e-NIOS develops integrative solutions for analysis and interpretation of data delivered from modern high throughput Genomics technologies. Promoting knowledge discovery in Biology, e-NIOS aims innovative applications in Biotechnology, Drug Discovery and Personalized Medicine. The analysis and interpretation of high throughput molecular data (Next Generation Sequencing, Metabolomics) is currently
the main bottleneck in the exploitation of genomic information for the rational design of novel therapeutic and diagnostic strategies, based on the consideration of the whole genome as a system and taking into account its variation from one person to another. The computational workflows of e-NIOS, by employing Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, perform comprehensive analysis of high throughput molecular experiments, in order to contribute to the elucidation of complex biological mechanisms and to deliver novel molecular markers or targets for diagnostics and therapeutics. e-NIOS overcomes analysis and interpretation challenges by the expertise of its inherently multidisciplinary team, encompassing extensive research experience in the fields of Bioinformatics, Genomics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Operational Research and Decision Support Systems.