Put on your wig hat and high heeled sneakers, the High Hat is getting developed.
Public Notice:
PUBLIC NOTICE PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF BAYONNE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Baker Residential Limited Partnership ("Applicant") has submitted an application to the Planning Board of the City of Bayonne (the "Board") (calendar -14-007) for preliminary and final major site plan approval to permit a development of a four-story building comprised of 248 residential units, constructed over a single level parking garage and at-grade parking with related amenities at 190 West 54th Street which is located at the westerly terminus of 53rd and 54th Streets. The property is identified as Block 32, Lot 21.01 f/k/a Lots 1,2,3 and 21 on the current Tax Map of the City of Bayonne and is located in the RM High Density Residential zone district and the Hi-Hat Catering Redevelopment Area. The Applicant is seeking a variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c (1) and (2), from: (i) Lot and Building Requirement No. 8a of Hi-Hat Catering Redevelopment Plan minimum size of 1BR/Studio is 650 square feet, proposed is 520; (ii) Ordinance section 35-5.5e.(4) minimum rear yard setback is 25.25 feet, proposed is 19.5 feet and 14.5 feet; (iii) Lot and Building Requirement No.9 of Hi-Hat Catering Redevelopment Plan maximum lot coverage is 75%, proposed is 82%; (iv) Design Standard No.4 of Hi-Hat Catering Redevelopment Plan calls for a minimum 10' landscaped buffer, proposed is 0; and (v) relief from the minimum number of parking spaces under the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) to permit 317 parking spaces where the RSIS requirement is 461 spaces. The Applicant is also seeking waivers from various design standards of the Ordinance and such other and further variances, waivers, permits and/or approvals as may be required or determined to be necessary through the course of the hearing process. This matter has been placed on the agenda of the Planning Board of the City of Bayonne for a hearing which has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 6:00 p.m., at the Dorothy E. Harrington Municipal Council Chambers, 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002. When the application is called, at the stated date or at such other date and time to which said hearing may be postponed, continued or adjourned, you may appear, in person or represented by agent or attorney and present any objections or comments which you may have to the granting of the relief sought in this application. All applications, maps and documents relating to this matter are on file in the office of the Planning Board of the City of Bayonne and are available for inspection during regular business hours. Sokol, Behot & Fiorenzo Attorneys for Applicant Baker Residential Limited Partnership Dated: June 18, 2014 06/23/14 $85.00