EP 29: I Can’t Lose My ____ It Defines Who I Am!
I can’t lose my belief systems - they define who I am!
I can’t lose where I live. I’ll never find a place as wonderful.
I can’t lose my alcoholic daughter. I’ll do whatever it takes to bail her out of trouble .
I can’t lose my job. I’m living paycheck to paycheck.
I can’t lose my reputation. It means everything to me.
Many of us have people, places and things we believe we cannot lose and still be us. How much is that limiting what we can be and choose? What if losing can be a liberating experience? Join us for a deep dive into losing and what it can create.
EP28: The Irreverent Therapists - Turbulence At The Boundary
Turbulence At The Boundary
You’re floating gently down a river, when all of a sudden, you see rocks ahead and the water is churning and wild. Help!
This happens in our lives, too. Everything seems smooth and under control and then out of the blue there are big changes, things we didn’t expect to happen. Our lives are upended and what was stable before is gone.
What if you don’t panic? What if you ride out being uncomfortable, knowing that this too shall pass? You are far more resilient than you believe! It’s just a wave and you can choose to ride it out with ease.
The Irreverent Therapists
What if living didn’t have to be so serious? What if you could move beyond your problems with greater ease than you ever imagined? Throw your labels out the window and join Marilyn Bradford and Pam Houghteling weekly!
EP27: What Are You Sick Of?
What Are You Sick Of?
Do you ever wonder if there is more to being physically sick than just the viruses going around? Do you need to slow down and rest? Are you sick of the crazy rat race and your body is tired of the stress? Or are you sick of worrying about money, or what’s going on with a family member, or with politics? What if identifying what you are actually sick of can help speed your body’s recovery? What are you actually sick of?
EP26: What Do Your Neighbors Say About You?
What Do Your Neighbors Say About You?
Do you care? Do you pretend not to care? Most people do care what others think of them. Hence – the development of the Image. We create images in order to control other’s opinions of us. We show up as: “the good neighbor”, or “the perfect family” or “the successful business person”. To the extent that we believe these images or make them important, we negate us! What would it be like to just be who you are, even if other’s judged you harshly? Why do we even care?
EP25: Holiday Hangover
Holiday Hangover
Do you have a Holiday Hangover? Too much food, wine, family, good times or bad times? Did you have to spend more money than you planned on or were your attempts to keep away from “Uncle Jed” not very successful?
We’re supposed to be so very happy during the holidays, yet they are one of the most stressful times of the year.
Join us for a detox of the holidays!
EP 24 - When Things Don’t Go Your Way
When Things Don’t Go Your Way
"I had it all planned out! Why didn’t you do this the way I asked you to? I can’t believe you just cancelled! My flight was just delayed another three hours and I’ll miss my connection."
Sometimes life does not go as planned. That’s a given. It’s your reaction or how you deal with it that decides how your life going forward will be. Do you resist and react? Get angry and yell or curse the world (or others), or do you ask questions and look for how you might change things?
Join us for an exploration of what’s possible when things don’t go your way.
EP 22: Anger - Friend or Foe?
Who’s in charge? You or anger? Anger can be a useful tool as long as you are in charge and are aware of why you are choosing it. If it owns you, it can cause a lot of damage to your relationships and your life. Join us and learn some tips about how to use anger to your advantage and how not to let it control you.
EP23 - What Are You Making Significant?
What are you making significant?
“But you don’t understand! It’s so important! I’m deeply depressed, full of anxiety, scared, living in the future, living in the past about what happened or might not happen.”
Are you making something so significant that it prevents you from having a of sense of peace and space? Is it really so important that you’ve stopped creating your life? What if you replaced significance with awareness? What if you could truly live from interesting point of view and allowance? What would your future be like then?
EP21 - Getting Rid of Expectations
What are your expectations? Of yourself and of others? What standards and demands rule your relationships? Has everything worked out the way you desired and expected? If not, would you be willing to look at another possibility?
What if you got ride of expectations?
EP20 - Are you the Lone Ranger?
Are you the Lone Ranger? Do you pull yourself up by your boot straps? Is asking for help and assistance an admission of failure?
What if there’s another possibility? What if you were willing to receive all that the universe and others had to offer?
EP19 - Mistakes
Have you ever made a mistake? I bet your answer is “Yes!”, but what if you haven’t? What if you’ve never made a mistake in your life? Is that possible? Maybe it’s just how you’ve looked at something, or perhaps you chose something because you cut off your awareness. What if there’s a gift in everything you’ve called a mistake? What if your life is right on target?
EP 18 Need, Needy, Needless
Need, Needy, Needless
What’s in a need? Is it real? Is it yours? Are there people or things that you absolutely “need”? Do you use “need” to stay connected to people, places or things? Have you been manipulated by other’s needs? Who would you be without needs? Let’s take a deep dive into the true nature of “needs”.