My sister .kerani and I just signed with a literary agent for our book!!!
Back in 2016 I wrote a poem based on an idea that got stuck in my head: "What if the villain in the fairy tale did all the villainous things, but was secretly the good guy?"
Basically, what would make some do objectively evil things that they knew were bad, but it turned out they were actually saving everyone and no one knew? This may or may not have been influenced by my obsession with the musical Wicked.
When I told my sister Kerani, she looked at me and said "I really love that. Let's write a book about it."
And so we did. Back and forth over 5 years, we grew the story of sisters Rose and Myrla, one who became the Queen and the other the wicked faerie. Whenever one of us got stuck we would, the other was there to take a turn or come up with that great idea that fixed the plot hole or pacing problem. As we wrote over time, the changes in our lives as we settled into adulthood and especially parenthood as well as the changes in our own relationship, all found their way into this book.
Now, finally, we have accomplished the first step to having our story be an actual book that our friends can pick up and hold and read. And we are so excited!
Thanks to everyone who read the book and gave us feedback. Especially Jason, who saw the beautiful, overarching theme of the book that we hadn't even written on purpose and helped me bring it to the surface. And thank you to , Kaitlyn, , Marie, and Marieke, for being our beta readers :)