toth shop

toth shop your creative and strategic communications agency.

toth shop is a charlotte-based agency with one goal:
elevate your brand’s content through powerful writing, creativity, and strategy. founder and managing creative partner meg seitz utilizes a unique skill set that is a fusion of her english major and mba, brand strategist role and teaching experience, writing philosophy and hybrid thinking approach. services include offerings that address needs i

n creative, editorial, social strategy, media communications, and brand strategy. we offer every prospective client our “ten for ten” – ten branding opportunities we notice the first ten minutes we’re surfing your website, reading your blog or scrolling through your social. we love clients with grit, imagination and soul because we like to think we operate by all three every, single day.

timeout for a lil’ Q&A SHOP TALK: how important is it to have a good story and/or good copy on your website? do you thin...

timeout for a lil’ Q&A

SHOP TALK: how important is it to have a good story and/or good copy on your website? do you think that makes a difference?

JESSIE MAIDEN, : “YES – you would never believe how much it makes a difference. i’ve noticed it personally - some copy out there is (not to be rude) BORING. my attention span isn’t that long and if you lost me, I am exiting that site real quick. i like to feel like I am literally hearing right from the person on the other end.

just like a good book - a good story and good copy keeps people reading.

wise words from this month’s expert. what are you doing with those .5 seconds you have with someone who just landed on y...

wise words from this month’s expert. what are you doing with those .5 seconds you have with someone who just landed on your website?

fun fact: did you know that jessie actually designed and created the shop talk branding and website?! pop over to our we...

fun fact: did you know that jessie actually designed and created the shop talk branding and website?! pop over to our website now (via the link in our profile) to check out her work.

you’ll see everything we know to be true about her style: boldness, pops of color, personality, movement - and a sense of playfulness and fun.

our favorite page currently? the marketing manager academy page with all the details about this special program. check it out - and remember - it’s rolling, so you can join any month. Shoot us a DM with the word ‘ACADEMY’ if you want to talk about it before march 1. we’d love to have you!

ah, the great debate: which comes first - copy or web design? we asked jessie this favorite, age-old question  - here’s ...

ah, the great debate: which comes first - copy or web design?

we asked jessie this favorite, age-old question - here’s what she said:

“personally, i looove the copy first, it allows me to get creative knowing what I am designing and with how much content.

every website is different so each content is different. i guess that’s the beauty of copywriters. they work their magic and it allows me to create my magic a little easier and better.”

gentle reminder today, and every day: tell the people you love that you love them.

gentle reminder today, and every day: tell the people you love that you love them.

mark your calendars: we are going live with Jess this Thursday, February 15th at 8pm ESTnote: this is a super special li...

mark your calendars: we are going live with Jess this Thursday, February 15th at 8pm EST

note: this is a super special live because it’s our first connecting the u.s. with australia! (fingers crossed you’re working, internet!)

marketing teams spend a lot of time - sometimes YEARS - trying to find their target audience. what’s a target audience? ...

marketing teams spend a lot of time - sometimes YEARS - trying to find their target audience. what’s a target audience? let’s keep it simple: it’s the group of consumers who will most likely buy your product or service.

here’s an easy way to think about: who are the last three people who bought your product or service, and you ‘felt’ and knew it was a good fit, meaning: they used your product, they liked it, they wanted more, or they told someone else?

look at those last three people, and make a list of what’s similar among those three - what do they share, how do they relate, what’s the same in each of them or each of those sales?

“putting in effort to your website really shows – it also shows your audience you are taking your business seriously.” t...

“putting in effort to your website really shows – it also shows your audience you are taking your business seriously.” that’s this month’s expert jessie maiden with sharing what really counts when it comes to website design.

she brings up a REALLY good point - if you look at your brand - across your website, social media, even just how you show up in person - do people see and feel your effort and how much you’re taking your business, your work, your impact seriously?

inquiring minds always want to know….what makes a website stand out? this month’s expert, jessie maiden with , answers t...

inquiring minds always want to know….what makes a website stand out? this month’s expert, jessie maiden with , answers the q with zero fluff in her answer - and she’ll be here with us all month dropping more love for this big question.

we’re excited to introduce you to our expert of the month…(drumroll) 🥁...jessie maiden with , one of our favorite brandi...

we’re excited to introduce you to our expert of the month…(drumroll) 🥁...jessie maiden with , one of our favorite branding and web & graphic design studios in the world.

if she feels familiar, it’s probably because we’ve gushed over here before - she’s the design eye behind the shop talk branding and website. we love working with her because she sees the world the way we do - with playful, bold COLOR - but also because she’s so fun and easy to work with; she’s half a world away (literally - she’s based in australia), and yet, thanks to the power of the internet, we never feel the distance - she’s efficient and effective in a way that works well with the way we work.

here are three things to know about her:

⭐ she's walked the entrepreneurial path herself. In 2021, she combined her passion for design, coding skills, and her desire to help others to say so long to the corporate world and launch House of Toro (toro being an ode to her father’s star sign, ta**us), a creative studio specializing in branding and web & graphic design.

⭐ she knows her stuff: jessie holds a bachelor's degree in communication design from the swinburne university of technology in melbourne, australia, and a diploma in interior design and decoration from ISCD in sydney, australia.

⭐ her message to fellow small business owners (but,really, we think a message to EVERYONE EVERYWHERE) is that life is short, so you should do more of what makes you happy.

jessie, we’re so glad you’re here with us this month - thank you for all you do WITH us! 💓

feeling stuck. we’ve all felt it. so how do you begin to move through that feeling, from stuck to unstuck? here’s some c...

feeling stuck. we’ve all felt it. so how do you begin to move through that feeling, from stuck to unstuck? here’s some coaching from ashley.

"when go getter entrepreneurs get stuck, it feels extra maddening because we usually know how to make things happen, so when they're not happening we tend to press down on the gas even harder and then we spin out in our minds, we burn out and we get lost in a fog of confusion.

if you can relate, STOP. just stop. take a beat and let the dust settle. clear your mind of whatever it is you've been so hyper-focused on, and then go have some fun.

when you feel like you've stopped spinning and found some fun, start asking yourself what clarity you need in order to move forward, or better yet, make this whole situation easier and schedule a session with me!"

whether you’ve been in business one year or five years, there’s a good chance you’ve evolved.successful, impactful brand...

whether you’ve been in business one year or five years, there’s a good chance you’ve evolved.

successful, impactful brands lean into that change. in 2024, lean in.

this month, take an audit of your website and ask yourself:

✔️ does it accurately & clearly communicate my purpose?

✔️ are my colors, graphics, & photos cohesive and reflective of my brand’s identity?

✔️ is everything up-to-date (contact info, hours of operations, service listings, etc.)?

✔️ is how I present my business in person and how my business is presented online aligned?

✔️ does it speak to my current audience?

the answers to these questions give you a starting point as you work toward making sure your website is evolving with you.

effective planning requires two things - time and focus. it’s tricky to pull those things out of thin air, so be intenti...

effective planning requires two things - time and focus.

it’s tricky to pull those things out of thin air, so be intentional and look at your calendar now. where is a pocket of time that you can dedicate to strategically making plans for Q1?

hint: it won’t be at 3pm on a friday or the day before a big presentation.

this is a time to discuss business goals, brainstorm content, and make sure everyone is in alignment. invite the valued members of your team, order food, & dive in.

my background is in education which means I love a good goal setting session. this month it’s easy to fall into the over...

my background is in education which means I love a good goal setting session.

this month it’s easy to fall into the overwhelm trap; goal setting helps you narrow your focus as you wrap up 2023 and look ahead.

consider what new skills you’d like to master, conferences you want to attend, sales goals to hit in the new year.

and in the spirit of work/life balance, what personal development goals can you set? run a marathon (i’ve set my sights on a half marathon 🏃‍♀️), read one book a month, keep a plant alive. whatever sets your soul on fire - set a goal for that, too.

hello 👋! i’m steph - a writer for shop talk (& sister brand toth shop), and i am taking over the shop talk account this ...

hello 👋! i’m steph - a writer for shop talk (& sister brand toth shop), and i am taking over the shop talk account this month. get ready.

to me, december is a magical time of year (honestly - i’m a sucker for any type of holiday cheer ☃️). but professionally, i think it’s magical because of all the opportunities to celebrate AND the opportunities to start fresh in your business with a new year right around the corner.

this month, i’ll be coming at ya with twelve quick hits to consider as the year ends and you start to prepare for 2024. let’s dive in.

picture it 📷: you come back after the holidays, and you go to the content calendar to see what’s on the sales, marketing...

picture it 📷: you come back after the holidays, and you go to the content calendar to see what’s on the sales, marketing, and communications docket for january. it’s blank. you then remember that you just never got to in q4 with all the craziness.

use december to start closing down your business books and thinking about january from a sales and business development perspective AND from a content and communications perspective.

some things to help you organize:

💭 what’s the flow / energy of your industry in january? if it’s slow (like everything in january)

💭 how can you be the OPPOSITE energy of that?

💭 what’s trending in your business or industry for 2024 -

💭 how can you be ahead of the curve with education around those trends?

💭 what do you think your customers or potential customers are thinking about or worried about for q1 - can you address those concerns with content or stories?

this december, we challenge you to organize at least two social posts, one newsletter, and one sales reach out strategy to press GO on in january.

today is giving tuesday. we encourage you to give; give your time, money, attention, energy - whatever makes sense for y...

today is giving tuesday.

we encourage you to give; give your time, money, attention, energy - whatever makes sense for you and where you are in life - to the causes, organizations, and people you believe in, support, and are inspired by.

uncomfortable conversation alert: are you planning on raising your prices in 2024? have you ever thought about it - does...

uncomfortable conversation alert: are you planning on raising your prices in 2024?

have you ever thought about it - does your business NEED to do it?

some tips and tricks:

👉 contact them directly well in advance - that means that you communicate this news at least 4-6 weeks ahead of time, so they have time to prepare. also, consider NOT doing this in the height of the holidays when people and businesses are tying up loose ends for taxes and crunching the numbers personally and professionally for holiday spending.
consider what this would look like in february or march - perhaps ahead of q2 if you can swing it financially.

👉 explain the reasoning behind the price increase - and don’t give a bu****it reason; give a real reason that people can relate to. talk about your vision for THEM in 2024 and how the quality of your product and service can and will support that.

👉 let YOUR team know - make sure your entire organization is aware of the price increase before announcing it to your customers; this should also be communicated directly - perhaps face-to-face in a team meeting versus email AND the ‘why’ should also drive this conversation; also, equip your team to answer your customers questions about the price increase - OR give them a safe space to land with the invitation to also reach out to you personally.

whether it’s sent physically or virtually, THANK and ACKNOWLEDGE your people this month! have some potential clients or ...

whether it’s sent physically or virtually, THANK and ACKNOWLEDGE your people this month!

have some potential clients or customers who haven’t made a decision yet? send them a card and show them some love.

🔥 hot tip: we recommend sending a greeting BEFORE the holidays, so it doesn’t get lost in the holiday hubbub.

people and businesses who work in sustainability, social justice, or the environment, or perhaps a foundation or nonprof...

people and businesses who work in sustainability, social justice, or the environment, or perhaps a foundation or nonprofit, know the phrase ‘impact report’ as the report that shares the impact of their organization on the ecosystem as a whole.

in theory though, an impact report is an opportunity to share the story of your organization's impact with research, facts/figures, or data-driven storytelling.

YOU 👏 can create, develop & share an impact report for your organization - regardless of size, scale or longevity.

here are some things to consider:

❓what was your biggest win this year, and why?

❓how, when, why did you grow like you did this year?

❓what was the biggest challenge you overcame, and how did you do it?

❓how many clients, schools, organizations, partners, etc. did you work with - was it more than last year? more strategic than last year?

goal: can you come up with FIVE key metrics to share your organization's impact with your people before the end of the year?

hi friends, it’s meg - and - ta da! - i’m your expert this month. november is a GREAT month because you can FEEL the ene...

hi friends, it’s meg - and - ta da! - i’m your expert this month.

november is a GREAT month because you can FEEL the energy of a year winding down, the holidays revving up, a new year right around the corner. it can be fun - and crazy - all in one fell swoop. 🍂🤍

i’d like to think about this month as a bit of a hybrid of tactical tips and big picture thinking across two categories:

✨ planning for the holiday season from a messaging perspective

✨ thinking ahead to the new year

so, three things i want you to do right now - tackling each will take less than 10 minutes:

1. look at your calendar for november and december - what can you delete and move to january?

BONUS: if you’re feeling BOLD, look to january, too - what’s on the docket, what COULD be on the docket, and what do you need to do NOW to feel like january is fun, full (good full), and moving the needle forward?

2. consider: do you have a holiday card or gift plan in place?

3. do you have your and your team’s vacation time or holiday schedules on the books for everyone to see NOW?

design is your business power play. it is oftentimes the first thing people see - and the big thing people remember.

design is your business power play. it is oftentimes the first thing people see - and the big thing people remember.

doing good is always in season. during the holidays, we feel that spirit even more. we asked jen how a business can enga...

doing good is always in season. during the holidays, we feel that spirit even more.

we asked jen how a business can engage with their community more during the holidays.

“the best way is to partner with a non-profit during the holiday season. engage the community as soon as possible during the holiday season by asking them to participate in a specific fundraiser or event - whether that is cash donations or donating items.”

three follow-up questions for you:

💥 is there a non-profit, community event, or give back your business is already supporting or you want to support this holiday season?

💥 do you have a specific contact or point or reference there whom you can reach out to now and ask about their specific needs this year or this holiday season?

💥 what’s ONE thing your business can do to help or make a difference with that non-profit this year?

also, remember - giving tuesday is always the first tuesday after thanksgiving. it’s always a good time to start thinking about how your business can support the season and that day specifically, even if that support is social media support to raise awareness.

the holiday season is supposed to be fun and merry, bright and hopeful; it’s a time that brings people together. how can...

the holiday season is supposed to be fun and merry, bright and hopeful; it’s a time that brings people together. how can you start thinking and planning now to keep that spirit and energy through the rest of this year?

our hearts go out to the families, friends, and loved ones whose lives were forever changed on september 11, 2001. we wi...

our hearts go out to the families, friends, and loved ones whose lives were forever changed on september 11, 2001. we will never forget.

there’s nothing worse than it being 1:29pm and you’re 1p is still going and you know you’re 1:30p is probably already in...

there’s nothing worse than it being 1:29pm and you’re 1p is still going and you know you’re 1:30p is probably already in the virtual waiting room, tapping their pencil and waiting for you. and you’re trying to email (!) or text (!!) the 1:30p to say you’re running five minutes late. i feel nervous for you just writing this.

though scheduling back to back meetings might make you look important, it’s actually chaotic. can that 1:30p start at 1:45p?

⏲ quick tip: wherever you are right now, you’re likely holding your phone. SO, the next time you’re NOT holding your pho...

⏲ quick tip: wherever you are right now, you’re likely holding your phone. SO, the next time you’re NOT holding your phone, take a time out and check your posture. are your arms crossed?

we frequently rely on the arm cross to keep our hands and arms busy, but, sometimes, it gives the wrong impression, a closed-for-business impression.

instead of trying to ‘top’ someone in a story, just say ‘i understand’. when we start to top each other’s stories to pro...

instead of trying to ‘top’ someone in a story, just say ‘i understand’. when we start to top each other’s stories to prove something, to impress, to show how smart we are, we get away from the original intent of the conversation.

hey 👋, it’s meg. i went on a date a couple of years ago with a guy who would not let me finish any sentence; i’d be almo...

hey 👋, it’s meg.

i went on a date a couple of years ago with a guy who would not let me finish any sentence; i’d be almost to the end - and he would swoop in - with a comment, a though, an answer, another question. i couldn’t finish a thought - i couldn’t ask a question. it was chaotic. it was panic-inducing. it was just not a fun conversation because i felt myself speeding up what i was talking about JUST to finish ONE sentence. (that was one of those one and done date wonders.)

let someone finish what they’re saying before you answer, weigh in, give your thoughts, give your opinions.

slow. your. roll. calm. down. wait. your. turn. what’s. the. rush.

it’s not. it’s about them. them can be your client, your prospective client, the other person you’re talking to, the per...

it’s not.

it’s about them.

them can be your client, your prospective client, the other person you’re talking to, the person you’re holding the door for, the kids, your partner, the bigger purpose you’re serving.

how does how you show up in the world change if you start to think about how it’s not about you - it’s about someone else.

get a grip. it’s not about you.



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