Contrary to what many people think, dogs want structure and obedience. They want to know what the rules are. They want to make you happy. Look at this miniature Australian Labradoodle’s first visit. Her tail and her face says it all as she learns the down and stay.
Kayla Blaker’s Grimm working the Escape yesterday
Kayla Blaker’s Grimm in the blind.
Brian Harvey’s Ando with Helper Ralph Blaker yesterday. This dog never ceases to amaze me.
A glimpse of obedience training this weekend.
Brian Harvey with Ando.
Ando & Brian
Ando vom Harvey Haus and Brian Harvey
Helper Jeofrey Mondal
Hanzo 19m
Hanzo DLS on Helper John Bochenek
Nike vom Skyhaus
Nike vom Skyhaus
Handled by Jeofrey Mondal
Helper John Bochenek
Hanzo DLS is growing up !
Hanzo DLS 18 m working on John Bochenek
Hanzo DLS with John Bochenek
Nike.with Waine Singleton
Helper Waine Singleton