Welcome to La Gran Sabana , where people still pay with gold . You can witness this in you way to Roraima 👍🏻
Do you like hiking ? Sharing with locals? Eating delicious food? Swim in hot springs? Come join us on our next adventure in Los Nevados National Pak . Colombia
The Whale watching season begins in June! Join us at the pacific coast of Colombia for this great family & beach vacation . Check our tours here www.aadventures.net
The hike begins through a beautiful rainforest crossing many creeks and hanging Bridges
This is the Carrao river , on the way to Angel Falls
Come join this tour ! Weekly departures 👍🏻
Farlig Mote with Akanan
#films #videos #adventuresvideos #aadventures
#memories Biggest & Baddest 🎥🎞📸
Facing fears in the Malaga coast in colombia! 🇨🇴 The best Memories dont come from easy experiences and thats why this one was so special. Jumping to a natural made hole with an exit underwater 🤿
Dont let fear make you regret anything,🌊 keep chasing your dream adventures with us
~ @aadventurestravel
~jumper @andres_j_ramirez
Ängsten gegenüberstehen an der Malaga Küste in Kolumbien! 🇨🇴 Die besten Erinnerungen kommen nicht von leichten Erfahrungen und deswegen ist diese so fantastisch. Springen in ein Natürlich entstandens loch mit einem unter Wasser Ausgang 🤿
Lass nicht zu, dass du etwas bereust, weil du Angst hast 🌊 folgt weiter deinem Traum Abenteuer mit uns
~ @aadventurestravel
~Springer @andres_j_ramirez
~ Its a very special feeling seeing the first steps from baby turtles not only beacause they are cute and you fell in love with them. There is a unique connection between nature and an important lesson of awareness grows from within.
A whole bunch of amazing emotions in bahia solano 🌴
This a wake up call to start picking up all the trash you see at the beach, that is killing not only this beautiful animals but also millions of others marine creatures.
~ Es ist ein ganz besonderes Gefühl, die ersten Schritte von Baby-Schildkröten zu sehen, nicht nur, weil sie süß sind und du dich in sie verliebt hast. Es gibt eine einzigartige Verbindung zwischen der Natur und eine wichtige Lektion des Bewusstseins wächst von innen heraus.
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Eine ganze Reihe erstaunlicher Emotionen in Bahia Solano 🌴
Dies ist ein Weckruf, um all den Müll aufzuheben, den Sie am Strand sehen. Das tötet nicht nur diese schönen Tiere, sondern auch Millionen anderer Meerestiere.
#bahiasolano #wasserschildkröte #tortugasbebes #arenita #naturaleza🍃 #explorar #colombia🇨🇴 #urlaub🌴 #verano2020 #adventures #wandern #fernweh #sudamerica #reise #meer #playallday #mar #sand #kohtao #experiencelife #travelphotography #naturephotography #viajerosporelmundo #natureexplorer #medellincolombia💛💙❤️
~ stay safe, the adventure is not going anywhere.
~It is important for everyone to help so that we can get through this situation together and become stronger☀️
#stayhome #travel #colombia
~ A just born turtle taking its first steps into the ocean. Pure magic in the Pacific bay ✨
If you want to see this natural event for yourself visit our website at aadventurestravel.net for more information.
#turtles #pacificocean #colombia #bahiasolano #medellin #akanan #nature
~ Some days you just can’t find any whales to watch...
The solution? Jumping into the ocean and acting like one right @dayralambis ???
Fun experiences at @elalmejal
#whales #pacificocean #humpbackwhale #colombia #travel #explore #nature #elalmejal