Schofield Welding

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Schofield Welding Jake Eliza and Jed Schofield we travel the USA welding in the oil industry. We record video for YT In Schofield Welding
Two brothers living the american dream.

My name is Jacob, I'm a rig welder out in the oilfield and my brother Jed is my helper, together we make up Schofield Welding. We help guide and build confidence in welders and those wanting to become welders. With our videos on youtube and our post on here (our business page) and Instagram we give you a look into a life of a welder and his helper. Go like and follow us on Instagram ( schofield1990 ) and YouTube ( Jacob Schofield).

Little LH fab in the shop today.      #7018

Little LH fab in the shop today.

Getting some shop fab built and loaded for a 3” gas line. Using the   400 it just dosnt get better for an Allaround shop...

Getting some shop fab built and loaded for a 3” gas line. Using the 400 it just dosnt get better for an Allaround shop machine.
Also the fast cut table. If I had to start over those two pieces of equipment would be the ones I would invest in first for a shop set up.

Thank you thank you!! These pictures are still blowing my mind. Custom elephant with stove tops… custom logos these guys...

Thank you thank you!! These pictures are still blowing my mind. Custom elephant with stove tops… custom logos these guys can do everything.

First impressions are everything!! Confidence when coming into a room full of potential is number 1.
If your serious about your business or taking the next step you need to dress for success. Still blown away by the way these beauties turned out!!
Time to start shaking hands and kissing babies!

Running wire!! I will be the first person to say I used to think anybody could run wire. Was I wrong. There is an Art to...

Running wire!! I will be the first person to say I used to think anybody could run wire. Was I wrong. There is an Art to running a suitcase. Very proud of our little team for knocking out the first part of this job and all of us learning how to run wire. 😆 a for real little learning curve for all of us but the difference in speed is unmatched! It would whip these 36” collars out in about 45 min with a double pass. If you guys have any questions on the suit cases let me know I have a little experiance with them. First recommendation of your going to buy a suitcase get a MILLER!!

I’m not one for really touchy things. Emotions or feelings sometimes go right over my head. Just ask my wife. But I love...

I’m not one for really touchy things. Emotions or feelings sometimes go right over my head. Just ask my wife. But I love a good poem. This is one of my favorites. And one I will read often or listen to on the way to work. It’s a poem about being a man about driving forward when things are tough. Hope you enjoy
IF ( Rudyard Kipling)

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Getting some of this 36” done today. Bailey laying down the wire with the complete set up. Miller pipe pro 400 and the a...

Getting some of this 36” done today. Bailey laying down the wire with the complete set up. Miller pipe pro 400 and the arc reach suitcase 12 really nice combo.

So I’ve been asked a couple times if you can run a Miller suit case of off a Lincoln

#1 yes!! it will actually make your Lincoln run better. 😂

#2 there is a little switch on the inside of the box it says cc/cv constant current or constant voltage. If your running off of a Lincoln like a sa200 or 300 d or HE or something a long those lines. Turn it to CC. Then we found with .045 dual shield 3rd gear and 80 seems to run pretty good. We ran a few joints like that and it boogied right a long… that little Miller suitcase carried that Lincoln welder right across the finish line. 😝 hahaha everybody settle down I’m just teasing.

 12 vs with arc reach is the bomb!! This little dude is a work horse.

12 vs with arc reach is the bomb!! This little dude is a work horse.

The Rig Goat!!!! Meanest thing on 4 feet. Tools are protected because most people are scarred of things with horns…. Jus...

The Rig Goat!!!! Meanest thing on 4 feet. Tools are protected because most people are scarred of things with horns…. Just kidding. I have blue machines, bluetick hounds and now a pack goat. Actually training this thing to ride on the back of the truck with the dogs. 😂 why you ask. Because it will go with us to pack in camp for hunting season . It’s a legit thing look it up!! 😂 but first got to start with baby steps, get this thing to stay on the truck. He kept trying to head butt June. Not sure how to fix that 😆

This is one of the best pieces of equipment ever. I have catagories shop catagory and field catagory. Field goes. Miller...

This is one of the best pieces of equipment ever. I have catagories shop catagory and field catagory.
Field goes. Miller pipe pro 400 then suitcase. Freaking awesome little speed machine.
Shop starts with number 1 CNC plasma table (fast cut) only way to go. And that’s head and shoulder above everything in the shop. It speeds up production and makes everything so much easier. Then as far as field work goes it’s awesome to run back and hurry cut a fl**ge or cut lifting eyes or what ever you need to speed up the field work as well. So I have catagories when it comes to things I would buy first if I had to do it again. If you want to know what those are let me know. Like I said I have a field catagory so rig trucks, then a shop Catagory. So shop work. More stationary equipment everybody have a great day.

Doing lots of different things these days. From airports to waterlines to ethanol plant. It’s been good to do different ...

Doing lots of different things these days. From airports to waterlines to ethanol plant. It’s been good to do different things.

The word talent. I was just watching a Japanese sword maker. Something he said really stuck with me. Quote( I hate the w...

The word talent. I was just watching a Japanese sword maker. Something he said really stuck with me. Quote( I hate the word talent, talent is nothing more then hard work and grit to stick with something until you become good at it.)

I never really thought about it like that. But looking back on my career or anybody else’s career that is successful. That’s all it was. The ability to put your head down and work! Work hard and to keep moving forward and getting better the ability to stick out a project or goal to the very end!

So if you ever feel like your behind or lacking talent. Keep going and keep working! Talent! Comes from effort… be blessed!

What settings is everyone running for there 7018 on the pipe pro and pro. Did you know that Miller Welders] has a xx18 m...

What settings is everyone running for there 7018 on the pipe pro and pro.

Did you know that Miller Welders] has a xx18 mode on the pro 400s? They have these things dialed in I really honestly never thought twice about it. I just ran in the xx10 spot and never really changed it. That’s Probably why I struggled so bad with 7018. Hu**ed up caps undercut sides it’s was driving me crazy. Then I decided to try the 7018 mode, what a difference. Smoother bottoms a better looking arc who would of thought between two modes it would make your life that much easier. What settings is everyone running for there 7018?
Pancake hood:
Gloves: Miller Welders]

One of my favorite things in the shop is this big American flag! I love walking in and seeing it when the lights turn on...

One of my favorite things in the shop is this big American flag! I love walking in and seeing it when the lights turn on. I feel beyond blessed to live in such an amazing place!

Cutting some 8” pipe coupons for a 6g demo and practice run.

It’s getting there. Finally getting enough time work on it a piece at a time. It’s getting closer. I am digging these  I...

It’s getting there. Finally getting enough time work on it a piece at a time. It’s getting closer. I am digging these I get questions all the time about them. So here it goes.

I’ve ran bull horns, lead wells and everything in between. I have avoided the reels for I don’t even know why.

Now that I actually have a set I freaking love them. They keep your leads nice, they are tangle free, quick pin system that locks tight and rolls out smooth.

I might build beds with lead wells and or bull horns but if I have a choice from now on. I will run reels! The little bracket we have built to hold the reels is as short as we can make it, I believe it’s a supper sharp look.

If your looking for a set of reels get ahold of Randy #1 because he is one of the best guys you will talk to. #2 he knows his product inside and out!!

Sitting on the front step enjoying a warm morning with Baylin boy. Got a pretty big day planned. Finishing up a couple p...

Sitting on the front step enjoying a warm morning with Baylin boy. Got a pretty big day planned. Finishing up a couple projects, doctor appointments then on to Pinedale for Father’s Day. Rumor has it there is steak and shrimp tonight!

Finishing up this bore job getting close to being on our way home. Freaking loving welding on bigger pipe. 2-6” is ok bu...

Finishing up this bore job getting close to being on our way home.

Freaking loving welding on bigger pipe. 2-6” is ok but man 16” .500 wall. All I can say is I am pretty rusty! The bottom seems pretty huge but still loving it.

Sitting in Montana with some of the best people you ever met welding together a 16” bore section. Life is a crazy event ...

Sitting in Montana with some of the best people you ever met welding together a 16” bore section.

Life is a crazy event you never know what’s going to happen but one day your helping or learning to weld the next you have a truck and traveling from job to job meeting great people, grilling on the back of trucks and having your brothers 26th birthday in good ole Montana. 8 hours from the house.

We have guys from all over the country on this job but something about them good ole Idaho boys makes me proud.

More mechanical welding. Protected by  (shirt) (welding hood)  (gloves)(machine) (welding caps) (welding lense)

More mechanical welding.
Protected by
(welding hood)
(welding caps)
(welding lense)

Working on the new addition to the welding scooter!! A stainless steel cooking grill. I’ve always wanted one but didn’t ...

Working on the new addition to the welding scooter!! A stainless steel cooking grill. I’ve always wanted one but didn’t have the equipment or the time. Well I have everything now except the time 😂 this grill is going to be epic it will include cut parts, welder and the plasma cutter. This whole grill build is being filmed and will be up on YouTube in a few weeks fingers crossed!

Days and days of sitting on a roll out wheel.

Days and days of sitting on a roll out wheel.

The truck is looking a little different every day. From new tool boxes to getting locks put in the back. Finally home lo...

The truck is looking a little different every day. From new tool boxes to getting locks put in the back. Finally home long enough to start knocking out little punch list items

The little  table printing money while I sit on my butt!!!     Everyone talks about passive income. Well this is as pass...

The little table printing money while I sit on my butt!!!
Everyone talks about passive income. Well this is as passive as it gets. Just plug and play knock the slag off and either build it or send it to powder coat.
Yes it’s still cold here. But starting to warm up.

The PICKLE!!! I’m going to say pretty freaking impressed with this little beveler. I bought this from a buddy of mine wh...

The PICKLE!!! I’m going to say pretty freaking impressed with this little beveler. I bought this from a buddy of mine who happened to have it in his trailer when I was walking by. This is a sweet little unit. It does take two people to set up and use but once set up it’s very smooth!

A fun project a few days ago in an ethanol plant. We needed to reroute a water supply which include 4 fl**ges and two 14...

A fun project a few days ago in an ethanol plant. We needed to reroute a water supply which include 4 fl**ges and two 14” saddles.

Blue machines  and bluetick hound pups. In Highschool I used to have a little pack of hounds that I loved to chase all o...

Blue machines and bluetick hound pups. In Highschool I used to have a little pack of hounds that I loved to chase all over the river bottoms. As life goes sometimes, I had to sell that pack of dogs and start life. I’m finally in a position where I can start my little pack again. And share the fun with my family. Anyway I was needing a new rig dog. Ole yellow was the best rig dog a guy could of asked for. But just like everything and everyone. There eventually comes an ending to this life on earth. He will be missed but we are excited about welcoming Schofields runaway June. June for short.

NEver turn down work, you have no idea what they might have next. This huge multur had some bad teeth so we went ahead a...

NEver turn down work, you have no idea what they might have next. This huge multur had some bad teeth so we went ahead and cut them out and replaced them.

1,2,3,4 stabilas on one piece.  that doesn’t include the 4 footer. Solid magnets high quality levels. they are some of m...

1,2,3,4 stabilas on one piece. that doesn’t include the 4 footer. Solid magnets high quality levels. they are some of my favorite. One thing to keep in mind though. The end of each of the torpedo levels tapers. I’ve two holes a few fl**ges, moving to fast I used some of the taper. Let’s be honest, the bolts did not line up. 😂

these last couple years have been all over the place. We started a new one yesterday. An airport. I’ve never done any wo...

these last couple years have been all over the place. We started a new one yesterday. An airport. I’ve never done any work on an airport but it’s been a good job so far. Thanks to for always starting g and making a living.

Sometimes standing on your head is the way to get the job done. 😂 finishing up this little  condensate line. Had some 10...

Sometimes standing on your head is the way to get the job done. 😂 finishing up this little condensate line. Had some 10” and 8” stainless to get done as well. Now on to the boilers. Already have. Bunch of that knocked out as well. Hope everyone had a great week. Be blessed.

Still snowing in Idaho. The last week has been amazing. 50 to 70° weather and T-shirt living. But then you always get th...

Still snowing in Idaho. The last week has been amazing. 50 to 70° weather and T-shirt living. But then you always get these little random snow storms that blowing every now and then. And I’m telling you right now we froze until we started throwing on our up in smoke hoodies. Along with a few more layers. The little pipe pro 400 didn’t even hiccup when we went to start it up. Good equipment warm clothes makes a cold day a lot better.



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