How onBoard benefits educators
“One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it you have no certainty, until you try.” - Sophocles
Experiential learning and other nontraditional classroom tools are proven methods to enhance a student’s experience in school and becoming increasingly popular to use in the classroom. In addition to developing an engaging curriculum, educators spen
d a large amount of time and energy identifying potential real-world projects for students to work on, hoping they would fit the rigor of the course and fulfill course credit requirements. Many educators have to maintain a personal database that are limited to their own contacts and past companies used. onBoard reduces the time and energy educators spend identifying real-world projects by providing an easy-to-use online search tool to browse potential projects, receive notifications when a project fits your class requirements, and submit projects based on real time deadlines. How onBoard benefits nonprofit businesses
Financing and funding are consistent problems that nonprofits face. Reducing overhead costs is a constant challenge as nonprofits have to explore innovative ways in their marketing and strategic planning. onBoard allows nonprofits to post unlimited projects for a low monthly subscription rate. A surcharge is only applied if a project is selected by an educator to be completed for students for course credit. The nonprofit benefits by receiving projects done by talented students for a very low competitive rate.