Finally we are finished our first half of the trip, we do great team work during the trip in Bali. We do slow but sure and with good weather as well during our birding trip. Excellent for us, because we got most of the target and we got "some" escape species on the last of the trip.
So tomorrow we'll heading east, to chasing another endemic species, 🥂
Our highlights :
Bali Myna
Javan Owlet
Javan Hawk-eagle
Banded Fruitdove
Javan Banded-pitta
Green Junglefowl
Javan Bush-warbler
Brown-cheecked Bulbul
Ruby-throated Bulbul
Orange-headed Thrush
Javan Scimitar-babbler
White-tailed Tropicbird
Nankeen Night-heron
Pomarine Skua
Greater Frigatebird
Flame-fronted Barbet
Little Barbet
Lesser Cicadabird
Brown Prinia
Bar-winged Prinia
Plain Prinia
Javan Heleia
Javan Flowerpecker
Sangkar White-eye
Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker
Java Sparrow
Eastern Barn-owl
Indian Cuckoo
Kamchatka Leaf-warbler
Arctic Warbler
Sunda Cuckoo
Oriental Cuckooshrike
Little Cuckoodove
Ruddy Cuckoodove
Crescent-chested Babbler
Fulvous-chested Jungle Flycatcher
Sunda Teal
Javan Plover
Malaysian Plover
Great-billed Heron
For more information about our trip, please contact us on our email [email protected] or you can visit on our website www.balibirdingtour.com