The Montreal West Operatic Society - MWOS: 80+ yrs of musical theatre; specialty: Gilbert & Sullivan We are The Montreal West Operatic Society.
Membership in the Society is open to anyone with an interest in Gilbert and Sullivan, or musical theatre in general. Cast members are all unpaid volunteers, and range from serious amateurs who perform for the sheer fun of it to music students seeking to hone their vocal and dramatic skills to bona fide professionals looking to broaden their repertoires. The singers are supported by a cadre of non-
singing volunteers who work on all aspects of the production, from set construction to ticket sales to front-of-house operations to publicity. Feel free to contact [email protected] for further information. A Brief History
The Montreal West Operatic Society (recently also known as The Montreal Westend Operatic Society) formed in 1939 by Montreal West townsfolk led by Harry and Doris Norris, previously of the D'Oyly Carte Company in London. The Montreal West Operatic Society has, for many years, been a proud supporter of the Montreal Children's Hospital. Each year Society members precede their Christmas party by going door-to-door in Montreal West singing carols and collecting donations, contributing all the funds raised to the hospital. All profits generated by the distribution of show programs are also donated to the Children's. In 2014, we celebrated our 75th anniversary of producing operetta by staging the hilarious 'Patience'. Although we specialize in Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, we also produce bilingual comic pieces by other composers. In 2012, we staged Offenbach's 'Orpheus in the Underworld/Orphée aux Enfers' - dialogue in English and songs in French. In 2015, we repeated the experience by producing 'La Chauve-Souris/The Revenge of the Bat' (Die Fledermaus) by Johann Strauss. The English dialogue was revised by MWOS's own Rod MacLeod. The premier of Montreal's first bilingual production of 'La Chauve Souris' in the Montreal area was a great success. In recent years, MWOS has showcased local talent in a series of Musical Theatre concerts - the MWOS Musical Revue 2016 with selections from opera to Broadway, including comical pieces from our 'Gilbert and Sullivan' operatic repertoire. Email: [email protected] for more information.
To: All MWOS Members and Friends~
This is to regretfully announce that the following resolution was passed unanimously (16-0-0) at the AGM held on May 30, 2023: Be it resolved that The Montreal West Operatic Society (NEQ #1443802909) be permanently closed as a non-profit incorporated organization effective June 1, 2023.
THANK YOU to all those MWOSers who took the time to respond to our 'MWOS Future' Poll. The deadline was August 5. Should you wish to submit a late ballot, please do. Even though it will not be officially counted, it will help us understand how MWOSers feel. The official count will be announced on August 15th. The buzz surrounding this poll has created an interesting vibe. Ideas on how to revive the company are bubbling up. I will let you know more once, things gel. Shelagh Glover
The Board of Directors and the members of Montreal West Operatic Society were very saddened yesterday to learn of the passing of a long-standing member and supporter of MWOS - Wilhelmina Fredericks. She contributed greatly to the life and work of MWOS over the years she was with us, and her smile and laughter could fill a room in a split second. She was passionate about whatever she put her support behind, and that passion was unmatched. She had a very large circle of friends and colleagues that will miss her terribly, and we at MWOS extend our heartfelt sympathies to her daughter Nadia, all the rest of her family and her extended family in music and theatre. May she rest in peace and may angels sing her to that final rest.
Jane Needles and MWOS BOD.
Hello, Everyone~
I've just received some sad news: Wilhelmina Fredericks, a performing member of MWOS since 2014, has died. MWOS was invited to perform for Wilhelmina's company, Zerf Productions, for a number of concerts prior to 2019. She also sat on the MWOS Board of Directors for several years. Her enthusiasm, energy and generosity will be sorely missed.
To learn more about this dynamic woman:
Wilhelmina was honoured twice by receiving medals from the Governor-General of Canada:
Wilhelmina Fredericks
Montréal, Quebec: Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee Medal (2002)
Wilhelmina Christina Fredericks
Montréal, Quebec: Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012)
Message from our Partner: Theatre Ouest End~
Greetings MWOSers!
The launch of 'Still Got Something to Say: 6 Plays on Age' was a tremendous success! If you were unable to watch the livestream on June 1, don’t fret, you have 2 more weeks until June 15th to watch it on our page: YOU DON'T NEED A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT to be able to access our show on our page! We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with registration on the Eventbrite page, but it will be back up and running in a few days. When it is, you can register for tickets through Eventbrite here. In the meantime, as we mentioned above, you can make your way over to our page to watch the show!
In order to ensure accessibility, admission is free, but donations are very welcome and can be made on our website here, or when registering for a ticket on Eventbrite once the site is back up. If you would like to donate more than $50 and receive a tax receipt for your donation, please go to the following link: Under “Send a message to this charity” on the Canada Helps website, please add “In Trust for Theatre Ouest End”.
Thank you for supporting Theatre Ouest End. The details:
Theatre Ouest End in collaboration with Beanduck Productions has created a digital English production of our exciting new series: 'Still Got Something to Say: 6 Plays on Age'. With support from the Canada Council for the Arts 'Digital Now!' grant,Theatre Ouest End commissioned six seasoned Canadian playwrights to write short plays exploring the theme of ageing and the challenges of navigating an ageist world. Notable playwrights Jane Gilchrist, Debra Kirshenbaum, Ann Lambert, Kent Stetson, Judith Thompson and Rahul Varma came together to generate new digital work. Beautifully shot and edited, Still Got Something to Say: 6 Plays on Age is a treat to watch. It streams from June 1-15; tickets are pay-what-you-decide. You can watch the trailer here.
Many fantastic Montreal theatre artists made this show possible. We hope you’ll decide to watch it, and please share it with everyone you think might appreciate it!
Click on the button above to find out more about our upcoming production funded by the Canada Council for the Arts.
One of MWOS's partners... Enjoy!
Presented on a digital platform as a cohesive pieceStill Got Something to Say: 6 Plays on AgeWed. June 1 (19:30) to Wed. June 15 (24:00), on Facebookhttps://...
A new year has begun... onward to FY22. MWOS members, please note: that along with a new year beginning, comes the collection of the basic Annual Dues. This year, the standard membership fee has been set at 30$. All those interested in seeing MWOS continue and become a viable organization again, are encouraged to send dues to [email protected]. Any contribution (over and above the dues) will be eligible for a charitable tax deduction receipt. Life Members are encouraged to send a Donation (by e-money transfer) to [email protected]. And, of course -cheques payable to MWOS are also accepted. Monthly Donations can be arranged via Canada Helps, Thank you for supporting MWOS!
Our AGM was held on June 28. An exciting proposal was discussed concerning an annual December production of a Gilbert and Sullivan-flavoured rendition of Dicken's 'Christmas Carol'. There is a call now for volunteers to work on Production Planning. Should this interest you, or if you know of someone who might be tapped for this task, please do send an email to: [email protected]
Thank you for being an MWOSer! We salute you: Susan Atkinson, Carol Brodkin-Sang, Elena Cerrolaza, Christine Dandurand, Diane Dandurand, Dael Foster, Susan Germinario, Shelagh Glover, Gil Hymer, Yvanna Kroitor, Julie Larkin, Bruce Lochhead, Shaun Lynch, Andrew Macdougall, Rod MacLeod, Rodrigo Monardes Marin, Kerry McKeown, Jane Needles, Margaret A. Quinlan, Roshani Selvarajah, Phil Shea, Jean Stutsman, Mary Vipond, and María-Inés Zylber as of May 31, 2021 (the end of our Pandemic Year FY21).
Hear ye...hear ye! MWOS is collecting membership fees of 15$ now for FY21 (Jan.-May). Please consider paying online - by sending an electronic payment from your bank to [email protected] Thank you!
Congratulations to former MWOSers featured in the recent La Scena Musicale magazine (Feb-March edition,2021): VALERIE POISSON (MWOS Choir, 2020), SUZY TAFFOT (La Chauve Souris, 2015) and MAGALI SIMARD-GALDES (Orpheus, 2012)!
What MWOS is up to:
Message to MWOS Membership 2021-01-12
Hello Everyone,
A very Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you, as we continue to experience the weirdness that has befallen all of us over the past 9 months. But there is a light at the end of this very long tunnel.
I am sorry not to have written before now to bring you up to speed but we ourselves are trying to figure out all the ins and outs of what we can and cannot do in terms of MWOS. But finally, we are ready to engage all of you in the first steps to becoming an active player in the theatre scene again. We encourage you to send us your ideas and suggestions.
First, we would like to call a Special General Meeting on January 25, 2021, at 7:00 PM– on a Zoom call – (a separate email will be sent with the link closer to the date.) This will be to ratify the decision discussed at the AGM last year and now finessed by the Management Team in terms of Membership Fees. The Management Team is recommending that dues in the amount of $30 be instituted as of January 1, 2021, and that this fee is considered a Basic Membership Fee. This means it is not eligible to be considered for a tax receipt but allows privileges of membership (such as participation in events organized by MWOS at a reduced rate or otherwise, discounts on offers of various sorts including perhaps admission to events of other groups or companies, etc.). This amount is comparable to fees set by other non-profit member-driven organizations.
We did discuss the possibility of charging a Performance Fee should we happen to schedule a production or performance requiring technical support, rentals, etc., but the likelihood of having a performance in 2021 remains rather remote given the Covid situation.
I am quoting here the terms that were presented as the Membership Policy at the September General Meeting, as they have been refined to reflect the above:
Montreal West Operatic Society (MWOS)
Policy for Membership
Membership in MWOS is open to anyone who supports and upholds the mandate, mission and vision of the organization. Membership is granted for one (1) year at a time and is payable as of the beginning of the fiscal year of the organization. (Current fiscal year is June 1 to May 31)
Membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors on an annual basis, the amount of which shall be presented to the AGM for ratification.
Categories of Membership
Basic Membership shall entitle the individual to receive communications, newsletters, invitations to concerts or events, a vote at the AGM, and a member in good standing may be eligible to stand for election to the Board of Directors.
Performance Membership will be a supplementary amount charged over and above the basic membership which shall entitle the individual to participate in and be a part of all concerts or events presented by MWOS.
Life-Time Membership may be conferred on an individual in recognition of their contribution to MWOS over time and involvement. This membership is granted by the Board of Directors and carries no charge. It is valid for life unless rescinded by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors for just cause.
Honorary Membership – may be conferred on an individual in recognition of contributions or involvement in the organization over a period of time. Such persons shall not be required to pay dues, shall have voting rights and may be eligible to stand for election to the Board of Directors
Guest Performers shall be those who are invited to participate in an event or performance of the organization. There shall not be a fee charged to these individuals.
See By-Law #3 for further description of member rights and privileges.
Application process
Basic Membership shall be applicable to all members on an annual basis. Any person wishing to become a member of MWOS shall put their request in writing to the Board of Directors, who shall not withhold approval unreasonably.
Once the approval has been noted in the minutes of any board meeting the new or returning member shall be obligated to pay the annual fee. There may be an adjustment to annual fees paid after one-half of the fiscal year, upon decision and approval of the Board of Directors. No dues or fees shall be less than one-half of the regular full amount per year.
Performance membership shall be applied when there are plans for an event or events which involve members who wish to perform. This fee will be applied to help offset the costs of mounting any performance event and shall be charged only once per year.
There shall be no tax receipts issued for basic fees as they are not eligible for such consideration.
Membership status may be revoked by the Board of Directors at any time for just cause.
Privileges of Membership
Basic Membership
· Voting at all Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings
· Eligible to stand for a Board position
· Invitations to various events and performances
Performance Membership
· Person is already a basic member
· Pays an annual supplementary fee for performance or event inclusion
· Member is entitled to participate in an event or performance
· Invitations to various events and performances
Life Membership
· Does not pay any annual dues or fees
· Voting at all Annual General or Special Meetings
· Eligible to stand for Board positions
· Invitations to various events and performances
Honorary Membership
· No vote at Annual General or Special Meetings
· Can receive all documentation presented to these above-named meetings
· Invitations to various events and performances.
Relief from Membership fees
Upon written request to the Board of Directors by means of communication to the Secretary of the Board, a member can request permission for exemption or reduction of annual fees by resolution of the Board of Directors for financial reasons. This request is to be submitted each year and cannot be renewable on a regular basis without just cause.
* * * * * * * * * *
Another way in which we really hope that you will participate is to sit on (or work with) the PPC – the committee spearheading MWOS Activities for 2021.
Yes, the PPC is valiantly trying to carry on, but they need your help. Brainstorming is the key. What are your thoughts? Here are some ideas to start off:
· Set up a Trivia Game night on a G&S operetta of your choice, invite people to participate and share their knowledge of the G&S repertoire – teams and individuals can be a part of this, and Music becomes the key.
· Information is being gathered on the possibility of a grant from ELAN. This project is related to the preparation of activities involving the on-line participation of shut-in seniors. The seniors would be invited to events that take them out of their environment for a short time to do something interesting and different.
· A Karaoke night – using G&S music or other sources
· Sharing videos of past productions of MWOS by Zoom
· And now, it is your turn!
Please send your ideas to the Chair of the PPC – Gil Hymer at [email protected] .
Together, we can regenerate the enthusiasm and excitement of actually doing something, rather than feeling isolated and alone. We all need this, and you are the experts at what can be done. So, I am counting on all of you to work with me to rebuild the heart of MWOS to what we know it can be.
We are off and running! I am looking forward to meeting the challenges we all face in this New Year. Yes, we can do it, my friends – you have done it before and will do it again.
All best wishes!
Jane Needles, MWOS President
Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Montreal West Operatic Society, Inc. posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Contact The Business
Send a message to Montreal West Operatic Society, Inc.:
Thank you for being an MWOSer! We salute you: Susan Atkinson, Carol Brodkin-Sang, Elena Cerrolaza, Christine Dandurand, Diane Dandurand, Dael Foster, Susan Germinario, Shelagh Glover, Gil Hymer, Yvanna Kroitor, Julie Larkin, Bruce Lochhead, Shaun Lynch, Andrew Macdougall, Rod MacLeod, Rodrigo Monardes Marin, Kerry McKeown, Jane Needles, Margaret A. Quinlan, Roshani Selvarajah, Phil Shea, Jean Stutsman, Mary Vipond, and María-Inés Zylber as of May 31, 2021 (the end of our Pandemic Year FY21).
'Love is a Plaintive Song'
Preview of the MWOS "G&S's PATIENCE" video, featuring Kripa Nageshwar, as Patience. A taste of beautiful things to come...
Last Chance performance at The Piggery Theatre, North Hatley, QC. SATURDAY, MAY 31 @ 8pm. Come see this delightful show before it's too late! Tickets (20$): 819-842-2431/[email protected]
video by: K.W.Kierstead, Civerex
Want your business to be the top-listed Travel Agency?
MWOS:Community Theatre since 1939
In large part due to the support and interest shown by you, other Life Members, and the wider theatre community, MWOS, as it is affectionately known, has now re-opened, after closing for a month. Thank you for your continued support!
To share an MWOS story, make a comment/ suggestion, please either post here, or write to: [email protected].
Thank you for helping to create wonderful experiences!
We, The Montreal West-end Operatic Society (formally, The Montreal West Operatic Society) have been entertaining audiences in the greater Montreal area for 80 years!
Membership in the Society is open to anyone with an interest in singing a variety of songs from musical theatre in general (Gilbert and Sullivan), and selections from Opera and Operetta to Broadway hits. Cast members are all unpaid volunteers, and range from serious amateurs who perform for the sheer fun of it to music students seeking to hone their vocal and dramatic skills to bona fide professionals looking to broaden their repertoires. The singers are supported by a cadre of non-singing volunteers who work on all aspects of the production, from set construction to ticket sales to front-of-house operations to publicity.
The Montreal West-end Operatic Society has, for many years, been a proud supporter of the Montreal Children's Hospital. In fact, the Society celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1989 with a gala performance of 'The Gondoliers', for the benefit of the Children's. In addition, each year Society members precede their Christmas party by going door-to-door in Montreal West singing carols and collecting donations, contributing all the funds raised to the hospital. All profits generated by the distribution of show programmes were also donated to the Children's.
In 2014, we celebrated our 75th anniversary of producing operetta. Although we specialize in Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, we also produce bilingual comic pieces by other composers. In 2012, we staged Offenbach's 'Orpheus in the Underworld/Orphée aux Enfers' - dialogue in English and songs in French. In 2015, we repeated the experience by producing 'La Chauve-Souris/The Bat' (Die Fledermaus) by Johann Strauss. The English dialogue was revised by MWOS's own Rod MacLeod. The premiere of Montreal's first bilingual production of 'La Chauve Souris' in the Montreal area was a great success.
MWOS's final theatrical production was 'The Gondoliers', staged in May 2016, at the Harold Greenspon Theatre, courtesy of the City of Cote Saint Luc. Due to severe budget constrictions, it was decided that MWOS would stage fundraising concerts to fill the coffers for its next production.
In 2016-2018, MWOS showcased local talent in a series of Musical Theatre concerts - the MWOS musical r***es with selections from opera to Broadway, including comical pieces from our 'Gilbert and Sullivan' operatic repertoire. The first r***e titled: 'Around the World in 80 Minutes' was staged in November/December of 2016 and the second, 'For the Love of MWOS' was staged in 2017 and 2018.
Since then, MWOS has performed as a small choral group of about a dozen choristers with guest soloists, for senior groups and churches. Donations were gratefully received and helped defray the costs of rehearsing and performing. Appreciative audiences have requested that the singers return. The group may decide to answer the call, as an independent entity, no longer under the 'MWOS' banner. In essence, the 'Wand'ring Ministrels' may continue to delight audiences for years to come.
Contact: [email protected]