We’re unbelievably excited for this new offering in one of Africa’s great wildernesses…
On foot encounters with wild dogs, fishing for tiger fish as elephants swim across the river in front of you and the roar of lions nearby as the stars of the Southern Skies are arrayed above you in an incredible panoply…
@manasandszw are running an amazing special from 20% off for early bookings, so get in touch with us to find out more or to reserve your stay at this magical destination…
#manapools #luxtravel #luxurysafari #barefootluxury #adventure #adventuretravel #wildlife #safarimoments #bigcat #lion #wilddog #wilderness
During the annual inundation of the Okavango, sightings like this are fairly regular at Great Plains Conservation Duba Plains.
As so much of the landscape is underwater, lions are forced to wade across narrow channels in order to access hunting grounds.
This semi-aquatic lifestyle has led to overly developed forequarters, and the lionesses in particular here are amongst the largest in Africa.
Get in touch with us through [email protected] to enquire about Duba Plains or other water-based camps in the Okavango...
🎥: @jamotyrrell
#lion #luxtravel #lioness #luxurysafari #bigcat #big5 #iconicafrica
Time passes so quickly when spent in the company of leopards.
The Nkoveni female is one of the Mainstays of @londolozi leopard viewing, having been born in the Sand River just downstream from their camps in August 2012 and still territorial on the reserve. She has successfully raised a number of cubs to independence.
The croaking noise heard in the background is the alarm-call of a grey go-away bird.
🎥: @jamotyrrell
#leopard #big5 #bigcat #wildlife #londolozi #bucketlist #luxtravel #luxurytravel #slowmo
True bucket-list stuff!
Imagine being face-to-face with a 200kg silverback gorilla, and he displays no aggression but simply carries on about his day.
A gorilla encounter is possibly the most intimate wildlife experience available on the continent.
Get in touch with us through [email protected] to find out about the best places to do it and the best time of year to go...
🎥: @jamotyrrell
#gorilla #bucketlist #wildlifeencounter #iconicafrica #luxsafari #luxurytravel #intimate
Elephants in the Okavango Delta will often take to the water to feed on the softer plant material to be found there. Whilst moving through the reeds and papyrus, they will disturb insects, so one often sees a diverse flock of birds in attendance - like these wattled starlings and cattle egret - taking advantage of the arthropod bounty scared up by the world's largest land mammal.
#elephant #botswana #big5 #bird #birding #help #iconicafrica #luxurysafari #luxtravel
There are few sights more beautiful or more quintessentially African than a herd of elephants at a waterhole.
During the Southern African dry season of May - September, the herds congregate around the remaining water sources, and if one is patient, they WILL come...
Here a herd enjoys the last of the light while drinking on the fringes of Botswana's Okavango Delta.
#elephant #bigfive #wildlife #peaceful #safarimoment #wilderness #botswana #okavango
Wonderful scenes with two playful young leopards, from our guests’ recent safari to @malamalagamereserve.
With the highest density of leopards yet recorded in Africa, the greater Sabi Sand area - including Mala Mala and the Sabi Game Reserve is literally THE place to view these enigmatic cats.
Get in touch through [email protected] to find out more about accommodation options…
#leopard #play #sibling #bigcat #big5
Amazing sighting of two young leopard siblings outside a guest room at Notten's Bush Camp, South Africa.
#leopard #safarimoments #iconicafrica #luxurysafari #luxtravel #nottensbushcamp #nottens #bigcat #cub
An amazing sighting of two young leopards awaiting their mother's return, filmed by Iconic Africa guests outside their room at Notten's Bush Camp in South Africa.
Please note these leopards are completely wild and a respectful distance is maintained at all times by guests and staff alike.
#leopard #sabisands #nottens #bigfive #bigcat #safarimoments #iconicafrica #luxurytravel
The consumate ease with which a leopard descends a tree is one of the most impressive things about these cats. Here a young female descends from where she had been feeding on her impala kill.
We thought we'd revisit one of our favourite videos today, just because we can...
What is YOUR VAlentine's Day takeaway about love...?
#love #valentines #iconicafrica #lovelanguage #wilderness #romance #caring #friendship #trust #africa #luxurysafari #luxurytravel