House Rules:
This is your page, a world where you can express your opinion about the amazing world of travel. We want you to share your love of travel and we encourage you to chat and be social with Liberty Travel and other fans by leaving comments, photos, and videos. We don’t take decisions on moderating posts lightly, and expect content and commentary to be both relevant and respectful to this
community. All material posted must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Use and Community Standards. Commentary and content from fans does not represent the opinions or ideals of the Flight Centre Travel Group, its employees or affiliates. The Flight Centre Travel Group (a) does not represent or warrant the accuracy of any statement or product claims made here, (b) is not responsible for any commentary and content from fans, and (c) does not endorse any opinions or ideals expressed on this fan page. Before uploading any content, make sure you own the rights to it, and that it is your own creation and that you are legally responsible for its use. When you submit content, you grant the Flight Centre Travel Group the rights to use and re-use this content either on this page or on any another Flight Centre Travel Group platform or in marketing and promotions. Liberty Travel reserves the right to remove any material or comments and anyone repeatedly posting material that is deemed inappropriate may be banned from participating in this page. Any content that is hate speech, threatening, trolling, pornographic, incites violence, contains nudity, graphic or gratuitous violence, or profanity will be deleted and the user will be banned from the page. We pride ourselves on our customer service and will do our utmost to resolve any customer concerns, however any user that detracts from this customer service experience will be banned from the page. This is a place for you to share your love of travel so let’s be respectful and have fun here.