Antpittas of Colombia 4/4
Welcome to the final part of our short series on Colombia's antpittas. In this post, we feature one of the country’s rarest and most restricted endemic species, a newly discovered, yet undescribed species from the Central Andes, and three more commonly seen antpittas. All of these birds can currently be photographed at various locations along the Colombian Andes.
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1. Urrao Antpitta (Grallaria urraoensis) – This recently described species is found only in the northernmost tip of the Western Andes, particularly in the Dusky Starfrontlet Proaves Reserve, where this photo was taken earlier this year.
2. 'Paisa' Antpitta (Grallaria sp. nov.) – A newly identified but yet-to-be-described species from the Los Llanos del Cuiba plateau, north of Medellín. It is currently visiting two feeders in the Montañerito Paisa reserve (Antioquia Brushfinch Reserve), where this shot was captured.
3. Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata) – The most common of the old 'Rufous' Antpitta complex in Colombia. This individual was photographed at
4. Tawny Antpitta (Grallaria quitensis) – Frequently seen at feeders in the Termales del Ruiz hotel and easily found in several locations throughout the Central Andes of Colombia.
5. Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla) – Likely the first antpitta to visit feeders in Colombia, this species has been regularly photographed at , where multiple generations have been coming to the same feeder since 2005.