So happy to see this model being used and shared 🥰
🎉 Did you know that our 5 Pillars of Protection model is nearly 7 years old!
Working with professional trauma and fatigue, which we consider to be, stress, burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma is not a one size fits all concept, which is why (we think 😀 ) our 5 Pillars of Protection model is gaining momentum as a valuable framework for addressing the challenges we can encounter when we work with others in crisis, trauma or distress.
Awareness, supervision, peer support, trauma-informed practice, and self-care can empower professionals to navigate these hurdles, because you use it, to consider your unique experience, in the moment, whilst considering what changes you may or may not want to make.
How are you using it, we’d love to hear?
Keep in touch for updates and insights as we continue to support professionals to look after themselves and each other, whilst we develop the accompanying book (we know it's about time 😀 ) and update our other resources.