You didn't go to medical school to sit in advertising meetings reviewing the latest business phone apps and software, or planning your social media campaign. Leave all of this to me, and I will free up your schedule to: work more patients into your day, or work on your golf swing, take that extended vacation you have been dreaming of, or maybe just take your spouse to a quite dinner. You decide ho
w to spend the time while I work to free-up your time! Every physician is unique and every practice has its own goals and challenges. Maybe you are going out on your own, or expanding your services, and could use a new referral source. Maybe your practice is growing so rapidly you could use a "midlevel" in your office, or help rounding on your patients at the hospital, or at a nursing facility. Or maybe a modern branding campaign is more what you want (business cards, appointment fliers, product/service brochures or even a billboard). I can insure you get the most from your marketing and advertising dollars, that your practice is seen at the appropriate civic and industry events, and that you connect with other practitioners and services insuring reliable referral sources. I won't pick up your dry cleaning or remind you it's your mother-in-law's birthday, but I will be responsible for all your Marketing, Advertising and Business Development needs.