Hi everyone. Here is a reminder of my packages.
Option One: $210.00 (plus freight)
You arrange with the child (Child’s name) to send their doll on a holiday for 2 weeks at Polly Dolly Retreat. Over that period the child will receive mail address to them once a week (letter and photos).
At the end of the 2 weeks I will email an approximate arrival date for the doll. The doll will arrive in a complimentary dressing gown and a new wardrobe of 3 outfits.
Outfit One:
Wedding dress (dress, petticoat and veil)
Ballroom (dress, petticoat and stole).
Outfit Two:
Day wear (short dress, coat and pants)
Outfit Three:
Casual wear (long pants, skirt and top).
Option Two: $210.00 (plus freight)
You send the new doll which you have named. I will then make 3 outfits (same categories as package one)
-Bridal or ballroom dress
-Casual wear
The doll will arrive home in a complementary dressing gown plus a story and photos about her life so far and how she is looking forward to now living with… (Child’s name)
Option three: (plus freight)
You can buy individual outfits.
Wedding outfit $45.00 (dress, veil and petticoat)
Ballroom outfit $30.00 (dress, petticoat, stole)
Short dress $10.00
Short skirt and Top $15.00