My family and I have moved around the country from time to time for my husband's career. Every time we move I tell myself that this time "I will not collect more stuff!". We have lived in Ripon California now for seven years ( the longest time yet) and I look around my beautiful home and I see " stuff". Some things I cherish- like the pictures of my three daughters on our vacation to a working ran
ch- but other things, like the video games they don't play anymore or the mountain of plastic containers in my cupboard are becoming overwhelming. I tackle a house wide decluttering binge once a year starting in January. I go from cupboard to cupboard getting rid of the clutter. This is where the obsession comes in. I ENJOY DOING IT! I love to see the cupboards purged of the things that I really don't need or the broken things that I know I will never fix. Once the cupboard is cleaned out, I walk by it and open it a couple times just to feel how good it is to be rid of the clutter and see an organized space. I want to give that same feeling to everybody. I am a believer that we don't need or use everything we have. I know- in our busy lives we acquire things from neighbors, family members and ourselves. From a garage sale we couldn't pass up, to a passed loved one's possessions to the deal on that Macy's dress that some day we will fit into. The bottom line is that extra clutter does nothing for us, only adds undo stress in our lives. If we only kept things we used, we would know where to find them. We would know that they work or fit. We would have ample space in our home and not feel like our stuff is taking over our lives. Let me help you find that calm escape in your chaotic spaces. Working side by side, I will guide you through the process of decluttering and distressing your space. I'll ask the hard questions like, "Does it fit? Does it work? If you saw it in a store today, would you still buy it?" Everybody can declutter their homes. I come with your goal in mind and quote a set time to get it done. I garuntee that you will feel better about your new space and maybe you will open that cupboard in your house and feel the same satisfaction I do.