Å ogad sajÅ«ta, ka visi kÄ izslÄpuÅ”i ceļo nepierasti daudz.
CeļoÅ”ana savÄ bÅ«tÄ«bÄ man vienmÄr Ŕķitusi Ä«paÅ”a, process, kas vienmÄr tiek pÄrdomÄts, plÄnots, tam atlikts budžets, un Å”is notikums vienmÄr bijis gaidÄ«ts. Å ogad sajÅ«tas ir citÄdÄkas.
CeļoŔana visiem kļuvusi paŔsaprotama.
TÄpÄc arÄ« populÄrie galamÄrÄ·i man vairs neŔķiet tik saistoÅ”i.
Kad jautÄju cilvÄkiem uzminiet, kur mÄs brauksim, Å”o neuzminÄja neviens. Serbija, patiesÄ«bÄ visai netradicionÄla valsts atvaļinÄjumam, kad visi raujas uz SpÄniju, ItÄliju vai kÄdu citu populÄru galamÄrÄ·i.
Nu tad kÄpÄc Serbija? Nu tieÅ”i tÄpÄc, ka neko par Å”o valsti nezinÄm, nepazÄ«stam nevienu, kas tur bijis un bija sajÅ«ta, ka jÄdod Å”ai valstij iespÄja, tÄpat kÄ AlbÄnijai, kas starp citu bija viens no skaistÄkajiem ceļojumiem, kas mums bijis.
KÄ Tev Å”ogad ar ceļoÅ”anu? Vai arÄ« sanÄcis to darÄ«t netipiski daudz?
This year, it feels like everyone is traveling unusually, much as if they were thirsty.
Traveling in its essence has always seemed special to me, a process that is always thought through, planned, and budgeted for, and this event has always been expected. This year, the feelings are different.
Traveling has become so usual to everyone. That's why typical destinations aren't so interesting to me.
When I asked people to guess where we were going, no one guessed. Serbia, in fact, is a very unconventional country for a vacation when everyone rushes to Spain, Italy or some other popular destination.
So why Serbia? Well, exactly why, because we don't know anything about this country, we don't know anyone who has been there and we felt that we should give this country a chance, just like Albania, which by the way was one of the most beautiful trips we had.
How about you and traveling this year? Is it more oten than usual?