer) if you'll have me...
Around 13 months ago we made a pretty big pivot in our services offering, focusing more on technical SEO audits & SEO strategy (rather than link building) for some of the biggest brands on the web.
In the last year we've worked with dozens of new companies including the likes of Buffer, ConvertKit and Ahrefs to help them take their business to the next level.
There are many more names I wish I could tell you about, but these at least gave me permission to share ;).
We've literally doubled the search traffic for a number of clients and I'm really proud of the work we are doing.
While the results are great, there was a ton of work in between when it comes to finding people to help us do the work, perfecting our offering, learning how to pitch the service and so on.
The latter being critical when potential clients don't know who you are. You can't grow a huge business only selling to people you're friends with (or at least I can't).
The last few months especially have been spent putting processes in place so other people can help us scale things up while keeping our standards incredibly high.
I know I've never been the most consistent blogger - I like to make sure I'm doing the work and not just talking about it - but that has had a pretty big impact on my time available to write.
That said, as of two days ago we're in a great position going forward for me to manage from a higher level so I'm already 80% of the way into my next blog post.
I'll be sharing a lot more advanced content this year from everything we've been learning so you'll see far more updates from me.
This is getting long now so three quick things if you're interested.
#1. What started as an offer for charity 18 months ago (and still makes donations to charity today) blew up massively in 2019.
If you would like to have me personally go over your site, on screen, and tell you what I would do to improve all aspects of it, you might enjoy this: https://detailed.com/audit/
I love recording these videos but I don't know how many more I'll be able to do so join now if you're interested :)
#2. The Detailed newsletter got a huge revamp last year but I didn't automatically copy you over incase you didn't want SEO-only updates.
I've never had better feedback on the emails I send so if you're interested, you'll see opt-ins for that on the Detailed homepage.
#3. We have a pretty active Facebook group that I started last year, purely for SEOs, with over 2,200 members in it. You'll find that mentioned in the newsletter updates if you're interested.
I think that's everything but I'm sure I've forgotten something haha.
TL;DR: Been incredibly busy "in the field" but that has resulted in a ton of advanced tactics and ideas to write about going forward. They're all in progress.