No quarantine for visitors
Marthina Mutanga
TOURISTS will not be required to quarantine in Windhoek upon their arrival from the Hosea Kutako International Airport as previously directed in the COVID-19 regulations.
Livelihoods and the economy carried the day with the President, the Minister of Finance, Ipumbu Shiimi, and Pohamba Shifeta, the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism coming out on the side of tourism and the restart of the economy and against health considerations that until this morning favoured a seven day quarantine period for visitors.
At a previous news conference at State House, President Hage Geingob was opposing the seven-day quarantine upon arrival.
“I don’t know if tourists will, but I will not visit a country where I have to stay in quarantine in one place in for seven days,” Dr. Geingob said.
After today’s Cabinet session the required seven day quarantine period was amended.
The Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism today announced the new protocols and said that tourists entering the country can proceed to their pre-booked destinations and engage in their planned daily tourist activities.
Shifeta said that if the tourist intends to spend less than five days at the first pre-booked facility, the tourist will be allowed to proceed to the next destination and on day five, the tourist must be available for swabbing wherever they might find themselves.
Tourists must also be reachable on day seven to receive the results of the test.
“If the result is negative, the tourist is released from any surveillance. If the result is positive, the tourist will be taken to the isolation facilities identified by the Ministry of Health and Social Services, treated at their own cost, and according to national case management guidelines,” said Shifeta.
Shifeta further noted that they have only received roughly 100 applications from interested tourists who want to visit Namibia and that the applications are being processed by the Ministry of Health and Social Services.
Since the announcement of the implementation protocols of the Tourism Revival Initiative and opening of the Hosea Kutako International Airport, the industry has not seen any new bookings and in fact, has had cancellations that have resulted in N$115.7 million being withdrawn from the country.
Shifeta noted that this had a direct negative cash-flow impact on businesses, which resulted in further salary cuts and or retrenchments.
This result, he said, necessitated a rethink in the government’s approach.
“The tourism sector is highly competitive and Namibia is competing to attract tourists with countries from all over the world,” explained Shifeta.
According to Shifeta, the fact that other countries in the region have opened up their borders with fewer restrictions has put Namibia at a disadvantage.
There are, however, still bookings in the system, as tourists hope for more protocols that are appealing and arrangements to be put in place.
The implementation protocols seek to balance the necessary health and safety measures, while still appealing to international travellers that the sector so heavily depends on.
Prior to commencement, all the relevant authorities and institutions of service to tourists, such as airlines, border points, foreign missions, and tour operators, will be informed and disseminated the necessary directives and documentation.
This includes a health declaration form, tourist facility health and safety checklist, and application forms for the certification of accommodation establishments.
The Hosea Kutako International Airport, as the designated port of entry for the trial period of this initiative, has reported readiness in terms of having the necessary health and safety compliance measures in place to receive arrivals.
NEW PROTOCOLS: Ethiopian Airways will be the first airline to resume regularly scheduled flights to Namibia Eurowings is set to follow suit later next week.