Day two had us exploring New Mexico and the Anasazi/Puebla ruins. And we picked some prickly pears.
I can’t think of anything more satisfying on these trips than to see the smiles as everyone bathe the elephants in the flooded rivers of northern Thailand. Everybody should try this!
Muy Thai is full of ritual and tradition. It’s also a pretty fun way to spend a few hours with friends. We were lucky enough to be invited into the ring for a photo with the final fighters of the night.
White temple
The white temple on Chiang Mai is iconic. The whole campus is full of symbolism that invites us to leave worldliness behind, draws is toward the sublime, and warns us that the world will make awful things look golden. IYKYK
The blue temple in Chiang Rai is a special treat at night time. Adding sticky rice and mango from around the corner is a hack that I would suggest to anybody visiting.
Wat Tham Pla in the very northern tip of Thailand is always a treat. The monkeys have taken over the entire temple complex and our constantly looking for new food sources. They are adorable and obnoxious.
$7 for one hour of a foot massage. Really, if there is a subsidy that needs to be made law in the US that would make a real difference in our lives…it’s one that would make football massages available to the common man. Oh, how I love them
We snuck out to a familiar waterfall near the hill tribe villages so I could see an old friend and relax in the heat.
The heat at the ancient capital Ayutthaya required us to use umbrellas for shade…and dancing. We loved the crafts we saw being made in the Karen long neck tribe village. And the surprise visit to Tiger Kingdom was a quick treat.
The heat at the ancient capital Ayutthaya required us to use umbrellas for shade…and dancing. We loved the crafts we saw being made in the Karen long neck tribe village. And the surprise visit to Tiger Kingdom was a quick treat.
The heat at the ancient capital Ayutthaya required us to use umbrellas for shade…and dancing. We loved the crafts we saw being made in the Karen long neck tribe village. And the surprise visit to Tiger Kingdom was a quick treat.
Chiang Mai is famous for being Thailand’s adventure playground. They also happen to be a manufacturing hub. We explored Jade carving, jewelry and silk production, and umbrella construction to understand the region a little better.