What's that beeping sound?
Clear skies - so weather is not a problem, but what's that beeping sound?
Animation of 24 hours worth of global air traffic. Pretty cool. And all those flights are watching Aviation Weather Today, right?
(Recorded yesterday and approved for public release. This video is on the front page of the Lockheed Martin web site.) Test pilot Graham Tomlinson guides the supersonic F-35B Lightning II
stealth fighter in a 40-knot (46 mph) flight above Naval Air Station
Patuxent River, Md., then descends for a 75-knot (86 mph) slow landing.
The flight on Wednesday, March 10, was one of the last missions before
the aircraft's first vertical landing. The F-35B features a
shaft-driven lift fan propulsion system that produces more than 41,000
pounds of vertical thrust, enabling airspeeds from zero to Mach 1.6.
F-35B customers include the U.S. Marine Corps, the United Kingdom's
Royal Air Force and Royal Navy, and the Italian Air Force and Navy.